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第4周 第1节 总第10节Unit 2 The ways to go to school 第四课时导学案温馨寄语: No cross, no crown. (不经风雨,怎能见彩虹).学习内容(Studying contents):人教版六年级上册Unit 2 Lets try Lets talk 学习目标(Learning aims)(1)听懂、会说、正确读写单词和短语:helmet, must, wear, pay attention to, traffic lights (本节学习重难点)(2)能正确理解并能在实际情况中运用Take the No.57 bus over there. In the USA people on the bikes must wear a helmet. Dont go at the red light. I must pay attention to the traffic lights. So many pictures of bikes. (本节学习重难点)(3)在实际生活中能养成遵守交通规则的好习惯。知识链接:(Knowledge links)1. pay attention to sb/sth/doing sth.2. traffic lights是traffic light的复数形式,在实际运用中要正确使用复数。3.Chant:Red light, red light, stop stop stop; Yellow light, yellow light, wait wait wait; Green light, green light ,go go go.学习指导(Learning guide)1.自主学习单词和短语helmet, must, wear, pay attention to, traffic lights (试读,试翻译,可以借助单词表)2.听懂、会说、正确读写上面的短语(自己能独立背会并默写)3.根据本节学习到的知识,独立完成导学案。(在自学过程中注意记录自己解决不了的问题,以便和他人合作交流)自主学习(Self-learning)1.你能完成听音的练习吗? Listen and tick 2.你能正确读出下面单词和词组吗?你能正确翻译它们的汉语意思吗?来试试吧!(自学,可借助单词表) helmet( ) must( ) wear( ) traffic lights ( ) pay attention to ( ) take the No.57 bus ( ) wear a helmet( )3.你能流利读出下面的句子吗?你知道它们的汉语意思吗?Take the No.57 bus over there. In the USA people on the bikes must wear a helmet. Dont go at the red light. I must pay attention to the traffic lights. So many pictures of bikes. (自学,可同桌交流)合作探究(Group work)(小组内讨论交流展示,组员推荐一人在全班展示。)1.你能流利朗读对话吗?大声读给你的组员听吧!听谁的发音最正确。(1)小组内自由读。 (2)各小组长领读,全班跟读。(3)小组推荐优秀组员分角色表演。2.你能用英语写出下面的句子吗?(1)在美国,骑自行车碧玺带安全帽。_(2)红灯不要通行。_小组展示(Group show) 对合作探究中的两个问题进行展示。课堂小结(Summary)这节课我学会_巩固延伸(Consolidation and extension)你认识下面的标志吗?Tell your partner. What do these signs mean? Where can you see them? 课堂检测(Test) 连词成句 1、traffic lights the at look_2、pay to I attention the traffic must lights _3、the touch dont door_后记
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