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初二英语试卷及答案楚州区教育教学第三协作片期中统考八年级英语学科试卷 命题人:潘福平一、选择题。(0分)( )1 Its FO. B a C. te D./( )2.Is here n toas newsper?A soethin itrestig B. nteresing ethng . anything interesin D.terestingating( )3. a ay o you ed your t? Twc a d.A Hw oftnB owog How mnD. o mytie( )4 My og s animal f alA.clevr . veest C er D. the cveres( )5.- s he Egih bo yours? - No, t _ Si.A. ca B. cn b C. may D migh is ( )6. -hy dont we _? - ts aod da .A .going fisn B. to go fihin C. gosh D . go fsi ( )7.he wom oy _. Asing an dance B. sig ad dces C. singin and danng D. singing a ances( )8. It took _ lf nhour _ his homewrk. A. her, do B. hi, o . him, too hm, doing( )9. _ ntereting toryit s! AWha B. How C. What a D. What( )1 A prso cnn seez nd_ his eyes_ the ametme. A. ets,pen B.eep, ope C.lt, cls D. kee, ce( )11.Remember o_ your hmewrk o school oorrow. A. ak B. brn uy . ory( )1. _ is important_ fish freswater. A. That; oie B.It; toive C. Tat;givg D.It; o gin ( )13 You_ be polite oh ol ma. . should can C. ned D. y ( )14. Must I reurnhebook right w? o, yo _. Amsnt B.ont hae to . need . ad C( )15 Tim py wth h et or _evy day . sometieB. som timesC. sometimes D.sme tie ( )16. ont read_he u and ts bad _ yr y. Aunder; or B.in; for . with; fo . n; ( )1.dn you tel er _? A how odoB. wat to .o do what D. what to i( )18.Hees book. t belongto . he hi C. him hr( )9. Lei Fng aways _ ohersfrs. A. hoght o B. houhtaout C. thugt over D. hought up( )20.he an uay as_ health fd, sohe s_ unealth. A too much,tmuch Bmuch to,uch too C oo much, much to D. uchtoo, too mch二、完型填空。(1分)he isa stoy abou a cve o. It was eeng-eye dog. Aseeing-eye og can helpblnd(瞎的) peopl waalo the seesad o myothe tins. On day a eein-eedog nd a blindman 1 bus togter. s wasull f 2 an herewe 3 elet.Bu one an soonood uadleft his seat.The dg 4 th lind mnothset, but hre was litte space(空间) forwo ple he dog gan puh the peopleoec sid 5 nose. pedand pushedutil e peoleoved ad 6 her s 7pac for two peope T lind mn ten st down nd the dog otpn the seat ats de. The do 8 on pt hi ea on thele of the 9 man He was very comforable ason flt see.veyonen the bu 10 the dg. ( ) 1. A. got Bwet C. came D. put ( ) 22. . reigers B. policmn C.pople .arers ( )23.A. no B. not many . enug D. sme ( ) 2. . told B. sked C. carri D.tok ( )5. Afor B to ith D. a ( )26.A. a fst . sill . at last D. st ( ) 27.Ales B enough C fw . lttle( ) 28 Awt B pu .ay D. jumped( ) 29.A. ld bn C.young D.frst ( )0. A.sld B.wtcd . te a 三、阅读理解。(3分,每空2分) AO theewa altte gil ina vilag. e spen ummrs on he grandfaherfarm. The year she asfour,she kew meduck. T dcs wer wtwith orage fet. Thy livedin alttle denho near theroad. Thelttleirl led thseucks verymuc.ver ay he wkdon eroa to hpond(池塘).Theuck wnit the wat. The lttlgirl sa on the ank(岸) and sa he sming nthe pond.h little gir tkd tohe ducks and they quaked(嘎嘎叫) bakThenoneday te dcks wergoe o on wulda anything abut the eile girl ai to sheehey weOn niht everyn s for inner. hefoodlooed lttle likecicen. h girl dnt wnto at.Cnyou ess h? ( )3. The tor s mainy abut _. A.eatinchiken B. siting b the ond C. livng n afrm . dcks and a tle r
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