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七年级英语讲义(十四)新知呈现(一) Dialogue. 对话A: Hi, _1_ I help you?B: Yes, please. I want to _2_ the sports club.A: Good. _3_ I know your name?B: Jenny.A: How _4_ are you?B: Twelve.A: _5_ is your birthday?B: Its _6_ March 14th.A: _7_ you swim?B: No, I cant. But I want to learn about it.A: I can help you with swimming. What can you do?B: I can play _8_ guitar and I can play it well.A: Good. You can join the music club and you can perform(表演) in the school show.B: All right. I think its a good idea (好主意) and I know a _9_ piano.A: OK. Do you have an e-mail _10_ or a QQ number?B: I have an e-mail address. Its Jenny163.com.A: Thanks a lot.Vocabulary 词汇累积1. 乐器:guitar n.吉他/piano n.钢琴/trumpet n.小号/violin n.小提琴/drums n.鼓2. 俱乐部:music club音乐俱乐部/art club美术俱乐部/chess club象棋俱乐部English club英语俱乐部/sports club运动俱乐部/swimming club游泳俱乐部3. music n.音乐-musician n.音乐家 4. show n.表演/ v.出示,给表演 5. join v.加入=be in 6. help v.帮助 7.play大集合1.play + 运动 (中间不加冠词) play + the + 乐器 (中间必须加定冠词)2. play with + 具体的物品 玩 play with sb 和某人一起玩耍3. play a CD 播放CD 4. watch a TV play 看电视剧( ) 1. - Do you like to play _ tennis? - No, I like to play _ violin. A. the, the B. the, / C. /, the D. /, /( ) 2. I can play football, _ I cant play it _. A. and, good B. but, well C. and, well D. or, nice( ) 3. They want to help me _ my English work. A. to B. at C. for D. with( ) 4. _ club do you like? A. What B. How C. Where D. When( ) 5. - Are you good _ others? - Yes, I think this job is good _ me. A. to, with B. with, for C. for, with D. to, with( ) 6. Mother wants me _ shopping for her on weekends. A. goes B. going C. go D. to go( ) 7. - Can you show your new pen _? - Yes, Ill _. A. me, show it to you B. to me, show me it C. to me, show it to you D. me, show you it( ) 8. They want two good musicians _ their rock band. A. for B. in C. at D. on( ) 9. - By the way, have you got _ e-mail address? (2010*东阳) -Oh, yes, it is swimonlandhotmail.com. A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 10. Please call me _ 8989766. Ain Bat Cabout DwithPhrases 短语累积What club do you want to join?What can you do?chess club 象棋俱乐部play chess 下象棋play the drums打鼓music club 音乐俱乐部sing / dance 唱歌/跳舞play the trumpet吹号art club 美术俱乐部draw / paint 绘画play the guitar弹吉它swimming club 游泳俱乐部swim 游泳play the violin 拉小提琴English club 英语俱乐部speak English 说英语play the piano 弹钢琴sports club 运动俱乐部do Chinese kung fu 打中国功夫Teacher Wanted 教师招聘rock band 摇滚乐队play the piano弹钢琴Grammars:1. -Can I help you? -Yes, please./ No, thanks.can的悄悄话:情态动词can是我,人称和数不能影响我;动词原形放我后,Be的原形就是be。can后加not变否定;一般疑问句很简单,只需把can放句前。我的能力很广泛,表示请求和能力。1. I can play basketball. 我会打篮球。 2._他会唱歌。 I can not play basketball. 我不会打篮球。 _他不会唱歌。 Can you play basketball? 你会打篮球吗? _他会唱歌吗?-Yes, I can. /No, I cant. Yes, he can./ No, he cant. ( ) 1.- Can you swim in the river (江,河)? - _. A. Yes, I do B. No, I dont C. Yes, I cant D. No, I cant( ) 2. - _ I join the music club? - Sorry, you _. A. Can, can B. May, cant C. May, may not D. Can, may not( ) 3. - _ you turn down (调低) your radio, please? - Yes, I can. (2010*北京) A. May B. Need C. Must D. Can( ) 4. -What can you do, Lin Tao? -_.AI like sports BI want to join the music clubCI am well DI can do Chinese kung fu( ) 5. -Hi, can I help you? -_.AYes, please BNo, I cant CYes, I can DYou are welcome2. -Do you have an e-mail address or a QQ number?-I have an e-mail address.初识选择疑问句选择问句真奇妙,一般疑问句后加个or。or的前后要对称,前升后降是语调。有个要求要记住,不能用yes或no来作答。1. - Is your friend a girl or a boy? 你的朋友是女孩还是男孩? - It is a girl. 2. - Can you sing or dance? 你会唱歌还是会跳舞? - I can sing.( ) 1. - Can Jim draw _ swim? - He can draw very well. A. or B. with C. and D. for( ) 2.- Which one is yours, A_B ?A. but B. and C. or D. so 3. I know a little piano. a little不嫌少稍许,少量,a little, 不可数名词放其后。它可修饰形容词,通常放在它们前。若是动词被修饰,记住要放动词后。只是little很奇怪,不表一点儿,表没有。1. - Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗? - Yes, a little (English).是的,一点儿。2. I like thrillers a little. 我有点儿喜欢恐怖片。3. The story is a little interesting. 这个故事有点儿意思。( ) 1.-Can you paint? -_.AYes, a
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