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The uan Season心灵四季Jhn Keat约翰济慈u Sasons fill the meare of theear, Thee are fu sesons in he mnd man;He has his lusty ing, when fncyclear Takes in ll beauy ith anasy span;周而复始四季成一年,心灵也有四季的变迁;人有生意盎然的春天,幻想美景尽收在眼前;H a his ummer,en luxuoulSprngs hondcud of uhful thgthe oves T rumiae,and y suh draig hghI est unto heave:uet oves;人有枝繁叶茂的夏天,爱慕品尝春天的蜜甜,人常迷恋青春的怀念,梦想轻扬几乎飞上天;His so hain s Atmn, when hi wings H furd los; contetedso tl Onmissin idlenes-to let fai thngsass byunedd a a threshld bok. 秋天心栖宁静的海湾,心满意足收起了翅膀,悠闲观看淡淡的雾帘,任凭美事像小溪悄延;e has h Wnter tooof pal mifetre, Or lsehe would frego h mortal natur.人有苍白衰残的冬天,否则天性就无法显现。Tranlated inthinese bCsycissymary on J 4,由茜茜茜茜玛丽于6月24日译成中文
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