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Uit 1 Keyto ercses ar re-Reaig Tas Scriptfor therecoig: as erin i the to of hisunit. Itisalsothe pi ftheson youre abutto en to, called Teah YrCideng by Crosby, till n Nsh.ech Yor dnrosby, llsandNsh You, who reon herad,Mutna oetht you aniy.d so, be yure,cuse thetis ut agoobyeTeh ou cbide l,Ther laters el didlowly byAnd eedhem on youdreams,The one teypcks,heoeoul ow by.Dntou e hhe why,ihey told o, youwl , Sojst lok at the nd gd ko thy oudix I-93 - yu, i ender yers,Can kw rears haour ldergre bAnao ls help m ith ou yt,They seek htuth bre tbey can iTeacb yourparent wel,Tbei hilnblwill slowly goby.And red them on yourrams,benetbey pics, beonyul kn y. t youver kthem why, r tey old you,youllcy,So justlok at hm and s n kno by love youThe istpt of de on s aoutho pts ca isire e hdrenough sharingih the their drams,theiropsfoabtrlif start t di n ow you d a st f r,a d diat you can lve by,t guid yu o the ro o lfe. nly then wyoub able to ully els altt is witin youabecme yorelfTeefore, prnt need o teach thei cildre wellndchilre o oftender yers so avseting to tach hir parents,for learnn soaoewy ret. Ciln should share heirowdres iththeiraents that oungn old canet tonderstaneahbete.Tha id,e sho nt gotoo fr. Fr ome thngsaprhaps better lefsai betee patsand chidren Dont you ever ask them y, i ey tld you, you wilcy.t uchmonts allta thre is ftto do toloo at on nther nd sigh, hpp i eachote loart II Text A Tex Organition1. 1) Thtxt gis wih nanecdte/icident.2) His touht ae maily about iferentappoacestoearnnin Chn nd heWst.) He inds u he tex h a sugto in die frm f a quesion.Pos fr Compars/Cnrat ChiseAeicans1)y tlan toomplisasshoachil wt d soming, or tchb holin shateac hldrtat tey huelyon themselvs o luton probles2)atits t reativity andkllsgive eateroity oeveopn sl aan arly ge, bleing eait anbe rmoted oer tmeutorephasis nstrig reivy in youncilren, tiningskilscabe picked p late1. Vocauay) ert2) occso3) nvtgte) In retope5) inti) hoena7) atached8) makep for) isaing10) ninthlast11)romoe2) emeed2.Rewite eaennce1)hee sring nast betweenthe tandd of lvig i tenrtho th county and he south.2) Nturalfiber is sid to e superiorosyntetcibr.)Te cis ionceas a finanial ener hseolvesoy.4) Hintonay is ot elevnt owhehehe is agood layr.5)h sby a ll-knwn site-ceury Ian poet ve oheiwyinto smEnlish magazis3.1) hiese sn a subect hat cae picedup i a mnt ou catacomih yrgalof astinghelanguage unless you wok at i for yrs Well,i soud as i Im exaggeraig e difultis, butefctism oly telngthe rth.2) T prncipal is somewadsappoite t te permanc of thchildrnm wat se hghered,someof teeching staff havenletedhir puil. She as s nunced tht trct wr rulato veee adeanthat tey ppy tobth Chinee nd oeeatace3) heeachedrecte nd th chil-ircdappoachesto eacin atreprest twoextrs o opiinTomany tachedced civtis cnotbexteteffectively astcilren i erig because of theriid strcture. O the otehan, toomny child-drcted tivtiemayseauricla is ttally usucture and ut oonol.Tre e valid easonstoblieve a teacer-gude proah oulbe a prio a o guecirns deelopent his ppoach cmesome form of struur witthecild leg te directinII CofsbleWds1.) connal 3) contual21) rinipa ) rincipl ) pincip2)oninous 4)cninuous) prncpl) princpesII. Uage. themselve . himslf/hrsl3. heref/by erselfo ow 4.isel.ourselves6.yoref/youf/noowComprehenseEercIlz(A)1. cotrast
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