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-2021 AMC 8 考题及答案Problem 1Which of the following values is largestProblem 2Alicia, Brenda, and Colby were the candidates in a recent election for student president. The pie chart below shows how the votes were distributed among the three candidates. If Brenda received 36 votes, then how many votes were cast all togetherartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_2Problem 3What is the value of the e*pressionartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_3Problem 4When 0.000315 is multiplied by 7,928,564 the product is closest to which of the followingartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_4Problem 5What is the value of the e*pressionartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_5Problem 6If the degree measures of the angles of a triangle are in the ratio, what is the degree measure of the largest angle of the triangleartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_6Problem 7Letbe a 6-digit positive integer, such as 247247, whose first three digits are the same as its last three digits taken in the same order. Which of the following numbers must also be a factor ofartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_7Problem 8Malcolm wants to visit Isabella after school today and knows the street where she lives but doesnt know her house number. She tells him, My house number has two digits, and e*actly three of the following four statements about it are true.(1) It is prime.(2) It is even.(3) It is divisible by 7.(4) One of its digits is 9.This information allows Malcolm to determine Isabellas house number. What is its units digitartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_8Problem 9All of Marcys marbles are blue, red, green, or yellow. One third of her marbles are blue, one fourth of them are red, and si* of them are green. What is the smallest number of yellow marbles that Marcy could haveartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_9Problem 10A bo* contains five cards, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Three cards are selected randomly without replacement from the bo*. What is the probability that 4 is the largest value selectedartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_10Problem 11A square-shaped floor is covered with congruent square tiles. If the total number of tiles that lie on the two diagonals is 37, how many tiles cover the floorartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_11Problem 12The smallest positive integer greater than 1 that leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 4, 5, and 6 lies between which of the following pairs of numbersartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_12Problem 13Peter, Emma, and Kyler played chess with each other. Peter won 4 games and lost 2 games. Emma won 3 games and lost 3 games. If Kyler lost 3 games, how many games did he winartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_13Problem 14Chloe and Zoe are both students in Ms. Demeanors math class. Last night they each solved half of the problems in their homework assignment alone and then solved the other half together. Chloe had correct answers to onlyof the problems she solved alone, but overallof her answers were correct. Zoe had correct answers toof the problems she solved alone. What was Zoes overall percentage of correct answersartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_14Problem 15In the arrangement of letters and numerals below, by how many different paths can one spell AMC8 Beginning at the A in the middle, a path allows only moves from one letter to an adjacent (above, below, left, or right, but not diagonal) letter. One e*ample of such a path is traced in the picture.artofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_15Problem 16In the figure below, choose pointonso thatandhave equal perimeters. What is the area ofartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_16Problem 17Starting with some gold coins and some empty treasure chests, I tried to put 9 gold coins in each treasure chest, but that left 2 treasure chests empty. So instead I put 6 gold coins in each treasure chest, but then I had 3 gold coins left over. How many gold coins did I haveartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_17Problem 18In the non-conve* quadrilateralshown below,is a right angle, and.What is the area of quadrilateralartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Problem_18Problem 19For any positive integer, the notationdenotes the product of the integersthrough. What is the largest integerfor whichis a factor of the sumartofproblemsolving./wiki/inde*.phptitle=2021_AMC_8_Problems/Proble
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