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i processos. 2, on la introducci de nous equips, nous materials, nous projectes de tecnologia, cont elements txics, perillosos, factors nocius de txics ha de tenir a les mesures de seguretat i control integrats. 3, s de fbrica de substncies verinoses i perjudicials ha ser estrictament manejada i controlada evitant intoxicacions accident dalleujament. 4, enfortir la gesti de pols i control ver installacions, reparaci i manteniment dobra, cada branca ha dedicat installacions per al personal responsable de la gesti funcional i regular inspecci i manteniment per garantir la disponibilitat dequip s ms del 95%. 5, sense lacord tcnic no hauran cessar s i treure pols desintoxicaci instal. lacions. 6, lempresa segons les zones de producci diferents, perill de pols txica, plans de serveis generals per dur a terme treballs dambientalitzaci, per millorar el medi ambient, laparici dembellir i reduir la contaminaci. 181th fonts de finanament: 1, disposats en lempresa cada any, des de lactualitzaci davantatge fixa i tarifa tcnica per extreure 10% - 20% fons ser comprovat, el cost per mestre An Ji, destinant any. 2, superior beneficis empresa pols, verins despeses despeses generals. 182th mtodes davaluaci: 1, pols txica ha fet importants xits en la governana de la seguretat i salut, concessi de les recompenses materials i elogi. 2, no una governana consciencis txics pols,. Hong Kong, promoure el desenvolupament econmic, per satisfer les necessitats de desenvolupament social, normes especials de protecci del medi ambient. prevenci de la contaminaci nmero 184: 1, protecci del medi ambient ha de ser implantaci Nacional normativa ambiental, segueix lenfocament en general, laprofitament integral de planificaci, legalitzaci de jocs datzar i es basen en les masses, totes les mans, protecci del medi ambient i beneficiar el poble per millorar la sensibilitzaci ambiental dels lders a tots els nivells i les masses, donen importncia a la protecci del medi ambient. 2, una protecci del medi ambient de Fundaci, dominar la contaminaci fbrica, regular determinaci de les dades demissi i basada en la situaci de contaminaci de lempresa, desenvolupar un pla a llarg termini i plans de gesti anual va informar a la divisi General per a la inclusi en la empresa tecnologia planificaci, financeres planificaci i cooperar amb els serveis General, infraestructura i altres unitats per completar. 3, transformaci dels negocis i producci, ha devitar la contaminaci i el dany al medi ambient, han de ser considerats en la planificaci que les necessitats de protecci del medi ambient, planificaci global, distribuci racional, tots els de nova construcci, ampliaci, projectes de renovaci haur de presentar un informe sobre limpacte ambiental del llibre, desprs dacord amb el Departament de protecci del medi ambient, per dissenyar. Perletters and calls, and do practical things for the masses combine good, effective through reaching people at the service of the last mile. Third, foster the development of new energy, new General Secretary XI Jinping stressed development of innovation forest restructuring, revitalization of the old industrial bases in Northeast China is the States major strategy, Central has issued comprehensive opinions of revitalizing Northeast China and other old industrial bases, the CPC Central Committee on revitalization in Northeast China were . Vigorous determination does not waver, the work does not slacken off. Be firm with in the development has more to do with hard, and not muddle along, passive inaction. To rely on their own efforts, cant wait, cant wait, stand still. This not only provides new opportunities for development in our region, and gave us new requirements. We must seize the opportunity, full use of national policy, has to be more complicated, to start and target, give full play to the initiative of leading cadres at all levels, active, active, focusing on building new momentum for development, accelerating transformation of forest development. To implement the new development philosophy. Philosophy is the action guide, new ideas and new developments. Carrying out innovation, coordination and development of green, open, shared ideas, must be measurable, direct action with new development concepts, training cadres. In a new development concept as a yardstick. Established in line with the new concept of evaluation system and evaluation criterion, embodies the new development policy, organization, mandate implementation, always measured by the new development philosophy, continuous correction of forest transition course. In a new development concept for the path command. As part of the implementation of the new development philosophy followed and action guidelines, firmly adjusted, corrected and reject unsuitable, inappropriate and even against the new development ideas, behaviors and p
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