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2022年高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit12Education-Period3LetsstudyPart 1 Sample Teaching PlansGoals Learn about education in China and other countries Talk about study methods and learning styles Practise making parisons Integrative language practice Write reportPeriod 2: Lets read!(Education for all)Goals Read about education Learn to use reading skills ProceduresStep 1: Leading inWe are lucky enough to have quite good education in our city. But there are many children who don t have the chance to go to school because of various reasons. In China we have the “Hope Project” that helps many children who are unable to go to school. And also there is a project named “Education for all”. Today well read the passage on page 102 about “Education for all”. Step 2: Reading for general ideasRead the passage “Education for all” and match the best heading for each paragraph in the text. Suggested answers: B Education for all children worldwide will be difficult to achieve D Solving the problem of teaching quality in remote areas A pulsory education for all Chinese children F Problems of number and location C Encouraging people in rural areas to accept education E Meeting the cost G Education for All-an international targetStep 3: Reading and copying Read the text, underline the useful expressions and copy them into your phrase book.Useful expressions from EDUCATION FOR ALLpulsory education, the future welfare, the World Education Forum, the member countries, to make a mitment, getinto, to begin with, a positive attitude, play a/anrole, to attach importance to, be skeptical of, drop out, be distributed, the remote central and western provinces, spread out, by two-way radio and mail, rely on, non-governmental organizations, to donate sth., providewith, to adopt distance learning method, puterized teaching networks, to overe, to acplish, a huge task.Step 4: Doing exercises and discussingDo the post-reading exercise 2, 3 and 4 on page 104 and 105.Now please discuss in a group of four if there are any ways in which education in your area could be improved and which you think is the most important aspect to change. Education For All (EFA) What is the Education For All (EFA)?Education for All (EFA) is an international mitment first launched in Jomtien, Thailand in 1990 to bring the benefits of education to every citizen in every society. The EFA mitment is specifically to: Ensure universal primary education for all children by xx (also an MDGs) ; Eliminate gender disparities in primary and secondary education (also an MDGs) ; Improve early childhood care and education; Ensure equitable access to life skills; Achieve a 50 percent increase in adult literacy by xx; Improve all aspects of the quality of education. Step 5: Homework1 Review the passage: Education for all2. Finish the exercises in “LANGUAGE PRACTICE”.
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