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词性转换:在英译汉过程中,有些句子可以逐词对译,而有些句子由于英、汉两种语言地表达方式 不同,就不能用“一个萝卜一个坑”的方法来逐词对译。原文中有些词在译文中需要转换词 类,才能使汉语译文通顺自然。(一) 译例解析 第一类:转译为动词英语和汉英比较起来,汉语中动词用的比较多,例如,在 He admires the Presidents stated decision to fight for the job (他对总统声明为保住其职位而决心奋斗表示佩服)句中,英语的谓 语动词只有admires 一个词,其它用的是过去分词(stated),动词派生的名词(decision)、不定 式(to fight)和介词(for)。汉语没有词性变化,但可以几个动词连用,因此英语中不少词类, 尤其是名词、介词、形容词、副词,在汉译时往往可以考虑转译为动词。例如:1. He came to my home for help.他来到我家,寻求帮助。2. My admiration for him is growing more.我越来越敬佩他。3. Unfortunately, he was also a bit bossy, and he wasnt a very good listener. 遗憾的是,他这个人有一点专横,不太善于听取别人的意见。4. The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of it properties. 操作机器就需要懂得机器的某些性能。5. Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。6. He is no smoker, but his father is a chain-smoker.他不抽烟, 但他爸爸却一只接一只不停地抽。7. His mom is a good cook.他妈妈做饭很好吃。8. Talking with his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young mans past wrong doings. 老人和儿子谈话后, 原谅了他过去干的坏事。第二类:转译为名词英语中很多由名词派生的动词,以及由名词转用的动词,在汉语中往往不易找到相应的 动词,这时可将其转译成汉语名词。1She behaves as if she were a child.她的举止像个孩子一样。2Glass is more transparent than plastic cloth.玻璃的透明度比塑料布要好。3. The film “ A Night to Remember” impressed me deeply. 电影冰海沉船给我留下了深刻的印象。4This problem is no less important than that one. 这个问题的重要性不亚于那个问题。5Steinbeck defended the poor and the oppressed. 斯坦贝克替穷人说话,为被压迫者申辩6. The new type of machine is shown schematically in Figure 1. 图一所示的是这种新型机器的简图。7. Each of thee compounds boils at a different temperature. 这些化合物的沸点各不相同。8. To them, he personified the absolute power. 在他们看来,他就是绝对权威的化身。9. Stevenson was eloquent and elegantbut soft. 史蒂文森有口才,有风度,但很软弱。第三类:转译为形容词或副词: 形容词派生的名词往往转译成形容词。1. The thought that the child might catch cold troubled the mother. 母亲想到孩子会感冒,便不安起来。2. Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 独立思考对学习是绝对必须的。3. He had the honor to attend the conference. 他光荣地出席了这次会议。4. I recognized the absurdity of dealing with them through intermediaries. 我认识到,通过中间人跟他们打交道是愚蠢的。5. He didnt succeed in ringing her up, for he dialed the wrong number. 他没有给她打通电话,因为他拨错了号码。6. Can you give an accurate translation of the sentence? 你能确切地把这句话译出来吗?7. When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor.只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用他的能力和风趣将这人争取过来。8. He routinely radioed another agent on the ground. 他和另一个地勤人员进行了例行的无线电联络。(二)课堂练习:1. It is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of structure. 它的主要特点是结构简单。2. She chirped, blinking her eyes happily. 她唧唧喳喳地叫着,两眼闪出快乐的光芒。3He is indiscriminate in reading. 他读书时不加选择。4Hospitals are getting more efficient these days. 近日来,医院的效率越来越高了。5Edison patented over one thousand separate inventions during his life. 爱迪生一生中得到一千多种发明项目的专利。6My little brother is a better teacher of English than I. 我的小弟弟教英语比我教得好。7The exchange of views has narrowed their differences. 他们通过交换意见缩小了彼此间的分歧。(三)课后练习1. Buckley was in a clear minority. 巴克利显然属于少数。2. This is sheer nonsense. 这完全是胡说。3. She looked at me expectantly. 她满怀期待地看着我。4. I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood. 我非常感激父亲,因为在我小时候他总是不断地鼓励我。5. Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources. 越南战争不断地消耗着美国的资源6. It was a very informative meeting. 会上透露了许多信息。7. They taught us the value of an opportunity. 他们教导我们要珍惜每一个机会。8. He is indiscriminate in reading. 他读书时不加选择。英汉翻译技巧第三讲:一词多译 很多英语词汇在字典中都会有不止一个义项,那么到底在翻译过程中应该用哪一个义 项呢?这就要取决于语境或上下文了。同一个词在不同的语境中很可能会有不同的翻译。请 看下面的例子:(一) 译例解析1wear dark glasses 戴墨镜wear leather shoes 穿皮鞋wear a belt 扎腰带wear a long beard 蓄长须wear a happy smile 面带幸福的笑容 wear away ones time 消磨时光2 cut wheatcut cake cut finger-nails cut the price cut the time cut the wind cut classes cut sb. in the street割麦子切蛋糕剪指甲 削价 缩短时间 挡风 旷课在街上遇见某人不理睬3soft windsoft hatsoft musicsoft moneysoft answersoft recordsoft intelligence和风呢帽轻音乐纸币委婉的回答容易打破的记录 不充分的情报soft aboveground launching site 无坚固掩体的地面发射基地(二)课堂练习:1 “like”1) He likes mathematics more than physics. 比起物理学,他更喜欢数学。2) Like charges repel; unlike charges attract. 同性电荷相斥;异性电荷相吸。3) Like father, like son. (alike)有其父必有其子。2. “develop”1. Mary developed bad sleep habits during a period of stress. 有一段时间,玛丽精神紧张,养成了不良睡眠习惯。2. He seems to be developing an illness. 他好像在生病。3. Trouble develops in the engine when pressures are too high. 压力太高,发动机就会产生故障。4. When the motor car became more and more popular, different types of accommodations developed in the U.S.在美国,随着汽车越来越普及,各种各样的汽车旅馆便应运而生了。5. The area near the North Pole has not been developed and may never be developed. 北极附近地区尚未开发,也许永远得不到开发。6. The lab is a place where the students develop their power of observation. 实验室是培养学生观察能力的地方。7. Albert Einstein, who developed the theory of relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics.爱因斯坦创立了相对论,他是通过数学推导出这一理论的。8. One of the first steps is to develop ways of reusing our water. 首先采取的一个步骤就是研究出重新利用水的方法。
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