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Book 1 Unit 5 Grammar -Understanding Attributive Clause I. Three-D targets: Knowledge: To review and understand the function of attributive clause Ability: 1. To react to attributive clause practically.2. To improve the students ability of using attributive clause to explain objects, places etc.Moral: Team work is important.II. Important points and difficult points:1.To help the students understand the function of attributive clause.2. To use relative pronoun and relative adverb correctly.3. To make sure that every student can take part in the tasks. III. Teaching Methods: task-based teaching methodIV. Teaching aids:Multi-media, cards,magnetic pegs,some gifts.VTeaching ProceduresStep 1. Lead-in Read the following sentences and find the attributive clauses.1. Silence, please! Lets welcome our teachers and friends,okay?2. We have already learned grammar attributive clause, havent we? For this period, we will try to understand more about Attributive clause! (on the blackboard)3. Look at the screen, and read these sentences! 1) A plane is a machine that can fly.2) The noodles that I cooked were delicious. 3) Who is the man that is reading a book over there?4) The beautiful teacher who teaches Class 5 is Yuan Jingzongs sister.5) They planted some trees which didnt need much water.6) The fish (which) we bought this morning were not fresh.7) The boy who broke the window is called Tom.8) Mrs Read is the person to whom you should write.9) This is the scientist whose name is known all over the world.10) The room whose window faces south is mine.Ask two students to underline the attributive clause in the sentences above. loudlyStep 2. Understanding the Attributive clause Task 1: Put the cards in proper positions.Can you understand the part of attributive clause in these sentences? Ok, Understand the following three sentences! Show us by the cards.1. The cake was lying in the cage (case) that was found in the cave. 2. A baby is smiling under a tree that stands in the yard that lies below a building that is built on the hill.3. Mat is running after his Dad that is running after a cab that is running after a cat that is running after a rat.Task 2: Looking for gifts.From what the three students showed, we know that if we understand the attributive clause, we can tell the position of an object. Now, I prepared some gifts. But not all of you can have one, only those who understand the attributive better can find the position. Go try to find it. 1. The gift is in the book that is carried by the teacher, in the room, who is giving us a lesson. 2. The gift is an orange which is beneath the chair that is behind the student who is the one of the top students who does the best in the subject which is taught by Yuang jingzongs sister in our school. 3. The gift is hidden in a secret place behind the curtain that is hanging opposite to the door through which we came into the classroom today.4. The gift is in the hands of a person who wears short hair and sits on a piece of paper that is called English Weekly on which there is a picture of dinosaur.5. The gift is in the desk that is in front of the students who are near the windows that are on the wall in which there are two doors.Task 3. Guessing wordsTom, are you happy to have find the gift? Class, do you want some better gifts? Yes, lets guess the words to win the gifts. Rules: 1. Every group has a chance to choose from the six numbers :1(people), 2(objects), 3(places), 4 (time terms), 5(geographical terms) and 6 (food /vegetable names)” 2. Every member of the group has a chance to read (1 point) or orally express ( 2 points) the description on the back of the card. 3. 2 point /1 word.4. Every group is allowed 4 minutes.Are you ready? Group one, choose a number on the screen.Remember, you are to use attributive clause in your explanation! For group one: objects or animals a machine that can tell people time (clock / watch.) a tool that is used to write on paper in ink ( pen ) a container which is on your desk now and it is used to drink water with ( a cup ) a machine that in your kitchen is used to cook rice ( rice-cooker)For group Two: people a person whose job is to give lessons to university students ( professor ) a teacher who teaches us Senior One, class 6 English ( Mr Shen ) a boy who is the tallest in our class (Zhou Zeyuan)For Group Three: place names a place of interest that is one of the wonders in the world (the Great Wall ) a big city where you can see Qin soldiers made of clay ( Xian ) a province where you can visit Shaolin temple ( Henan province)For Group Four: time namesa season when the snow begins to melt and grass begins to come up ( Spring )the period of the time of a day when most peop
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