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3毛坝中学导学案 学科:八年级英语九年级 班第 组学生姓名 组评:编写时间:2014年 月 日授课时间:2014年 月 日共 课时 第 课时课题:Unit 6 When was it invented ?Section A 1a1c主备人杨 艳 审核人杨 艳学习目标句型:When was the car invented?弄清一般过去时态的主动语态与被动语态的差异,并通过练习和运用加以巩固。学习重难点句型:When was the car invented?弄清一般过去时态的主动语态与被动语态的差异,并通过练习和运用加以巩固。课时安排一课时教学用具多媒体教学过程师生笔记学习流程学习内容自主学习自主预习学案一、年份的读法两个数字一组,分为前后两组 1865 eighteen sixty five1989 nineteen eighty nine千年的读法 2000 two thousand 2001 two thousand and one前两个数字不为零,后两个数字为零。 1800 eighteen hundred1900 nineteen hundred非四位数的年份的读法! 531 five hundred and thirty-one二、翻译下列年代:1 nineteen seventy-one_ 2 eighteen eighty-five_3. eighteen seventy-six 4.1927_ 5.1976_ 6. 2008_预习展示同学两人一组完成练习,再集体检查预习疑问 你在预习中遇到的问题有哪些? 探究交流一、 导入(启发探究 3分钟)通过课件呈现中国古代的发明: gun powder/compass/paper making/printing然后问学生:What are they? Help the students to say :They are four inventions of China.Get the students to repeat.叫学生列举一些他们知道的发明,car,telephone,computer,TV等。Then show some inventions on the screen to the students:Telephone, calculator, car, personal computer, TV, light bulb, alarm, clock, microwave oven, electric slipper.Teacher: There are many useful things in the world. They help us a lot in life. (Show some pictures on the screen)When were they invented? Students: _. The telephone was invented in 1876. The computer was invented in . 二、交流(合作探究 10分钟)1. 要求学生翻开课本P41,迅速阅读1a部分的内容。并按要求完成课本上相应的任务: Number the pictures.(1分钟)2. 检查答案,先要求全班一起给出答案并检查讨论。 The telephone was invented in 1876.Cars were invented in 1885.The TV was invented around 1927.The personal computers were invented in 1976.3. 要求学生听第一遍录音,并完成课本上1b的听力任务: Listen and match the inventions with the years. Check their answers: 读出序号-读出年份-读出完整的句子(2分钟)Picture d: The telephone was invented in eightenn seventy-six.Picture a: Cars were invented in eighteen eighty-five.Picture c: The TV was invented around nineteen twenty-seven.Picture b: The personal computers were invented in nineteen seventy-six.4.听第二遍,填空。Alice: Was your life very difficult when you were a kid?Grandma: Oh, not really. Why?Alice: Well, you didnt have modern inventions like a , right?Grandma: Of course we did! How old do you think I am? The telephone was in 1876. You need to take a history class, Alice!Alice: Haha! How about ? They werent invented yet, were they?Grandma: Yes, they were. Cars were invented in 1885. My family had a car.Alice: Well, did you have a TV?Grandma: No, we couldnt one. They were expensive in those days. The TV was invented around 1927, I think.Alice: Well, I know that you didnt have a because we learned in school that personal computers were invented in 1976.Grandma: Youre right. But I have now!5. 要求学生听第三遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。(2分钟)6、完成教材1c的任务,要求学生模仿1a内容,进行对话练习。并邀请2-3对同学当堂进行演示。三、引深探究 1.invent (v.)发明;创造invent 指发明创造出自然界本来不存在的东西,如工具、方法、手段、汽车、电器、合成材料等。【备课例句】Bell invented the telephone. 贝尔发明了电话。Smith invented a new teaching method. 史密斯发明了一种新的教学方法。【横向辐射】discover, find, create 1.discover是“发现”的意思,是指发现原来就有而一直没被发现,如发现电、煤、石油等矿藏及新星、星系或科学真理等。Columbus discovered America in 1492.1492年哥伦布发现了新大陆。Recently they have discovered a comet. 最近他们发现了一颗彗星。2.find的意思是“寻找”,强调找的结果,并不指发现。Ive tried to find another copy but couldnt find one.我试图再找一本,但没能弄到。X k B 1 . c o m3.create指有目的地把原材料制成新产品,也指创造出原来不存在的或与众不同的事物。Man creates himself. 人类创造了自己。A novelist creates characters and a plot. 小说家塑造人物并设计情节。【课堂变式】根据语境提示,用invent, discover,find或create的形式填空,完成句子。1.When _ the stream engine(蒸汽机) _?2.I cant _ my bike, Im looking for it. 3. Scientists are now trying to _ if this is possible.4. Do you know who_ the plane?5. He _quite a number of wonderful characters in his play.【解析】I.1.was, invented 2.find 3.discover 4.invented 5. created训练达标( )1.The kind of cup is used_drinking. A.to B.as C.by D.for( )2.I think the short story_by Lu Xun. A.is writing B.is written C.written D.was written( )3.-Who_the electric light lamp_? Edison.A.was;invented B.is;invented C.was;invented by D.did;invented by 课内小结收获:不足:作业布置百练百胜1a-1c教学反思 自主学习乃学习之本。
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