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2019-2020学年度第一学期期末考试高一英语参考答案一、听力:1. Is it a match with another university?2. Are there any basketball courts here?3. Do you play any sports?4. Over half a million.5. Some of the rooms in the computer center.6. Usually once every three weeks.7. From 2: 00 p.m. to 5: 00 p. m.8. Right outside the east gate.9. when he was riding to town10. Are you going to town?11. My husband is ill12. I want nothing for what I have done.二、阅读理解13-15 BAD 16-18 ACB 19-22 BCAD 23-27 CGDAE三、完形填空28-32 DDBCA 33-37 BDACB 38-42 ADCBA 43-47 CDBCA四、 语法填空48.on 49.congratulations 50.to perform 51.were 52.truly53.being followed 54.the 55.useless 56.who 57.his五、词汇,语法与句子58without 59. respecting 60. which 61. experiencing 62. whom 63. whether/if 64. designed 65. being given 66. performance,performer 67. will be advertised 68. have been found 69. pretended not to know 70. to be admitted to六、书面表达Dear Mr. Green,Thank you for inviting me to attend the the party to be held this Friday evening at your apartment. I am terribly sorry to say that I cant come and I am writing to show my deep regret. It is a pity that I will lose this opportunity to communicate with you. I would be grateful if you could listen to my explanation. My aunt will pay a visit to us on Friday evening and we havent seen each other for ages, so I cant make any excuse to be absent. It is my sincere hope that you can understand my situation and accept my apology. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua
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