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百万同题英文写作范文为了了解百万同题英文写作,有什么范文可以给我们阅读?下面是 给大家整理了百万同题英文优秀范文,供大家参阅!要求:Some people believe that reading is a critical part of learning and growth. Finding the right book at the right time can light an emotionalspark within us that motivates us toread more, understand more, and read joyfully. When that happe ns,the world ope ns. Everythi ngbecomes possible.However, others believe we learn by doing, and learn best from first-handand concrete experiences, using our senses,exploring our environment of people, things, places and events. What is your view on this issue? Write an essay in response to this issue and give reasons to support your positi on.参考译文:阅读造就你我读书往往对一个人的成长和学习有着重要的影响。在恰当的时 间,阅读一本好书可以点燃思想的火花,让我们更加博闻强识,享受 阅读。不知不觉,阅读拓宽了我们的视野,激发出无限可能。然而, 也有人认为,最好的学习方式是通过实践,使用我们的感官去探究周遭环境中的人、事和风景。对此,你有何看法?就这一主题写一篇作文(本科及以上学生建议300字以上,其他学生如中学生建议100字 以上),并给出合适的理由证明你的观点。百万同题英文优秀作文 Recently, the five-game match betwee nGoogle 's AlphaGo and Lee Sedol, the World Go Champi on, en ded in overwhel min gvictory with 4 to 1, which has provoked con siderable con troversies about theeffects that AI impacts in our daily life. Some people welcome the progress andan ticipateAI to bring ben efit to mankind in more fieldswhile some otherpeople in sist that AI will ultimately get out of con trol. And as far as l& #39;mc on cer ned, I adhere to that AI plays a more of importa nee role in the future.First, it is evident that nowadaysAIhas been widelyapplied in our daily life, which provides us with sig ni fica ntproductivity boost both in work and study and great convenien ce. For example,the exte nsive accepta nee of robots in the manu facturi ngin dustry,service in dustryas well asagricultural industry has greatly liberated us from worklike wash ing dishes, wateri ng the flowers and assisti ng stude nts in revisingcompositionsand enabled us to save time for morecrucialthings.In addition,thereis no denying that theydem on stratemoreexcelle ntperforma nee when comparedwith huma n beings.Second, with therapiddevelopme ntofsocietyandecono micin tegrati on,theattracti ons,rete nti onsanddevelopme ntsoftale ntsarebeco mingmajorchalle ngesforcompa ni es, which subseque ntly pushthe labor cost to be highand the advent of Al provides a favorable choice forthem, which is the employme nt of robots. Not only can that measure effectivelyimprove the working efficiency but also they are con ducive to sav ing a largeam ount of money for en terprises con cer ning the perspective ofIon g-termdevelopme nt.Furthermore, they con tribute to themoder ni zati onofcompa ni estreme ndously.Third, it is predictable that AI islikely to inten sify the fierce competiti on for jobs furtherwhe ntaki ng thefact intocon siderati on that in the future, AI will displace huma n beings forvery heavy work with comparatively low cost. However, it is also widelyack no wledged that the extremely awful con diti ons will uni eash people'spote ntial and it is feasible for them to turn pressure into motivati on an dchalle nge into possibility. Therefore,I persevere in that whe n confron ted withthepressure from Al, we people possess the indomitable and un yieldi ngwill andcon fide nee to contend with them, which would in spire us to pay atte nti on to the inno vative thi nking and devote to be a well-developed pers on in stead of wast in gtime and atte nding on the repetitive work like robots.Last but not least, it is in dispe nsablefor us to be con sciousof the fact that the research and developmentof robotwillpossibly bring some hazards in the future. However, this is not thejustificationto obstruct us advancing. What's more,the applicati on of Al isin deed ben eficial to us. After all, we will not be us and accomplishthedistinguishedachievementstoday if we thi nk of every pote ntial dan ger and the ngive up before we set out to do someth ing.百万同题英文写作范文:How Will AI Affect Our LifeHow WillAI Affect Our Life?Recently, Google’s AlphaGo defeated Lee Sedol, the Korean Go master, 4 to 1 in a five-game match. The machine’ssweeping victories have made AI(artificialin tellige nce)a hot topic once aga in. Some people welcome the progress and expect AI to ben efit mankind in more fields. Some others fear that AI will eventually get out of human con trol. What is your view? How will AI affect our life?Write an essay in resp onse to the questio n. Give reas ons to support your points of view.参考译文:人工智能将怎样影响我们的生活 ?最近,谷歌公司旗下的AlphaGo( 款围棋人工智能程序)在五局 比赛中,以4:1的成绩打败了韩国围棋大师李世石。机器的全面胜利使得“人工智能”再度成为一个热门话题。一些人对这种进步表示 欢迎,并期望人工智能能够在更多领域造福人类;另一些人则担心人 工智能最终会摆脱人类的控制。对此,你有何看法?人工智能将会怎样影响我们的生活?百万同题英文写作活动热度
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