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Chinese-English Translation Strategies on News HeadlinesSubmitted by Student ID number Supervised by A paper submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of ArtsThe Institute of Online EducationBeijing Foreign Studies University 论文摘要新闻对政治、经济、文化和人们的生活有着越来越大的影响,而新闻翻译不仅可以帮助政府、企业、个人获取更多的信息,更是加强国际传播,提高一国软性竞争力的有力途径。鉴于在新闻翻译领域,已有许多关于英翻中的研究成果,而当今形势是急需让世界真正了解中国,本文将主要研究新闻标题的中翻英策略和技巧。 本文从国内外知名的平面媒体和网站选取了三大类数据:中文新闻标题、英文新闻标题、中文新闻标题及其英文翻译,从中总结出了中英文标题的相同之处和各自特色。相似之处在于:对于整则新闻的重要性;简洁是其最突出的特征;使用谚语或新词以使表达丰富;使用修辞手法;常采用缩写、简写;带有独特的文化背景。而中英文标题在句子结构、时态、语态、语法规则等方面则有各自的特点。通过总结分析,作者了解到如何将中译英的基本原则运用于新闻标题的翻译当中,如改变句子结构、改变句子语态、对特殊文化背景的词语进行意译等,并从中总结出一些新闻翻译的特点:由于新闻的时效性对译者的速度和质量有了更高的要求;由于新闻价值、媒体立场、政治社会影响等因素,新闻翻译经常需要编译。笔者希望通过此研究总结出一些基本翻译原则的运用技巧和新闻标题中翻英的特点,可更好地理解新闻标题和翻译新闻标题,并籍此对推动中国的国际传播和提高国际影响尽微薄之力。由于第三部分数据大部分源自网站,样本的有限性可能导致研究的不够全面。希望笔者的尝试可以抛砖引玉。关键词:新闻标题 中译英 翻译技巧AbstractDuring the past century, news has played increasingly powerful role in politics, economy, culture and every aspect of peoples life. News translation not only could help government, corporations, or individuals to know more information they need but also contribute much to international communication, which is regarded as significant remark of one countrys soft power. Based on the fact that many studies have been done about E-C news translation and the urgent need to introduce China and let outsiders get to know China more,this research will mainly focus on C-E news translation, more specifically, on news headlines C-E translation. Headlines are very important in both Chinese & English news, through which readers easily know what the news try to say and decide whether to go further. At personal level, the writer find how to deal with headlines is quite challenging and interesting during previous translating experience in news. This research aims to get a basic idea of the characteristics of Chinese and English news headlines, to summarize the similarities and differences between Chinese and English headlines, to see how basic translation rules applied to C-E news headlines translation and to explore the unique features, skills, or anything should be noticed during C-E news headlines translation based on examples studied. The data to be analyzed include three categories: Chinese News headlines, English news headlines, and Chinese news headlines with their English translations. Through the research result, we could infer how some basic translation strategies applied, peoples common practices and some unique features in C-E news headlines translation. Through this project, the author will better understand news headlines and improve translation skills especially on this text type. Also the author hope the study will contribute a little to the whole course of international communication in China.Keywords: news headlines, translation strategy, C-ETable of ContentsPages1. Introduction 1.1 Research Background 1.1.1 Why news 1.1.2 Why news headlines 1.1.3 Why C-E 1.2 Research Objective 1.3 Project Design 11111121.12. Rationale 22.1 News 2.1.1 Definition of news 2.1.2 Similarities between Chinese and English news headlines 2.1.3 Difference between Chinese and English news headlines 22342.2 Translation Strategy 2.2.1 Definition of news translation 2.2.2 What is translation strategy? 2.2.3 Basic rules applied to news translation 2.2.4 Unique features of news translation 444553. Data Description 3.1 Data Resource and Category3.2 Data Analysis 3.2.1 Chinese news headlines 3.2.2 English news headlines 3.2.3 Chinese news headlines and their translation 5556894. Research Results 4.1 General Techniques in C-E news Headlines Translation 4.1.1 The requirement of preciseness 4.1.2 Cultural background and free translation 4.1.3 Change the parallel structure to a single logical sentence 4.1.4 Choose proper tense or form based on the original meaning 4.1.5 Change the active voice in the original Chinese to the passive voice 4.1.6 Break grammar rules for brevity 4.2 Special Features of News Translation 4.2.1 T
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