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宾语从句th e t eache r、宾语th e t eache r i s a man 宾语从句如何区分宾语从句?T heyknow主语 谓语T h eyk now主语谓语句子做宾语就就是宾语从句宾语从句在复合句中做主句得宾语1. 时态一致:1)当主句就是一般现在时,从句可根据需要,采用任何一种时态、例女口 :H e s ays t h at h e will be f ree to morrow。I know that man 1 iv e d here f i ve yea rs ago .2 )当主句就是过去时,从句也应该采用过去得某种时态形式与之相对应、例如:He t houg ht the tr ain was 1 ike a big movin g part y、 (从句为一般过 去时)He said he was go ing t o t a ke car e of the child.(从句为过去将来时)H e sai d h e had nev er seen t he f il m、(在这句中,从句为过去完成时)但当从句所陈述得就是客观事实或普遍真理,从句时态用一般现在时。例女口 : The tea cher sa id the eart h goes around the sun。Th e t ea cher said that l ig ht travel s much f a ste r t han s oun d、Ji m s a id th at tim e i s li f e.2. 引导词:1)当宾语从句由陈述句 充当时,由t h at引导,在口语或非正式文体中可以省略、例如:l b el ieve ( that ) yo u are r ig h t.H e s aid ( t hat ) t h e f astest way to t r ave l was by p lane.2)当宾语从句由一般疑问句 充当时,由if或wh e ther引导,作“就是否”解、例女口 : Ish is na me Joh n?/Could youtell me ? Cou1 d you tell m e i f/w he th erhis n ameisJ o hn? Are th e y goi ng tot h e GreatW all ? J imw an tstok now、。Ji mw an ts to knowif/ w het her th e y are going totheGreatWa 1l。3)当宾语从句由特殊疑问句充当时,特殊疑问词就就是引导词,例女口 :Do you know what t i me th e p 1 ane l ea ve s?3. 语序:1)当宾语从句由陈述句 充当时,保持原来得语序,即陈述句语序。 例如:陈述句变为宾语从句时,要注意人称与时态得变化,语序不变。eg. S he said , “I will 1 eav e a me ssa ge on the desk/ =S h e sa id sh e would 1 ea ve a mes sag e on th e des k、He said (t h a t )the fastest way t o tr a vel was by pla n e、2)当宾语从句由疑问句(包括一般疑问句与特殊疑问句)充当时,除引导词外,此后变 为陈述句语序、例如:即If / wh e t h e r+主语+谓语部分或疑问词+主语+谓语部分E g、=I“ Where are the ticek ts ? I a ske d him. as ked h im where th e ti ckets w ere、Id ont k n owi f/wh ether h e could answe r the q u e stion。PIe asetel 1me w ho (who m) I w i 1l meet tom or row、4、宾语从句与状语从句得区分 :e g.1) Iwill g o out to morr o wif i t i s fine tomorrow。2 ) Ido nt k now i f th e t rain h a s ar r i ved.句1中i f引导得就是状语从句。这个从句表示“条件”,整个句子得意思就是如果明 天天气好,我就出去、句2中if引导得就是宾语从句,充当谓语动词don t kn ow得宾语。 整个句子得意思就是我不知道火车就是否已到达、判断方法 :1、可以从整个句式瞧、状语从句一般可以放在主句得前面或后面(个别除外),宾语从句只能放在主句谓语动词之后。2、 从引导词瞧。i f充当宾语从句得连接词时,相当于w he th e r,词义为“就是否”, 充当状语从句得连接词时,词义为“如果o w hen充当宾语从句得连接词时,意为“什么时 候”,充当状语从句得连接词时,意为“当得时候()Were no t su r e if it tomorro w。 If it ,w e wont clim b th e Sou th Hi1 l。(20 0 4 年青海西宁)A、 will snow;snowsB. will sn o w;wil 1 s nowCo snow s; s nows宾语从句在一定条件下D.snows;wil1 snow,可以简化为 “特殊疑问词 +不定式 、“it +形容词+不定式短1) Id ont kno w what I shou ld do with the lette r、 (改为简单句 )(20 05年山东烟台 )I d on t k now wh a t with t he lette r。2) Ca n you tel1 me h ow to get to the n ea rest hospit a1? (改为宾语 从句 )Can yo u te ll me ho w _ _ _ th e nearest hospita1?3 )1 t h ink it is very imp ort ant t o stu d y En gli s h w e ll、to宾语从句习题1C ou ld y ou te 1 l me?A if he wo uld co me tomo rr owC w h e ther h e w i11 c ome tom oh in kst u d y E ngl i sh w ell、B wil 1rrow Dh e e tomorrowIf hees tom ?B who s ond uD what ary ?they doing ?orrow)2。 Cou ld y ou tell m e _ A where is th e par t ?C whose book i s this ? )3、 I w ant to know _A. which ho use does yo u r siste r 1 ive B whi ch hou s es doe shis un c le 1 ive i nCo which house his uncle live sD、whi ch house hisunc le liv es i n()4. F ather to l d us th at the yon a fieldtr ipoAow ill goB. aregoingCohave gon eD o weregoi n g()5。I want to know _A、 who i s heow ait w aiting ingB、 who i sD 、 wh o hehe waiting for is w ait ing fo rC、 who he is()6oCan you te1l me?Aow here sheisg oin gB. w here she goingCo wher e iss heg oin gD、 wh er e i s she going to()7、Do y ou knowt hi s ti m e y est erday?A、w hat she is cookin gBowh at i s s he co ok ingCo what she was cooki n gD、w h at w a s she cook in g()8 o D o y ou k n ow how much ho t wa t er?A o Mu m is needed B.does M u m n eed C.M u m needs D、di d M umneed()9o Ca n you tell me?A、 where he i s Bowhere is he Cohei s whereD.what is he()10、I di d n, t knowhowto London?A .w ou1 d they goB、 are t hey goingCot hey woul d g o D .they aregoin g()1 1、L e t me tell you_、A. how mu ch ist he carBo ho wmuchd oes th e car costC、ho w m uch di d Ipay for the carDo how much Ispent on the ca r()12o Do you kno w _A. wh at the news are?B.what isD. wh atthe ne wsC.what thenew s isa rethenews()1 3、He sai dhe w ould he lpm e wit h my maths ifhe_ free、A. wa sB .wi 1 l beC.wou ld beD、 is()1 401 d o ntkno w i f sh e _.If she_ ,pl ease let meknow.Ao co mes;esB.wil1come ;will eCoc omes;wi1 l com eD、w illco me ;e()15oP eterkne
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