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2019年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 16 练习题 冀教版. Listen and choose the correct face. . Match the picture and the words.1. happy 2. sad3. hot 4. cold . Yes or No. (判断对错,如果图与单词相配在空格里写Yes, 否则写No。)1. hot _2. sad _ 3. cold _ 4. happy _. Look and number the picture. (根据对话给图标号。)1. Hello! My name is Danny. Whats your name?2. My name is Jenny.3. Good-bye, Jenny!4. Good-bye, Danny!A . _ B. _C. _ D. _ 答案. a. b. c. d. . 1. cold 2. hot 3. happy 4. sad 5. hungry. 1. no 2. yes 3. no 4. no 5. yes. A. 2 B. 4 C. 3 D. 1习题精选(二)一、How are you today? Draw yourself.(今天你感觉怎么样?来张自画像吧。) 二、Talk about the pictures(描述图片).答案略附送:2019年五年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 17 练习题 冀教版一 、看图补全对话。1. This is a _. It has a _.2. This is a _. We write it on _.3. This is a _. You write it on _. This is a _二、读单词,判断每组单词中划线字母的发音是否相同,用或表示。1. table stamp ( )2. postcard puter ( )3. letter bed ( )4. corner her ( )5. letter he ( )三、读下面的对话,根据内容,从所给的选项中选出正确答案,填在横线上。A: Hi.Danny? B: .Jenny! A: ?B: which one?A: .B: Yes.you may.here you are. A _B one yuan. A:_1. Hi.2. I get take three.3. May I see this postcard? 4. How much for this postcard?5. The postcard has a monkey on it.四、阅读理解。I want to send a postcard to my mother and father. I walk to shop to buy them. A postcard has a panda on it! Another postcard has a picture of the Palace Museum! They are very beautiful. I decide to send the postcard with a panda to my mother. I decide to send another postcard to my father. The postcards is five yuan. I take them.1. Whom do I want to send the postcard?A. My mother B. My father C. My mother and my father D. None2. Which postcard do I sent to my mother?A. The postcard of the Palace Museum.B. The postcard of a panda. C. The postcard of my mother. D. The postcard of my father.3. Which postcard do I sent to my father?A. The postcard of the Palace Museum B. The postcard of my mother C. The postcard of my fatherD. The postcard of a panda答案一、1. postcard.picture 2.letter.paper 3 emailputer 4puter 二、 三、四、1. C 2. B 3. A
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