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Module 2 FriendshipUnit 2 No one knew who I was.合肥五十五中 陈懿晅Teaching model: Reading and writingTeaching aims:1. Knowledge aims:1) Vocabulary: gift, far away, lonely, afraid, (be) afraid to do, make friends (with), anyone, laugh, worry, worry about, usual, at that moment, pass, touch, bright, day by day, matter, believe2) Target language: I believe that No one knew who I was.2. Ability aims: To train the students to read the story in the way they should, that is to grasp the 5 wh- questions; To enable students to retell the story; To enable students to understand the authors purpose in telling the story 3. Moral aims: Make the students know the importance of friendship and know how to establish and maintain friendship; Develop the students feeling of loving each other.Teaching key points:1) Key vocabulary.2) Target language.Teaching difficult points: 1) Develop the students ability of reading 2) Target language.Teaching methods:Interactive approach and activity-based teaching method.Teaching aids: Tape recorder ;multimedia, PPTTeaching procedures:Step1. Greetings and leading in 1 Greet the students . (play the song “If you are happy” as background music.)2 Teacher tells the students her feelings and ask their feelings now.3 Free talk: talk about something happy or unhappy and how they deal with it. (ask two students )设计思路:此环节选用学生熟悉的轻快歌曲作为背景音乐,一方面是为了使学生很快的进入一种快乐的氛围之中,另一方面也是因为这里提到了学生的情感。与学生之间的Free talk 为后面的阅读埋下伏笔。Step2 Reading1 Scanning and answer the following questions:Who is the writer?Where do the main events or story take place?Where do they take place?Why is it called A beautiful smile?设计思路 : 培养学生阅读的技巧和能力。2 Intensive reading 1) Read again and find paragraphs that describe the stage and choose the best answers.设计思路:精读,使学生深层了解文章的内容并对其写作方式进行初步的感知.2) Make the students to find the sentences like No one knew who I was.Then make them find the features.设计思路: 让学生对于本模块的语法重点有所认识并通过观察了解它的变化特征。3 Appreciation: make the students to choose the paragraph ,the sentence, even the word they like best, then ask them tell us why and read it out.设计思路: 赏析文章,让学生各抒己见,能在此过程中更好地了解文章,体验感知作者的情感.4 Summary:ask the students what they learn from the passage.设计思路: 将文章的深层含义升华,一方面强调友谊的重要性,一方面要教育学生如何面对人生。Step 3 Writing1 Ask the students: “After reading , who and what do you think of ? ”. talk about it with your partners.2 Write down your story, your feelings and the truth you got.设计思路: 这里主要引导学生直面自己的内心世界,将自己的真情实感抒发出来。并希望学生能学以致用。Step 4 Homework1 Arrange your writing exercise.2 Share a passage about friendship with us and tell us your feelings.设计思路:希望学生能更好地去感知体验,并能对自己的经历有所思有所想。一个有思想的有情感体验的人才能更好地学习和生活。Teaching reflection: 针对阅读课常以完成阅读理解题的方式来玩成以及学生的作文写得很空洞的状况,我以为,应从阅读教学方式的改变入手来解决。本节课主要尝试从以下几个方面来优化阅读教学: 1 阅读策略的教学运用,希望能授学生以渔。2 引导学生进行情感的体验,并通过激活学生内在的记忆使学生能写出有血有肉的文章。3 赏析部分中学生的活跃程度超出了我的想象。而且所选的内容各不相同,让我们对文章有了不一样的领悟,不得不感叹: 集体的智慧是无穷的!这里,学生的情感体验达到高潮,为后面的写作做了很好地铺垫。4 写作时学生似乎比往常更顺一些,不再有无话可写得感觉,大家都沉浸在回忆之中,对于细节和情感的描述都更加细致深入。 整节课我和学生都沉浸在这种情感体验之中。刚开始时我引导学生,渐渐的学生开始发挥各自的力量,使得对于文章的解读更全面。其实我觉得只要学生能感知体验文章的内在含义,还怕做不好阅读理解题吗?
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