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装订线Module 5 Unit 2 The environment(一)课题 : M5U2第一课时 教学目标:识记并掌握M5U2中的高频单词,词汇拓展,重要表达教学重难点:通过背诵和练习等训练记住M5U2中的高频单词,词汇拓展,重要表达教学过程集体备课部分(学生活动部分)个性备课部分/学生记录导学过程 Task 1【自主学习】检测早读内容高频单词职责,义务 duty 回收利用 recycle 赞扬;信用 credit 数量 quantity 愿意的,乐意的 willing 商品,货品 goods 逮捕 arrest 海关;关税 customs 羽毛 feather 栅栏,篱笆 fence 冲突;矛盾 conflict减少 decrease 范围;排列 range 措施;估量 measure 保护conservation气候 climate 交通工具vehicle 发动机,引擎 engine 消耗;消费 consume燃料;加油fuel 工厂,发电厂 plant 吸收;理解absorb 十年 decade 讲究的;特别的 particular词汇拓展1. production n. 生产;产量 produce v. 生产,制造 product n. 作品,产物 producer 生产者 productive 多产的;有收获的 2. greedy adj. 贪心的;贪婪的 greed n. 贪心,贪婪3. responsibility n. 责任;职责 responsible adj. 有责任的,应负责的4. belief n.信念;相信 believe v. 相信5. environmental adj. 环境的 environment n. 环境 6. operate v.操作;运转;起作用 operation n.运转;操作 operator 操作者;技师7. arrival n. 到达,到来 arrive vi. 到达,抵达8. impress vt.使印象深刻 impression n. 印象impressive 给人印象深刻的9.illegal adj.非法的legal adj.合法的10. appreciate vt. 赏识,感激 appreciation n. 鉴赏;认识11. electrical adj.与电有关的 electric adj. 用电的electricity n. 电,电流 electronic电子的 12. flow vi. 流动 flowed 过去式 flowed 过去分词重要词组及表达方式1. 自由发言 open the floor 2. 导致 result in 3. 增长了六倍 grow by six times 4. 削减cut back on / cut down on 5. 对非常担忧 be very concerned about6. 允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth. 7. 四处打听ask around 8. 把视作 think of as 9. 记住keep sth. in mind 10.在到来时upon / on the arrival of 11.拾垃圾pick up rubbish 12. 对进行研究do research into13. 在进行中 under way 14. 关于in /with regard to 15. 释放/排放出let off 16. 在这种情况下 in this case 17. 找到满足感 find a sense of satisfaction18. 尤其in particular 19. 尽某人的一份力 do ones part 20. 采取措施take steps/ measures 21. 献身于devote oneself to 22. 把置于危险之中put in danger23. 最后但并非不重要 last but not least 24. 排队等候 queue up 25. 消耗尽可能少的能量use as little energy as possible 26. 给.造成伤害 cause/ do damage to27. 给某人更多的称赞give sb. more credit 28. 有利于环境的 be friendly to the environment ,当堂检测单词检查 一,默写1.职责,义务 2. 回收利用 3.赞扬;信用 4.数量 5.愿意的,乐意的 6.商品,货品 7.逮捕 8.海关;关税 9.羽毛 10.栅栏,篱笆11冲突;矛盾 12范围;排列 13措施;估量 14保护 15气候 16交通工具 17发动机,引擎 18消耗;消费 19燃料;加油 20工厂,发电厂 21吸收;理解 22十年 23讲究的;特别的 24. n. 责任;职责 adj. 有责任的,应负责的25 n.信念;相信 v. 相信26 n. 到达,到来 vi. 到达,抵达27 vt.使印象深刻 n. 印象impressive 28 vt. 赏识,感激 n. 鉴赏;认识二, 根据汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。1.Are you sure that it is an_(environment) friendly method?2.A healthy environment is important for our_(survive.)3.The prescription of drugs is a doctors_(responsible).4.The department store is well _(operate).5.There is a general _(believe) that things will soon get better.6.I was greatly _(impress) by his story.7. We only sell fresh _ (product) from local farms. All we sell is green and healthy.词组检查 一,默写1.自由发言_2.用完,耗尽_. 3.尽某人的职责_4.关于,至于_.5. 释放/排放出_6.最后但并非不重要_7.尤其,特别_8.打扫(或清除)干净_9.找出,挑选_10.进行中_11. 把置于危险之中_12把归咎于_二,用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空In regard to; queue up; in particular; pick out; as long as; clean up; open the floor; be concerned about; cut back on; think ofas1. He doesnt mind a little bit of pollution _it means people have jobs.2. I _ Dora. She looks so pale, and she has no appetite.3. Now we will _ to discuss whether we will have an outing next week.4. What can you do to help _ the environment?5. Do you have suggestions _ my difficult situation?6. My sister Honey loves watching romantic motives_.7. People usually _ waiting to buy tickets to the amusement park before.8. The little boy refuses to eat this fruit without first _ the stones.装订线课后作业:背诵单词短语并完成重要单词的相关练习。课堂反思 4
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