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北京语言大学22春英汉 汉英翻译综合作业二答案参考1. They _ cattle mainly for the international market.A.carpenterB.districtC.oxD.breed参考答案:D2. Look, here _.AMr. Brown comesBcomes he Mr. BrownCcomes Mr. BrownDMr. Brown has coLook, here _.AMr. Brown comesBcomes he Mr. BrownCcomes Mr. BrownDMr. Brown has come正确答案:C3. Meet me at the same place _ you did yesterday. Aas Bthat Cwhere DwhatMeet me at the same place _ you did yesterday.AasBthatCwhereDwhatA4. _ (miss)the train means _ (wait)for another two hours_ (miss)the train means _ (wait)for another two hoursMissing$waiting5. Mary is _ of music but I am not.A.pauseB.adventureC.grammaticalD.fond参考答案:D6. This company provides a very good _ service for its products.A.maintenanceB.meritC.philosophyD.pigeon参考答案:A7. When a spacecraft travels, one of the major problems is reentry into the Earths _.A.surfaceB.atmosphereC.attitudeD.bent参考答案:B8. If there is no other way to save a _ person in a tall building on fire, fire fighters may spread a net into which the person can jump.A.voltB.wrappedC.trappedD.deserted参考答案:C9. He _ into the water and rescued the little girl.A.insertedB.slopedC.heapedD.dived参考答案:D10. Some applications, such as Word, allow for severalwindows in a special mode calledMDSome applications, such as Word, allow for severalwindows in a special mode calledMDI in which you can open multiple documents within the same application.参考答案一些应用软件,例如Word,允许几个窗口同时在一个叫做MDI的模式下存在,你能够在一个软件中打开多个文挡。11. Through which _ did you get the information?A.canalB.channelC.placeD.way参考答案:B12. AsociabilityBhonestyCstabilityDreliabilityAsociabilityBhonestyCstabilityDreliability正确答案:A解析:本篇的内容是关于交淡和社交的,只有A项sociability“社交”才符合题意。B项honesty“诚实”,C项stability“稳定”和D项reliability“信赖”在语义上不符合句子意思的要求。13. Send for a doctor quickly. The old man (die) _.Send for a doctor quickly. The old man (die) _.is dying那个人“快死了”,用现在进行时表达将来的意味。14. This is a purely _ problem, not a political one.A.additionalB.advantageC.announceD.academic参考答案:D15. A: Was it in 2003 _ Yang Liwei succeeded _ being launched into space? B: Quite right.A.when, onB.that, onC.when, inD.that, in参考答案:D16. Body language can sometimes lead to ( ) since peop Je of different cultures often haBody language can sometimes lead to ( ) since peop Je of different cultures often have different forms of behavior. for sending the same message or have different interpretations of the same signal.A. effectivenessB. communicationC. agreementD. misunderstanding参考答案:D17. Some corpus studies emphasize either the _ or the qualitative aspects ofSome corpus studies emphasize either the _ or the qualitative aspects of analysis.A. quantitativeB. numberC. cognitiveD. psychological参考答案A18. Can you _ the man who robbed you for your watch?A.illustrateB.exhibitC.damageD.identify参考答案:D19. We can infer from the passage that_.Athe stars we see now no longer existBstars areWe can infer from the passage that_.Athe stars we see now no longer existBstars are much farther away from us than the sunCtelescopes enable us to see stars as they actually areDlike human beings, stars are born and die正确答案:B此题又是一个推理引申题,要求根据全文内容作推断。选项A和选项C的推断是错误的。选项D没有作任何推断,是文章最后明说的。选项B从第四段和第五段中论述太阳和星星与我们之间的距离中推断出:星星比太阳离我们要远得多。20. Dinner,for English people,is the richest meal of the day and is a very formal meal.Many people evenDinner,for English people,is the richest meal of the day and is a very formal meal.Many people even wear special clothes for dinner,so if you are asked out to dinner you must find out whether you are expected to wear a dinner suit,for you would feel very upset if,when you get there,you were the only person in ordinary clothes.Dinner is generally served at about half past seven.All the members of the family sit down together and eat on their best behavior.The head of the family sits at one end of the table,his wife sits at the other end.If there is a guest,he generally sits in the place of honor,which is at the fight of the lady of the house.If there are several guests,the most important is asked to sit there.When the meal conversation is carried on,you should try to get in conversation with the person on your right or left,but you should not try to talk to someone who is a long way from you.对英国人来说,晚餐是一天中最丰盛的一餐,同时也是非常正式的一餐,许多人甚至为此换穿礼服。因此,如果接到邀请外出赴宴,你必须事先了解主人是一否希望你穿晚礼服出席,若是到场后才发现唯独自己身着便装,你肯定会感到浑身不自在。晚餐通常在七点半左右开始。全家上下所有成员坐在一起用餐,非常讲究餐桌礼仪。一家之长坐在餐桌的一端,他的妻子坐在另一端。如果有客人,一般请入上座,坐在女主人的右边。如果来了多个客人,最重要的那位会被邀请坐在那儿。席间谈兴正浓时,你应该尽量与左右邻座攀谈,而不可跟相隔甚远的人交谈。21. He gave an _ ans
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