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Unit 4 Its Warm Today教学设计-Lets learn (Part B, Book 4B)一教学分析(一)分析教材:Analysis of This Lesson本节课使用的是人教版小学英语PEP教材。本套教材编写的总思路是以交际功能为主线,突出语言的交际功能及其工具性特点,注重培养学生用英语实行交际,突出激发学生的学习兴趣,强调语言的使用。本节课教授的内容为PEP版四年级下册第4单元Its warm today. Part B部分,主要教学内容是五个描述天气的单词。(二)教学目标Teaching Aims:1、认知目标Knowledge aims:(1)使学生能够听,说,读,写表达天气的两个单词:snowy和 sunny。(2)使学生能够听,说,认读单词rainy,windy和cloudy。(3)使学生能够听,说,认读Lets do部分句子。2、水平目标Ability aims:(1)能够简单表达某地的天气情况。3、情意目标Emotion aims:(1)通过学习、合作、交流活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,将所学语言知识与实际生活紧密结合,学以致用。(2)使学生从“要我学”变成“我要学”、“我爱学”。 (三)教学重点:Teaching Points(1)使学生能够听,说,读,写表达天气的两个单词:snowy和 sunny。(2)使学生能够听,说,认读单词rainy,windy和cloudy。(3)使学生能够听,说,认读Lets do部分句子。(四)教学难点:Teaching Difficulties:所学句子在情境中的应用;几个重要城市的名称和地理位置。(五)课时安排:一课时。(六)教学资源准备 Teaching MaterialsCAI, pictures二.教学设计(一)设计理念:Teaching Ideas: 这节课的教学对象是小学四年级学生, 针对学生好动、好奇、喜欢亲自经历的心理特征,本节课在设计中我在激发学生积极性的基础上,紧密联系实际生活,介绍各地的天气情况,让学生真正做到境中学习,乐中收获,从而提升学生的综合使用水平。(二)教学过程Step1:Warming-up/Revision1Greetings.T:Hello,everyone. How are you?2.A free talkT: Who is on duty today?S: I am.T: Whats your name?S: My name is T: Glad to meet you.S: Glad to meet you, too.T:, what day is it today?T:, whats the weather like today? Is it hot? Is it cold? Is it cool?Is it warm?Yes,it is.Its warm today.【设计意图】“情绪的力量往往构成教学过程重最微妙最有意义的因素。”谈话互动主要是创造浓厚的英语学习气氛和和谐的学习环境,调动了学生的学习积极性,激发了学生兴趣,喂新课学习做好充分的心理准备。Step2: Presentation 1、 Lead in (Sing a song).T: Today we are going to learn some new words about the weather.Lets listen to a song .Please find out the words about the weather.【设计意图】让学生带着任务听歌曲,在歌曲中找出天气的单词,目的是培养学生的观察力,检查学生的预习情况。2、 Introduce five new words:rainy,snowy,windy,sunny和cloudy(1)sunnyT:Which word do you find?S1:Sunny.T:Good! What can you see in the board?(Draw a sun on the blackboard)Ss: I can see the sun. T: Yes, when theres a sun in the sky, we say it is sunny today. Ss read the word after the teacher. In the same way, learn the other words【设计意图】将歌曲分段播放,并用口型暗示有关天气的单词,再借以简笔画,教授新单词,目的是激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生更容易接受新知识。(2)Play a gameT:Now,lets play a game.Look! There are 4 pictures.Whats the weather like in the picture?Can you guess?S1:Sunny!S2:Cloudy!【设计意图】通过看图猜天气的游戏让学生及时巩固所学的单词,并且能调动学生的积极性,活跃课堂。3、Introduce five places and lets doT: Look!Whats this?Ss:Its a map.T:This is a world map.There are many cities on it.This is London.Whats the weather like today?T:Its rainy.T:Good job.Its rainy in London.(Show the picture about London)【设计意图】让学生通过地图知道伦敦的位置,加深了学生的印象。T:But its rainy!What should I do?Oh! I think I need an umbrella。Open up your umbrella.(边说边做动作)【设计意图】巩固本节课关于天气的单词,又引出了Lets do 部分的内容,将其紧密的联系在一起,教师用通过动作来教授Lets do,活跃了课堂气氛。T uses the same way to teach the new words.Step3:Practice1. Lets find out.(P50)T:Next,lets do the practise.Please take out your form.Look at the form,this is Beijing,this is ShanghaiNow,lets listen to the weather report,fill in the form,OK?listen carefully!【设计意图】锻炼学生听的能力,复习本节课的内容。2. Make the weather report.【设计意图】天气预报与日常生活紧密相连,让学生能将所学的知识运用到生活中,既锻炼了学生的口语表达能力,也能检测学生对新知的掌握情况。Step4: Consolidation and extension Sing a song (CAI)【设计意图】一首欢快的歌曲结束本课的学习,既加深了学生对所学知识的印象.同时也陶冶了学生的艺术情操(机动)Step5:Homework1.Watch TV and write down the information about the weather ,then talk with your parents.(看电视了解天气信息,并与父母进行交流)2.Listen to the recorder for 10 minutes.(每日听读10分钟)【设计意图】通过让学生在现实生活中搜集天气信息,并介绍世界各地的天气,既能将知识学以致用,也培养了他们的艺术情操,。(三)板书设计:Blackboard Design (单词书写并配以图片)
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