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英语演讲技巧 演讲的四个目标l提供信息to offer information;l使听众感到乐趣to entertain the audience;l 动之以情to touch emotions;l 使听众行动起来to move to action;演讲切忌1. 语速太快;talking too rapidly;2. 声音单调; speaking in monotone;3. 声音尖细; using too high a vocal pitch;4. 谈得太多,说得太少;talking and not saying much;5. 感情不充足;presenting without enough emotion or passion;6. 对观众采取一个居高临下的姿态;talking down to the audience;7. 夸张的词语使用得太多;using too many big words;8. 使用抽象概念而不给出事例加以说明;using abstractions without giving concrete examples9. 使用他人不熟悉的技术术语;using unfamiliar technical jargon;10. 使用俚语或粗俗语;using slang or profanity;11. 演讲无组织,散乱无序;disorganized and rambling performance;12. 说话绕弯子,不切中专题indirect communication i.e. beating around the bush;怎样和听众交流l 要有值得交流的看法;a message worth communicating;l 引发听众的注意:抓住她们的爱好并赢得信任;gain the listeners attention: capture their interest and build their trust;l 重视了解;emphasize understanding;l 取得反馈;obtain their feedback;l 注意声调,要有感情;watch your emotional tone;l 说服听众;persuade the audience;怎样变得自信l微笑并看着观众smile and glance at the audience;l开始讲话时要慢一点,身体保持抬头挺胸的姿态start very slowly, with your shoulders back and your chin up;l开场白说部分真诚话open your speech by saying something very frankly;l穿上自己最好的衣服wear your very best clothes;l对自己说部分主动的话say something positive to / about yourself怎样组织演讲l要有一个结构:能够分一二三点;能够从地理上分东南西北;比较和对比;我方和她方;正面和反面;to have a structure: such as first, second, third; geographically, north, south, east, west; compare and contrasts; our side versus their side; negative and positive;l将材料归类整理,如笑话、趣事、名人名言、有趣的数据to label the materials such as jokes, funny anecdotes, favorite sayings, interesting statistics;l使用卡片;to use note cards;怎样使用卡片l 在卡片的右上角标上数字;number your cards on the top right;l 在第一张和最终一张上写上完整的句子;lwrite a complete sentence on both your first and last card;l 其它卡片上最多只能写五个关键词;lwrite up to five key words on other cards;l用颜色来标识你想强调的词;luse color to mark the words you want to emphasize;l 在某一处提醒自己查看时间。l remind yourself at a particular sport to check the time.
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