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天津大学21春大学英语在线作业一满分答案1. -Jessica: I got home very late last night. I hope I didn&39;t disturb you. -Landlady: _.A.No. I heard a lot of noiseB.Yes, I didnt hear any noiseC.Yes, I didnt hear youD.No, I didnt hear a thing参考答案:D2. English is not an example of SVO languages.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B3. _ refers to the vibrating of the vocal cords when sounds produced.A.VoicingB.voicedC.nasalizationD.aspiration参考答案:A4. The car _ after an hours driving.A.broke downB.broke outC.broke intoD.broke up参考答案:A5. -Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening? -_A.No, I already have plans.B.Id love to, but Im busy tonight.C.No, I really dont like being with you.D.Im ill, so I shouldnt go out.参考答案:B6. -How is your brother these days? -He hasn&39;t been too well recently. -_. What&39;s the matter? -I think he&39;s been overworking.A.Itll be pleased to hear you ask after himB.Thats not too badC.Im sorry to hear thatD.Ill tell him what you said参考答案:C7. Backformation is a process that puts an existing word of one class into another class.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A8. morality is principles of good behavior.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B9. Functional linguistics is based on the view that language as a system, which is composed of three aspects: sound, structure and meaning.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A10. Miss Wang wanted to know _for the film.A.why was he lateB.why is he lateC.why he is lateD.why he was late参考答案:D11. When birds _, the air under their wings helps push them up.A、mirrorB、sinkC、glideD、wet参考答案:C12. -Jack: Mommy, when will we have dinner? I&39;m starving. -Mother: _? We have to wait for daddy.A.Quickly, honeyB.OK, honeyC.Soon, honeyD.All right, honey参考答案:C13. In _ to local demand, we will be opening this store from nine till seven on Sundays.A.generalB.totalC.shortD.response参考答案:D14. Associative meaning refers to the meaning associated with the conceptual meaning.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B15. Australia is one of the few countries _ people drive on the left of the road.A.whichB.thatC.whereD.on which参考答案:C16. Waiter: _? Customer: Yes, I&39;ll have a cheeseburger, medium rare, with French fries.A.What do you want to eatB.Have you decided what to have yetC.Excuse me, but whod like to orderD.Excuse me, are you ready to order now参考答案:D17. Im _ sorry to have put you into so much trouble. -It doesnt matter.A、terriblyB、extensivelyC、tooD、much参考答案:A18. Free morphemes were traditionally called root.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B19. Phonology and phonetics are both concerned with the study of speech sounds, but the two differ in perspectives.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B20. _ he saw his mother in person did he apologized.A.OnlyB.UntilC.Only whenD.Only until参考答案:C21. The method linguists use is mainly induction.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B22. Many people watched the boys _ the mountain at that time.A.climbB.climbingC.to climbD.climbed参考答案:B23. Field is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to “varieties according to use.”( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A24. Coinage is a process of inventing words not based on existing morphemes.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B25. While _ for the bus at the bus station, I met an old friend of mine whom I havent seen for 10 years.A.being waitedB.waitingC.having waitedD.waited参考答案:B26. egoist is being selfless.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A27. The little valley beneath the ivy-covered hills became _ with white shirts.A.dotB.dottedC.dottingD.dots参考答案:B28. downcast means being happy.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A29. He asked _ we need some more rice.A、whatB、weatherC、whetherD、that参考答案:C30. -Susan is absent from todays writing class. -_? As far as I know, she has never missed a class.A、How comeB、So whatC、WhyD、What for参考答案:A31. Working is the best way for a person to _ healthy in mind.A、preserveB、stayC、maintainD、remain参考答案:B32. Cultural transmission is one of the features of human language.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B33. -Jenny (Treading on someone&39;s foot): _. I hope I haven&39;t hurt you. -John: It&39;s all right.A.Oh, Im sorryB.Oh, Im regretfulC.Oh, excuse meD.Oh, forgive me参考答案:A34. sonorant is only shared by all the vowels.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A35. _ depends on the relations between the participants.A.FieldB.RegisterC.ModeD.Tenor参考答案:D36. Peter cant speak Chinese and cant write it, _. So Chinese is Greek to him.A、tooB、alsoC、eitherD、neither参考答案:C37. The old lady is quarrelling with others as if she _
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