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Model Bu订der产生一个模型选择 Arc to olbox,右键,NewToolboxoLoad SettingsArcToolb-New ToolboxAdd ToolboxEnviroiun entsHi de Locked ToolsSave Sttings| I |VW+ Statistics+ 尊jl Cartography Tools+ 爾| Conversion Tools+ |需j Data Management Tools+ Geocoding Tools+ | | Geostatistical Analyst+ 1 Linear Referencing Tool $ Spatial Analyst Tools+ Spatial Statisti cs Tool -I- Toolbox (2):】 Model编辑Model+ Spati al AnslyEt Tools 田 越)Spatial Stati sti cs Tool T 轉| Toolbox (2)= Jj-u MnrlplOpen.Batch.Edit.电 CopyX DeleteRenameHelpEdit Documentation.-,Froperti esFavor1tez 、ElementTools参数完备参数不完备Variable1. Variable (变量)Data数据文件变量Value数值变量,包括数字、字符串、空间参考坐标系、空间范围等。Data分为两类:Projcet data:可以添加到Model中的Derived data:派生数据,由一个工具产生。Data VariabfesProjectDitlaDerivedDataC恳toTableProject data - (tela that you provxle to the fnodeLDerived data 一 data created in lhe mcxiel by tcxsls.遽肝CMofNew dMived dOJta I 也畐 w dmsrse 二3-SL s仝-be written B dwkValue Variable (数值变量)输给工具的,例如Buffer中的距离。前一个工具派生出来,并且可以传给后一 个工具。2对于一个Tool,双击,弹出设置菜单,可以自动产生Project Data与Derived Data,但是Value不自动产生。(因为Value通常比较多,而且有些不需要产生)。所以需要用户自定义Value。沪 Buffer定义Value的方式是选择Tool,右键-Make variable-From Parameters.Disters value cr field)CJtYou can make a variabte from a toofs parameter by right drcking on the tool.Create Latel ViewMsgesE TypeEdit DocumerB1RunFrom BviramentDlSOTTvt*3在Model Builder内,右键-Create Variable产生一个变量。lodel口回冈Model 驭it Vi ew Window Helpsj a朗阖劃创器旧蠶|悶細理|上| !选择数据类型Create VariableSelect the variable data typ巳Record setRelationship ClassRemapRoute Measure Event PropertiesSemiVariogramShapefileSpatial ReferenceSQL ExpressionStringOKCancel例子:产生变量并且赋值Add FieldModel Edit View tfiniow HelpQj亶 剧电I羁 吉I喇團:出汨两紳创*|订1Field Name勺回|%fidnajne%zJField TypeIlongzJField Preci aion (optional)1Field Scale(FQi o&lL)rIxut TablaCancelApplyShow Help 双击Add Field工具,可以选择park, shp 峙Stringo但是Boolean必须通过Connector实现,而且必须在arcmap Too 1 s op tio ngeoprocessing、选中modelbuilder在已经拥有Data与Value变量的情况下,如 果不是直接打开变量对话框而是打开Tools对 话框修改变量值,贝!):如果修改了Data变量值,产生一个新的变 量,原来的变量不再连接。如果修改了Value变量,则不产生新的变量,而原来变量不再连接。BufferElBufferIap-ut Featurest emp exlT r oad2.;hpOutput feature ClassP: kt empexl7roal2 Bu.er. shpDistance ralue or field.Linear unitUrtknownfieldZlDissolve Type (optional)|ndneZlDissolve Field(s)optional)Side Type (optionol)full 5n.d Type (optional)Kouim通过 tools 修改(buffer)n xQ 訓电|龜|制回:讯:| 3|紳越冏| 21 !road2 BufInput turesroad2. shpIodelModel Edit View Window Helpfer. shpChitput Iature Class二回|r AtempKexlTrad2_Buer. shp | 色 |Distance ralue or field.J金Liontm1F ioCpfletersHI1 OKCancelApply|Show Help Vroad2 Butroad2_Buffor.shp通过tools修改通过tools修改(buffer)(buffer)In-line Variable substitirtion变量代替在建模过程中的变量传递问题O 通过%变量名%实现。r1“ Calculate FieldPx!Input Tableputput Fztur& Class (2)叵1Fi eld NamezJExpressionaj(Hni ti al value%zd 910ption- Geoprocessing 选中了Modelbuilding。利用Connector工具,选择一个Variable指向 Tool,弹出下面菜单。Select ParameterSeled which parameter you want
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