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小学新标准英语一年级起始第9册Module3 Unit 1 Today is Halloween一教学目标语言知识目标:1.全体学生能理解和运用Halloween trick or treat give festival scary mask neighbour night 2.全体学生能运用 Today is Halloween.Halloween is an autumn festival in the UK.Its really fun.Children go to their neighbours houses and ask,“Trick or treat?”语言技能目标:学生能够听懂会朗读本课课文,并能听懂和运用所学目标语句谈论节日。情感态度目标:乐于接触外国文化,体会中外文化的异同。二教学重点 掌握功能句并了解万圣节的习俗三教学难点描述节日四教学准备卡片,CD-ROM,多媒体课件。五教学过程:I.Warm- up and lead-in 1. Greeting. Lets have a competition,. Lets see who is the winner.2. Listen and sing the song 3.T:What is the song about? S:New Year.T:New Year is a festival.(teach this word).Do you know another festivals?Today,well learn a new festival.Lets listen and watch the CD-ROM.II.Task presentation 1.Listen and say what festival is it?2.Teach the word,Halloween (write on the blackboard).Teach “Trick or treat?”3.Listen and repeat.4.The task:Talk more about Halloween.Then learn the method to talk about another festivals5.Show the title of M3U1.Read it.III.Text learning 1.Listen and answer :When is Halloween?2.Show the sentence : Halloween is an autumn festival in the UK.Then learn.3.Listen again and answer :What do children do at Halloween? What do the neighbours do at Halloween?4.Show the sentences and learn,Children wear scary clothes.Then teach the word scary mask 5. Show the sentences and learn,Children go to their neighbours houses and ask,“Trick or treat?” 6. Show the sentences and learn ,he neighbours give them sweets. Its really fun.7.Read the sentences8.Listen and repeat.Then read the text.9.Act out the text.IV.Practise1.Read and judge.Halloween is a spring festival.( )Children wear beautiful clothes.( )The neighbours give them sweets.( )They go to neighbours houses and ask :trick or treat .( )They wear hats and masks.( )2.Look the pictures and talk about the Halloween.a.组内讨论b.小组比赛 . Task completion Writing.1.Sum-up :How to talk about a festival.2.Talk about the Mid-Autumn Festival in groups.3.Write down Its an_ festival.We eat _.We eat_.We _._.Summary and homework1. SummarizeNew words: Halloween Trick or treat? give festival scary mask neighbour night Sentences: Today is Halloween.Halloween is an autumn festival in the UK.Its really fun.Children go to their neighbours houses and ask,“Trick or treat?”Function:Talking about festivals2.Homework:a. Copy the words and the sentences.b. Listen and read the text.c.向家人介绍万圣节前夕。六、板书:Module 3 Unit1 Today is Halloween.Halloweenautumn scary clothes. go to their neighbours houses Trick or treat?sweets.whenchildrenneighbours
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