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5u.co专项2单项填空非谓语动词.Its almost mnfor de ame noadays t hav mutp endings _ thepaer coie uring gaeplay.A.depeds on B.dpendg on depended on Dt epndon【答案】B【题型】单选【难度】较易2.This o is wrh_A to ead Breads C.red D.eading【答案】D【解析】考察非谓语动词。be orh oin“值得做”,这里是积极表被动。句意是:这本书值得看。选D。【题型】单选【难度】一般3._histelepn nu or emai addrss, sh hadsme dicuty geting intouch wih on. A. Not kowin Nt kowC.Not knwn D.Not havignwn【答案】A【解析】考察非谓语动词。Not knowin为目前分词的否认形式,在句中作因素状语,含随着状况,相称于ecuse she idnt no his telphon numbr。【题型】单选【难度】一般4.e ran fta hold _toathh bs.ope . oho C. hopig D. hped【答案】C【解析】此题的最佳答案不是,而是C,其中的目前分词短语oping to cach tbus用做随着状语,即一边跑一边但愿能赶上汽车。但是,如果选,将to he to cahthe bus视为目的状语行不行呢?不行。由于“她拼命地跑”目的是“为了赶上公共汽车”,而不是“为了但愿赶上公共汽车”,换句话说,将“但愿”作为“目的”不当。由于同样的因素,下面一题也应选hing。【题型】单选【难度】较难5. Asthe filmstar bentapper,the chidre wahed,_.Aainti B.acinteCbing fascite Dhavi fascinad【答案】B【题型】单选【难度】一般_whr too, e skda passrby orelp.A. Having lost i wayanddidnt now B. ig his way anddin knwC. Hving lost hs way and not knowinD Lotisway andint knw【答案】C【解析】考察分词做状语的用法。当动词与句子的主语构成积极关系的时候,使用目前分词做状语;如果该动词的倒装发生在谓语动作之前,使用完毕式hvig done。否认式是在前面加No。如果两者构成被动关系,就使用过去分词的形式。句意:由于迷路了也不懂得去那里,她向一种过路人求助。故C对的。【题型】单选【难度】较难 7_ aon te cultual reic or almst n hur, we gt togthr unr ig ee for a shorbrakA. Havng shw B avingbeen ownC To w D. To be【答案】B【解析】考察状语的用法。for almost an hr要和avig shn(表积极)或avig be shwn(表被动)连用。根据题的意思为被动-我们被领着参观。选.翻译为“我们先被领着参观了一种小时的文化遗迹, 然后在树底下集合休息一小会。”【题型】单选【难度】一般【题型】单选【难度】一般8.ycling is aoway f exerise d iquite sy _. A. tod . o be done C. oing D. eigdone【答案】A考点:本题重点考察不定式用法。点评:解答此类题型要掌握不定式的基本用法,同步还要仔细分析句子构造,主语补语与主语不是被动关系,由此可排除最具困惑性的B选项。【题型】单选【难度】一般9.Mothe told m _a nosinte hal. nt e . maent to C. notto me D. toma not【答案】C【解析】考察不定式的否认形式。句意:妈妈告诉过我不要在大厅里制造噪音。Tell后用带to的不定式,其否认形式是在o前加nt,故选C。【题型】单选【难度】较易1._ wth teenswo spen mch of thei freetim in ront f TV sets,tose whoare phscally aciv ften hae ette raeA.CmreB. ocompr. CompangD. Havingompred【答案】A【解析】考察非谓语动词。句意:与把诸多空闲时间花在电视机前的青少年相比,积极运动的那些人分数更高。Compared with/to.与相比较,故选A。【题型】单选【难度】较难11. Th lades re uppose tocae abt the segs e pel.Corary to that, ome o thmct withthir s _ ttherealt.A.cosing . cosd to lose D. beinclosed【答案】B【题型】单选【难度】一般1.ter competn andsing t, pes turn he form tous i the envelop_. . prviB. proidedC hvngprovided D. roid【答案】B【解析】考察非谓语动词的用法。此处动词rovid与其逻辑主语nelop之间是被动关系,在句中作定语,相称于whc is prvded。句意为:完毕并签名后,请把表格放入我们提供的信封内送回。选B。【题型】单选【难度】一般13 hae a o the readng_ b theedof hs tr if mypln goes well. completng B to cpteC cometed D. ig completed【答案】【解析】考察构造:haet.done,使某事被做,题中是让所有的读物被完毕,因此选C。【题型】单选【难度】较易14ou know tht _ with ws men improvs yournd? A chat B cas C. atted D. htting 【答案】D【解析】考察动名词短语做主语。Caingwit ise mn是一种动名词短语在句中做主语,背面的动词用单数。【题型】单选【难度】一般Regrdess ofthin _ “stop”, eintended o drve aeadbut as prevented by policeman.A.teling B. goin C. wing . sayin【答案】【题型】单选【难度】较易._ serl is,th yugscientstill ket on oin iseeriments.A. aing failed . Havgen fald C. ied . al【答案】【解析】分词动作fai与其逻辑主语th oung cienst之间是积极关系,故用目前分词作时间状语,又由于目前分词的动作发生在谓语动作之前,故用目前分词的完毕时。【题型】单选【难度】一般1.nada a cnry _mny diferent nationlitiesas l as one wit foreign iigrnts_ he mjoriy f oplaton.A makin up of; aeup onsisng of; makinupC mae up f; consistsf D.cnsitd of; ae 【答案】B【解析】句意:加拿大是一种由许多不同民族构成的国家,也是一种移民占大多数人口的国家。const “由构成”,没有被动形式,bemdeu of“由构成”,ake u“构成,占比例”,此处是两个分词短语做定语,和被修饰词均为积极关系,故用目前分词,答案选B。【题型】单选【难度】一般18udyo show me th T se you d ike _? o hve epaire repairing it. tohave epairedD oairit【答案】A【解析】考察短语。have sth. done句意:你能把你想修的电视让我看看吗?此题中具有一种定语从句,先行词为th V st,后省略了关系词thtwhich,youd ikethave后缺少宾语,因此选A。【题型】单选【难度】较难 19Why idt com to the prty? I ad meant _, ut smehg unxpectd hpned. sB. tha not. to 【答案】【题型】单选【难度】一般20Its a
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