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1、理化性质外观:黄色或浅褐色粉末稳定性:22 C, pH 5-9时稳定熔点:50.5-52.5 C分解温度:150 C在水中的溶解度(20C): 13.6 mg/L在有机溶剂中得溶解度(20C):丙酮,氯仿,甲苯1000g/L,苯,乙醇,二氯甲烷,醋酸乙酯中200 g/L,正己烷=12 g/L。堆积密度/比重(25 C): 1.27g/ml分配系数(正辛醇/水25C): KowlogP=3.81,蒸气压(25 C): 2.2mPa亨利常数:2.44 X 10-5光解:对光不敏感闪点:282C2、环境行为:挥发性:土壤吸附:有机碳吸附系数:Koc (Organic-carbon sorption constant) =4563(ml g-1淋溶试验:土壤降解试验(23C): DT50=30-45天水解试验(25 C):稳定水中光解试验:土壤表面光解试验:水-沉积物降解试验:生物富集试验:3、生殖毒性、致畸、慢性毒性和致癌性试验大鼠(雌)急性经口 LD50=472mg/kg,大鼠(雄)急性经口 LD50=830mg/kg 皮刺和眼刺:大鼠急性经皮LD502000mg/kg,皮肤和粘膜有轻微刺激, 吸入毒性:LD50(4h)= 26 mg/l air日本鹤鹑(雄)急性经口 LD50=3360mg/kg,日本鹤鹑(雌)急性经口 LD50=2339mg/kg鸡(雄)急性经口 LD50=1840mg/kg,鸡(雌)急性经口 LD50=1640mg/kg 金鱼 LD50 (96h)=4.6mg/L,鳟鱼 LD50 (96h)=2.8mg/L,水蚤 LD50(3h)56mg/ 1,蜜蜂(接触)LD50= 0.66 佬 Arozin 60LC /只毒性分级:WHO (a.i.) II; EPA (formulation) III4、在动物体内的代谢5、每日允许摄入量(ADI)或临时每日允许摄入量(TADI)资料NOMENCLATURECommon name anilofos (BSI, E-ISO, (m) F-ISO); no name (Japan)IUPAC name S-4-chloro-N-isopropylcarbaniloylmethyl QO-dimethyl phosphorodithioate;4 -chloro-2-dimethoxyphosphinothioylthio-N-isopropylacetanilideChemical Abstracts name S-2-(4-chlorophenyl)(1-methylethyl)amino-2-oxoethyl QO-dimethyl phosphorodithioate CAS RN 64249-01-0 Development codes Hoe 30 374 (Hoechst) Smiles code COP(=S)(OC)SCC(=O)N(C(C)C)c1ccc(Cl)cc1PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYMol. wt. 367.8 M.f. C13H19C1NO3PS2 Form Crystalline solid. M.p. 50.5-52.5 C V.p. 2.2 mPa (60 C) Kow logP = 3.81 S.g./density 1.27 (25 C) Solubility In water 13.6 mg/l (20 C). In acetone, chloroform, toluene 1000, benzene, ethanol, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate 200, hexane 12 (all in g/l). Stability Stable at pH 5-9 at 22 C. Decomposes at 150 C. Not sensitive to sunlight.COMMERCIALISATIONHistory Herbicide reported by P. Langeluddeke et al. (Proc. Asian Pacific Weed Sci. Soc. Conf., 8th, 1981, p. 449). Introduced by Hoechst AG (now Bayer AG).Manufacturers Binnong; Gharda; Lianyungang LibenAPPLICATIONSBiochemistry Inhibits cell division. Mode of action Selective herbicide, absorbed through the roots, and, to some extent, through the leaves.Uses Control of annual grass weeds (e.g. Echinochloa, Cyperus, Fimbristylis spp.) and sedges (e.g. Scirpus spp.) in transplanted rice.Formulation types EC; GR; SC. Compatibility Compatible with herbicides which control broad-leaved weeds.PRODUCTSSelected products Aniloguard (Gharda); Control-H (Crop Health). Other products Arozin (Bayer CropScience); Anilgard (Gharda); Anilodhan (Dhanuka);Anilotox (Aimco); Foster (Devidayal); Klipp (Jubilant Organosys); Nidan (Gharda);Torch (Dogal). Discontinued products Arrozin * (Bayer CropScience); Rico * (Bayer CropScience); Mustang * (FMC); Surya * (Parry); mixtures Bingo * (+ benfuresate + daimuron + ethoxysulfuron) (Aventis); Goku-Jumbo * (+ daimuron + ethoxysulfuron) (Aventis); Kimanmae * (+ daimuron + ethoxysulfuron) (Aventis); Kita-bingo* (+ benfuresate + ethoxysulfuron) (Aventis); RiceGuard * (+ ethoxysulfuron) (Bayer CropScience); Sunrice Plus * (+ ethoxysulfuron) (Bayer CropScience); Anilonox* (+ propanil) (Crystal).ANALYSISProduct analysis by hplc. Residue analysis by glc. Details available from Bayer CropScience.TOXICOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS91/414/EC Annex I status Never notified to the EU.MAMMALIAN TOXICOLOGYOral Acute oral LD50 for male rats 830, female rats 472 mg/kg. Skin and eye Acute percutaneous LD50 for rats 2000 mg/kg. Slightly irritating to skin and mucous membranes. Inhalation LC50 (4 h) 26 mg/l air. Toxicity Class WHO (a.i.) II;EPA (formulation) IIIECOTOXICOLOGYBirds Acute oral LD50 for male Japanese quail 3360, female Japanese quail 2339, male chickens 1480, female chickens 1640 mg/kg. Fish LC50 (96 h) for goldfish 4.6, trout 2.8 mg/l. Daphnia LC50 (3 h) 56 mg/l. Bees Contact LD50 0.66 pg Arozin 60 LC/bee.ENVIRONMENTAL FATESoil/Environment Typical degradation for a phosphoric acid compound, with chloroaniline and CO2 as end-products. DT50 in soil 30 45 d at 23 C.
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