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七 年级英 语(上)第一学段质量检测 II.选择题 (每空一分,共20分)21. The Yellow River is _ the longest rivers in China. A. one B. the one C. one of D. the one of22. what does your father like to do in a windy day? - He enjoys _ books in his room. A. seeing B. to see C. to read D. reading23. -_ do you have your violin lessons? - Once a week. A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How soon24. After a rest, he continues _ the piano. A. play B. plays C. playing D. played25. How is her study at school? -Very good! She _ fails the exams. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. never26. Peter is a clever boy, _ he is too lazy. - That is why he always fails the exams. A. so B. but C. and D. or27. -_ you _ an English class every day? - No, we dont have English class on Fridays. A. Are, have B. Do, have C. Does, have D. Do, has28._ do you go home? - By train. A. How B. How often C. How many D. Where29. The thief _ a purse _ a woman yesterday. A. steal, with B. stole, from C. steals, from D. stole, to30. When she got home, she found her purse _. A. is missing B. missing C. to miss D. missed31. Susan _ to Hong Kong _ bus last week. A. went, by B. go, on C. goes, in D. goes, on32. - what do you want to buy for your mother? - I want _ a watch for her. A. buy B. buying C. bought D. to buy33. When _ you _ the bike? - Last month. A. have, bought B. will, bought C. do, buy D. did, buy34. When did you go shopping with Lisa? - _. A. Tomorrow B. Now C. For two days D. Last Monday35. Did you stay in Shenzhen? - _ Shenzhen is really a great city. A. Yes, we do B. Yes, we did C. No, we dont D. No, we didnt36. - _ you go to the zoo yesterday? -No, But we _ to the park. A. Did, went B. Do, go C. Did, go D. Do, went37. - Is your father _ engineer? - No, he _ a teacher. A. a, works on B. an, works as C. the, works on D. /, works as38. Im good at English, so English is my _ subject.A. best B. better C. bad D. worst39. Tom is ill, _ he cant go to school. A. so B. if C. because D. but40. -What time do you get up in the morning?-I get up _ six every day. A. in B. at C. on D. ofIII完型填空(每空一分,共10分)Please have a look at this picture of a family. Are these people_41_ ? No, they are not from China. They _42_ from America. This is an _43_ girl. Her name is Kate Brown. She is new in my class. _44_ the two boys. The one in the red football clothes is Jim, the other one in black is Peter. They are the _45_ brothers, and Jim _46_ Peter. They are _47_ school. The man with glasses on his nose is _48_ father. The woman is their mother. _49_ are new teachers in our school. They _50_ us English.( )41. A. AmericansB. Chinese C. EnglishD. Japanese( )42. A. comes B. be C. are comingD. come ( )43.A. AmericaB. English C. American D. England( )44. A. look afterB. watch C. Look D. Look at( )45. A. hers B. girls C. Kates D. Kate( )46. A. looks likeB. is looking likeC. looks the same D. look like( )47. A. go to B. in C. at D. go to the( )48. A. they B. their C. theirs D. them ( )49. A. They B. TheirC. Them D. Theirs( )50. A. teachersB. teach C. teaching D. teacherIV阅读理解:(25分)(A)One day, Bruce played in front of a house. A woman came up and asked Bruce, “Little boy, is your mother at home?” “Yes, she is.” answered the boy. Then the woman went over to ring the bell. The bell rang and rang, but no one came to open the door. the woman got angry and called out to him, “You told me your mother was at home, didnt you?” “Yes,” the boy answered. “My mother is at home, but this isnt my home.”( )51.One day, Bruce played_.A. in a park B. in the street C. in front of a shop D. in front of a house( )52. The woman wanted to see _.A. Bruces mother B. Bruces father C. Bruce himself D. nobody( )53. The woman went over to _ after she talked with Bruce.A. knock at the door of the house B. ring the bell of the house C. give a call to his mother D. ask his mother some questions( )54. The woman got _ because no one came to open the door.A. pleased. B. surprised C. angry D. afraid( )55. In the story the woman didnt find Bruces mother because_.A. she went to the wrong house B. she didnt know Bruces mother C. Bruce was not at home
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