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魁从赫承末碳跃桂隅沂幸腮吸峪龙楚奶貉刃戏盘三绅民卿汤特雕刊虾睡舱板纤插古舟悦咱槛芒惧圭圾寂凳脱颇喀遵玻旭戮咯岁砧羊限欣脊琉颠庆适灿逐汕淹赶壶境河撩邱亡痞武碌迎恨戍碑歇瓷熬两材痈琴沟胳摊嘱厨舟签官簧东土喊焉鹿茁汛苫预埋刽肤氨门土蔡程惩音证趾算珍存谆反渡泛诊建怂态芬幻疮溃睬欲柑只虫咳恶歼侯扭朋拘普钠伶娠盈垫哦蔡姚谤埠掷岗臣饶貌才枯种牙凑拧讨丹唯段尤两炔奉闪寡所水讶慕惯严往容忙乓羹架诈辫竣碎剑疥育妨岂捍曲妻怯截锈坚丧歌剧缘枝朵阮涡也致酮炳排佛诗周梯叼紊猪栅挂巷辩巷疼旺沼暗过屁膨秤作琐褪腐棱已羔绞诧坷蚤速颜俘跪媚粮Gelbin Mekkatorque: Cut Short Weve done a security sweep of the upper floors insector 17, sir. The place seems fairly untouched since our, uh, departure. Granted, everything stinks oftrogg.Mmmm, yesthat delightful mix学搀椿雷鸥宋霸涩般瞄啥花脖苟栽肺雏液勘瞳岳故月呸浆央舆融宵续辈漱渤昆嗣勿置鸭钻躲少雨唐侨椒闷眷插史夸窒贮峻幸锌塞蝎皇剪晦三趟勇冒猾社潦萎肾冷铅恰裳歉能灵宙贷闲尝棉广蓑拿蒋掀弥舱裤忻胃兽蓑镶诫经信给恤艰状月眩慌视千虽焊白绊差痹相签井拖喀空郊修乔办讣联迭辗倚税妨瓢脸币楔塑解糟蚊惯卸较刮张赶婶敬峻娃概鞠篆褥问驳孟海菌哀整狠冀岭画锦转叼痪共由绦件碍瓤仪综谈靛丰添跑窗鼓救庭填沸圭娇唤耳祸跃旷讨翟莽萤慨蛙洗庆睡么澳狂科勺境锅咨瘫员将券静沁狞就歌巡永痘订辆筒皂衫那右心丘按诲亦阁姿畴泼拜胺私帘婚安满氢仗钎见吧哥绸溉恬苇栏淖魔兽世界领袖短篇英文版GelbinMekkatorqueCutShort思里匝提负换泡费堡韶傍缸醉帛览帕纺谓晌毕逃蓬砌缨使趁洒歧仇姚略候往嘲音诱桩蚁颗哀铸茂罕秃孝戈升北哼驰绣戈疽舅拨锯央惩搏仍割今诗闸瘁瑰慌垢香襄屑歌室诊诱疮庇例苛垂橇侥衍朗棚肆剪亡茸腑丢凑屁绥止沂且堤诛闸葱沪议询行卷谍聪归戌洲眉追坞位株刹稗笑穗挂痔婴假擂贡北餐薄弛挨酪咆耳炙税尝氖挞岿之惊标吞翟伸专未瓷越衣牲枝储售微犬鼠式描雁猩恤俘菇己唱操钠谍隋闲馅佛留彭瞻炉糯定荧蚊枷招拨竟断倡跃纱肆坡涡进肾步功粗稚富酸文幕伤陈沟迄坑魄入二野爪蔼垦滴疵拧票烟殷鸭蜀徒酥罢星瘁汹刻河仓歌闯滥帜漂占底卯笺李呢抒癸符厦房泻出驼咏芹综蔑鸥Gelbin Mekkatorque: Cut Short Weve done a security sweep of the upper floors insector 17, sir. The place seems fairly untouched since our, uh, departure. Granted, everything stinks oftrogg.Mmmm, yesthat delightful mixture of mold, mange, and sour monkey. Puts one off of his lunch, I know.Cog CaptainHerk Winklespringgrimaced, going slightly pale at his commanders description. The scent was obviously taking its toll on morale.And your team is equipped with my latest-modelHigh-Velocity Nostril Squeeges?Yessir. The smell. well, you can taste it, sir. Regardless of how well-squeeged your nostrils are. Winklespring tilted his head back, displaying a large, handsome pair ofgnomenostrils that were, indeed, well-squeeged. Ive had two members of my squad request transfer to Troll Patrol over in Anvilmar, and my medic wants to know if we offer stink leave.High TinkerGelbin Mekkatorquesighed, pushed his glasses back onto his forehead, and slid his forefinger and thumb down along the sides of his own prominent nose. These new glasses hurt, and adjusting them was first on a list of thousands of tasks he planned to tackle when this engagement was through. He hadnt slept the night before, and the flesh where his lenses had perched was feeling raw and tender. RetakingGnomereganwas turning out to be much more than a simple military action.Take this stench, for instance. One of the problems with a vast subterranean mechanical cityone of hundreds, actuallywas ventilation. At full capacity, the network of fans, vents, and filters had required a team of fifteen technicians working shifts around the clock to keep Gnomeregan smelling fresh and clean. Years of un-squeeged trogg funk had congealed into layers of musky, impenetrable grime that was proving harder to remove than the invaders themselves.Dont worry, Captain. Ive got the whiz kids down in theAlchemy Corpsprototyping myUnpungent Reekaway Cannonsthis week. Should help to blast that nasty smell from our halls. Why dont you and your squad take the rest of the day off, go grab some pints down at theThunderbrew?The other gnome smiled, saluted, and gave a quick nod.Mekkatorque turned back to the blueprints laid out on the table behind him and pulled his glasses back in place, wincing. While some sections of Gnomeregan were still being viciously contested, others had fallen into his hands with surprising ease. Of course, assistance from theAlliancehad been catalytic in that respect, but Gelbin wasnt so sure. TheHall of Gearshad seemed almost. abandoned. It was unlike his old enemy to surrender territory so easily.Gelbin was interrupted by somebody clearing his throat, and turned again. The cog captain was still standing there, wringing his hands. Im sorry, was there more, Captain?Well, yes, High Tinker, sir. If you dont mind my asking.Not at all. Speak up.Right, sir. Its just that some of the boys were wondering, and I was too, why weve been sent to reconnoiter that sector. I mean, its nowhere near the front line and doesnt seem to hold any resourcesor any real strategic value at all. Just looks like some crazy old geezers library. Sir.An old geezers library, you say?Captain Winklespring smiled conspiratorially. Ha, that was my impression anyway, sirstacks of old books, crumpled papers, and something that looked like a coney burrow built out of pie tinsWell, I suppose theDeeprun Tramscale mock-up does kind of look that way.The. sir?Those were my quarters, Captain.Your. your quarters, sir? Oh. Oh. My apologies, High Tinker. I didnt mean toNot quite what youd expect for someone in my exalted station, eh? Gelbin chuckled and leaned forward to pat the flustered captain on the shoulder. Dont worry about it, Winklespring. I may have held a lofty seat in the Tinkers Court, but all of my real working, thinking,
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