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有关英文的邀请函汇编0篇邀请函是邀请亲朋好友、知名人士、专家等菜价某项活动时所发出的请约性书信。在不断进步的社会中,我们常常会用到邀请函,信任许多挚友都对拟邀请函感到特别苦恼吧,下面是我细心整理的英文的邀请函10篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜爱。英文的邀请函篇1 ear Sis/Madam: Whreby nceeyinit und your compan rpresenttves to visito boothatTheCtie ExhibiionCnerom Aprl 1th to 20th XX. Were one fthe auacturers seczed in saarywae, cocludigo & to piece iet, wsan, caie bas, pedestal ban, bdt, urnal, cuntr bain , deorat eramis adso on Ou nw oels ofe upb desinandteir new fatures giveem istict advnags r siiar rodctsmoer manuturs. It woud bareat pasre t me yuat thexhibiton.Wexet t establish log-temusessrlaions withyourcompa in future. Exhibiton Cener : he ontnentl Exhitin Center BothNmb: G-K10K106 Dae: A15thto2thBst RegadMr Jia JanGeneral Maage英文的邀请函 篇2_miss/r., Spriis thehead, bowinto utm, XX comanyusherdn new earninh. Weknow ht n he dlopmenof throad can ot d ithout youcopeaton ad uppor, we ave ceed rsults iyo hard wo Fo a longtime, butooint As a mate ossional XXcompany we cheish yorcoi,we areingtohr witou te jo of he new ear an lokforwrd to th new year. We inveyou toXXXcompaeld anw years reepto,and you tak about fendship,long forwrd tothe future. Be glao hear and answe. umnReouc Department x年X月X日英文的邀请函 篇3Dr sir/maam: We woul ike t initeyouo a eclusiv presntatio of our nw .hepresentation wll tke lace t ,t on . Thee i ao areceptioat .W hoe you andyour colleageswill beale tattend s a leading prouerof hghquli .A you el know,reen technlogica adances hve mde increasinl ffbleto the ublic. Ou new model offer suerqalitynd sophisticationih eono, theinw feaues gie tm dintadantae versimiar poductfrom ohe mnufatrers We ok orwardto siyou on . Just all or oicet d we wbe glad toeure aplaceor o. Sincerelyyours,英文的邀请函 篇4 Dar Mr mi: wold give me/us reatpeasure to hav you peenc at areception i hnr of the Chinese delgatin. Te recptio ll b held he e it Hal, nusday,Octoberhe fort. Cokilwil e ser pomplyt i to be olowedb dinne atiht IWe ncerely op ou can tndLt me/snow.Sceely rs敬爱的史密斯先生: 如您能够出席为中国代表团而实行的款待会,我(们)将感到非常荣幸。 款待会定于1月4日(星期二)在市政厅实行。6点钟准时实行鸡犬不宁尾酒会, 随 之在8点钟实行正式的晚宴。我(们)期盼着您的光临。请提前通知您能否出席。英文的邀请函 篇 Dea Sir o Mam :Its orgrea honort invite you to vsit XX Companylcate at (rss) n x, 0x. This visi ll provid an oppouitoyou to makebeterudertadig of o marketing isues, and t couicte our utre bsiness coperatin i etail. Qe HyrulTchnloy CO.,LTDoma, asaofesnlmanufctrer of shoes macery in Chia,hasben reaprogressing i romting n sellig our roduts. We believe this visi will be feat bnefits toourfuue uies cooperaton. Pleas use thisnitonltopyforyour VIA t Chia We ae ookng forwarto seeing yousoon, n soudyoae ay qstis,plase fe reet nform me Yrs rul,名字 时间英文的邀请函 篇6 ear Prfssr n, On blf ofhe OhioState iversity ad h IEEE Cmtr Sity, I w b ver lased tivite ou to tend and chir a sssion o the fthcoming x nternaia Conferec o Pallel Dta Prcesingtobe l inBellare, Michigan, fro Otoer 25 t Ocoer 8, 2xx.Yu are an nterntily acamescholaand educator our prtipaion ill be aong te highlht o the ferece Wencerely hope hat oucoul accept u invitation. As ouknow, this isthe 0th nveray ofhe Conferenc we lan to makeit truly irnationl metin. We ve accepted man paprs fom severlforncountrie, cludg w om ChinaI you aom, please lt us knw as oo as posbe, sincewe ave tprpre the finalrgrmsoon. e eloking forard t you acceptane.Sicerelyyous, Peter hit英文的邀请函篇7 Dear Dr. Rodger: he Engls Deprtment of Nani Unirsity wuldle txtnyu ninitaio to be ouguest seakathe annl confrencet e heldat te meeting oo t eiht oclck, turda ornn, cber the hirtieh,193 A ou kow, th depatment isintres th 20hcentury Engs itature Snce you ar filiar withthfild, e knw yor views wllb xtrely intretingt us. Yuwil cee futer details latr,but w wuld apreate ha
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