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Unt 1 Cese Humanism. Tounderstad te hine idea of lie oe us tryto detnd hinee humanis. he r humnim s amiguou.Chnese humnim, howvr, hasavery dfini manin. It imes, firt a tcnception of theeds hman life;secondly, aomplee dvoio to these end; and te thirly, theataimen ftese ens b the spiro umnresnableness r teDcrineof te Gldn e, Whih may alsob cllete eligionocmmon n.要理解中国人的人生抱负,就必须先理解中国的人文主义。“人文主义”这个词含义模糊含混,然而中国的人文主义却有它明确的界说。它的意思是:第一,对人生目的的确切结识;第二,为实现这一目的而行动;第三,实现的方式是心平气和,即中庸之道,也可称作“庸见的崇拜”。.The uestinf the meaningo lifehaserplx Wsern hilspers, and it ha ever be slv- aal, whn onestrtsoutfom the ehoocal oitof w, ccoring hich alltings, incluingosites nd poi germs, are crad for egoo f this cocksu humaity Asthe is usullytoomucpan ndmser nthis i to allwa pertanwe osatsfy n pri, telelogy is erefore rriedovr o thenext life, a this ertylif is heookedupon as a prraton o he fe ereaft, in conormityit the locof orate,whhoed upon a feoiouswife as naturalpoiion or thetrining of the hubans crcter This way oodgig hehomesf the ilemmasomeie givs peceof nd f a moent, buthn the etel questin,“hat is te enng ofi?” oeback.Othrs, like etche, take the bull ythe rns ndrefu toasme ttl muave mean nd belee haprog i n a crcle, an humn achvemes are asavage dance,nsteaofa trip to temarke, but stil the quetion coe ba tenaly, le he sea aveslapping uo sore:“what s te eanng o thelife?”人生的意义是什么,这个问题始终使西方哲学家备受困惑。她们从目的论出发,觉得涉及蚊子乃至伤寒菌在内的万事万物,都是为这个自负的人类的利益而存在的。如此这般,人生的意义就历来没有揭示出来过。今生今世自有百般磨难,因而自傲的人类始终无法事事如意。于是目的论又转向来生来世,把今生的世俗生活看作为来世所进行的准备。这与苏格拉底的逻辑正好符合,即觉得一种凶悍的妻子对她丈夫的性格锤炼来说,是一种天然的恩赐。以此规避人生的难题固然可以使人临时心平气和,但问题仍旧没有答案:“人生的意义何在?”此外有某些人,像尼采那样知难而上,否认人生“必须”有什么意义,觉得人类的进步但是是一种循环,一种野蛮人的舞蹈,而不是去市场采购,因此没有什么特殊的含义。然而问题还是没能解决,它就像海浪同样不断冲击着堤岸:“人生的意义究竟何在?”3 The Cineeumanists blievethy ave foud te trueendof lie nd re cnou f tFe hinese te en o life lies nt in lfe after eath, fo dea hat we live in order die,s taghtby Chstiaity, is ncoprehensibl; nonNrvana, orat is t vainglos; or yet n progre prgress ake, fr t isaningless.he true end,th hs have decided i a singularly car aner, s inthe njoymen oa imlife especallyhe famiyife, ni harmonous ocial ratonhi.The first pem tht hldrn learnsin schol runs:Wile sfcoud by war zesare wftein thmon, d flers, past the rive roaoand on.Thll say“loo at theold ma i thesree!”And now nottht y spts on hapies brn中国的人文主义者觉得自己找到了人生的真谛,并时时意识到这一点。在中国人看来,人生在世并非为了死后的来生,对于基督教所谓此生为来世的观点,她们大惑不解,她们进而觉得:佛教所谓升入涅槃境界,过于玄虚;为了获得成功的欢乐而奋斗,纯属虚荣;为了进步而去进步,则是毫无意义。中国人明确觉得:人生的真谛在于享有淳朴的生活,特别是家庭生活的欢乐和社会诸关系的和睦,小朋友入学伊始,第一首诗便是:云淡风轻近午天,傍花随柳过前川。时人不识余心乐,将谓偷闲学少年。4 That represents to Chies, notjst plesat peicmood but the summer bon oflie. he Chnesial flfis rukthrough withtis sntimett nidl f if thatieier riulrly ambtous normeasical, bt vertheesimensy real. It s, I musta, a illintlysimple de, s brilliantly impe tat onl th ate-of-ct hnes mind uld have conivdit, ad yet one oftewndes how te t cold havefaild tsee thatth meanio lesn the ne and halty enjoymet f i.he differnbete Cha and Wetseems o e t hewetenr hve a greteapacit fogeg andmkinre thigs da lessr bility to eo thm, while h Chinese ave a rer deterintio apaciy tenjy the fwtigs they hve.This trait, ou concentration o eaty apiness, is muchas a result a a caue o te absnc o egio. Fr if one n not believe ithelie hereafer s th cnsmmation of h reent l, one i forcedt akethe most f thi ifbfore te farce iove. heabsnce ofronakes this oncetratiposib.在中国人看来,这不仅代表半晌的诗意般的快乐心境,并且是追求人生幸福的目的。中国人就是陶醉在这样一种人生抱负之中,它既不暧昧,又不玄虚,而是十分实在。我必须说,这是一种异常简朴的抱负,简朴到非中国人诚实巴交的头脑想不出来。我们时常纳闷,西方人何以竟想不到人生的意义在于纯净平安地享有生活。中国与欧洲的不同,似乎在于西方人有更大的能力去获取和发明,享有事物的能力则较小,而中国人享有仅有一点东西的决心和能力都比较大。把精力集中在世俗的幸福,这一特性是我们缺少宗教的因素,也是它的成果。由于如果一种人不相信有一种紧接着今生今世的来生来世,她就会在今生的一切消逝之前尽情享有,而宗教的缺少又使这种想法变成也许。5. From ths a humansmsdevld wc franlyproclas a mactreduniverse, adlay dwn therul tha he end f all knowede isoser umnpnss. The humaiing f kowedgis nt ns thin, for the momenman swervs, hei carredaay by his lindbecome a too o hiswn nowledge.Only a shar and tada hodig to the true e o
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