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Toefl 作文机经2013年北美托福独立写作题目及解题思路(2013托福写作机经/2013托福写作真题),2014年中国大陆托福将以重复2013年北美NA题目为主。2013NA托福写作真题汇总及解析1月12日 Parents learn more from their children than their children do from them nowadays. 此题disagree较容易按照分类理由,从parents生活经验丰富,技能多,人脉广等角度展开,强调孩子可以从父母身上学到的东西即可。如选择Agree,更挑战,更适合文笔发挥,拿到满分1.Wide availability of internetabundant resource on educationaccess for children to improve their ability and skills on their ownmore capable in terms of life and workclose to parentsbe the portal for parents to catch up with the fast-changing world2.Fiercer competitiondemand for advanced and latest technology and skillsrelatively easier for children to embrace for their intellectual level and stage of lifealso a missing part in parents educationparents learn from children to fit into the society3.让步2月2日 在经济危机时期(times of economy crisis),你认为政府应该减少下面哪一方面少花钱?-Education-Health Care-Support for unemployed思路1:选educationeducation的不重要原因health care重要的原因support for unemployment重要的原因思路2:选educationeducation不重要的原因1education不重要的原因2health care 和 support for unemployment重要的原因分别讲述几句话思路3:选educationeducation不重要的原因1education不重要的原因2education不重要的原因3至于education为什么不重要,则属于常见的否定某事物存在价值的理由探讨。例题:广告越来越不诚实,是否可以忽略广告?如同意可忽略,则讲述广告为什么不重要。这类否定某事物A的存在价值的理由探讨,可固定为3个方面1.A自身的缺陷(广告不诚实,无法提供信息参考/教育投入需求过大,政府无力支持)2.A有更好的替代品B(有口碑,试用装等替代广告作用/有现有的教育资源和网络资源可以更好利用)3.A的作用虽然有,但是无法被外界接受到(广告量大,每天接受过多,无法挑选有用的信息来判断是否购买/经济危机时期,生存问题为主要考量,人们无心投入心力在教育方面)2月23日 In order to attract good students, university should spent a lot of money in society activities此题考察social activity和good students之间的逻辑联系容易出错地方是大部分同学可能只写到了social activity的好处和功能,而忽略了是否这些功能能吸引好学生来这个学校 Agree1.social activityinteraction with various types of studentsexpand ones social networkhelp in the futureattract good students2.social activityshape multiple skills that hardly can be learned within classsupplement for normal educationimprove the quality of educationattract good students3.让步,学术足够牛逼,也能吸引不少好学生来钻研学术3月2日 People should state their honest opinions even though they know others will disagree with their views.Agree1.bold to expressmake sure no misunderstandingbuild up the trustwin the respect from others-2.dare to state honest opinionsafter discussion and argumenta chance to help others or oneself to improve3.让步,不能过于执着和极端,要注意表达的方式和情绪。3月22日Though modern agricultural practices damage the environment, feeding the worlds growing population is more important than protecting against environmental damage.Disagree1.feeding the population at the cost of hurting the environmentpose a real and irreversible threat to the food production in the long runendanger the future generationunwise choice2.Many solutions can be taken to ease and lessen the poverty problemscharity, reasonable distribution of food, recyclable resource and energy, awareness3.让步,短期的,局部的行为,解决特别棘手的问题,则可以,而全球范围内不行4月6日 Teachers are appreciated and valued nowadays not as much as they were before.此题类似2012年NA题Teachers had a greater influence on young people in the past than they do today.问题核心:同两个事物之间关系过去和现在进行对比。A对B影响大与否,取决于A和B的相处时间,B对A的需求程度,B对A的信任程度等因素。注意这里变量有两个,老师和学生都可以变,所以讨论的时候要从两方面开展比较容易。现在教育发达学生在学校时间久于过去教师对学生的影响更大现在教师能力更大,学生也更看重学习教师对学生影响更大让步说过去教师对学生也有很大影响,只是没现在这么大参考上题得出此题的思路:1.education improvedhigh demand on teachersteachers are more capablemore appreciated by students2.fierce competition in societystudents value more about knowledgeas the major resource to learn knowledgeteachers are more valued3.让步,也有部分失格的老师,舔着脸自称XX小王子,就是XX女王,XX教父,XX大仙,实在有违师道,哈哈哈。(谁说写资料不可以自high?)4月27日 The best way to reduce air pollution is that government to raise the cost of fuel(petrol)of the cars.有绝对词best,选择disagree讲还有其他什么方法来减少大气污染1. government enact certain lawsprohibit the abuse of vehicleslower the usage of fuel2.government propagandize the public transportationlower the total number of vehicleslower the gasoline cost3.让步说提升价格也有效5月31日 The most important thing people learnt is from families.虽然有绝对词most,但是此题关键不是到底人们学到的最重要的是什么,而是到底来源于哪,所以可以选agree也可以选disagree。有些同学会先定义下这个most important的事是什么,然后再写为什么是来源于家庭。这样做也可以,如定义为responsibility,然后讲家人之间互相照顾,分担,培养责任什么的。高大上的写法是不定义这个most important thing是什么,而是直接分析哪些环境,因素,会导致人学到重要的东西。disagree1.people learn their most important lesson in failuresfamilies are nice and protectivehardship usually is out therehence most important thing often learned from outside 2.people learn their most important lesson in unfamiliar surroundingindependent and alonebe forced to channel ones potentialspur the development of oneselfhence most important thing often learned from outside 3.让步讲述家人能给我们什么,因为家人真诚,等原因。6月8日 Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by only a few large ones.
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