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沈阳市中考英语真题预测(d)一、单项填空1. You were amazng toay ! wel doe !_.A.llrig B thnkyu Not yet of course2. Mny epe find that lstengtoso goo msic helps _ when tey ar lo.A. us B you C them Dit 3. I think t is tuet Jll _ o woroay bause he i atrip . A. ascome B. idntcome Cscomg . will nt come 4 Thetrin traveed _fasforu o see mch outsiethewindow.qute B. er C. too D. so _ Sio as dn well i hs tudes , he stillwrs eallyhad.A. Altoug B Beuse C.Unlss D.When6.We ke abut pblem and Ti _ ding oe rsar first.A. finishd Benjyd Csggested D.pacticed 7 I thn hatyou ed to eat _wes a ore ruit.A.few B ewe C. litte D.e. To wasnotlstning cafully, so heildt hea _.A. wha he eachr said B. how he teacer said C.what didthteacer sa D. how did th ahe a9. h shoulw d toproct fsh in the rer ? _thw rubish ntothriver.A. nee B. need .must D.mstt10.hegouphad o ait_ afr 2 to chcki a h hoelA from B. unil C f D. at二、完型填空阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A,B,C,中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A fw yarago, huban I wereon n island fr a ong weknd ith our toaughtrs. As eweredabou what todo _1_, our ils jumps in an old u eactl whatey and to d .”_2_wt to go to hebutrfly usum ,” saidArila and Eliana .A sooas we _in e maaea of uum , we saw thosans of _4_ utterflies , all flapping tir coourfulwings M gir were_5_ u and down, nd knew weha made he rih _6_ to ome othemeum.They weehv so much un.I 7_ to our museum tour uid becus I w criu, n askd ,“_8_ tterflies live ?”h sid, “bu ten da”“Watanutefles do _ten dys?” I asked .Theuid stoppd , ooked at m, nai, “Tey mke th wrl _1_ orebeautfuace.”After we said goodbye , I_1_ sop thinkingabou wathe guid had said. She was riht. We alhae _1_ooffer heoldwith the ime we have ._13_ we fsor ifs ontkingcareoea oher everyda ,weca mkea _1_ow hnkfuit i tht you can ha t nfluence onyur fmily, friens and neighbor ! li buttrfly , you ae your own way of akithword atle_15_everon .1 A.now B. ext .n D. aain A. We B.o C.I D.thy3 A. rove B. wakd C. lookd D. brought4. A. freB. loly C. eautif D.dinay. . comin B. movingC. on . juping 6. way B. time C dcisin . avice. got we C. trned D wored8 A.Hooon .How lg C. Howmuc D. Hoten9. A. n B. for C ver i 10. A . a . fr . t . (不填)1. A. ca .cant C could .coulnt 2. A.nthn B. anythin smeting D. evrytig13 . hen . nce. Uless Whether 1. A.note B chc . esson D drence a diferece o th evionment15.Abetter B.ster . lrge D. slwer三、阅读理解Aerdnnd agela(1480 1) wa a porue xlrer.In 59, he led tefirst oyageto saiaond the wrld. It was so thfirstaget sal fro te AlatiOcean t the Pcfic Ocean. Magellngave teacifi Ocean itsnam, hc ea“peaeful sea” n prtguee Hwever, alla msef was klled inattle befo thoangewas inished. ly one ofhisshis, the octora, opled th jouey.Lozi lvedin te 6t cenury BC.I is beevda hewrteheadei. Th ok ipoular in both the ast andte West, nit is till widey ead tody an eol have foud insiration (鼓舞人心的话) inthisbook. hre are mny fams sayig nt DdengOne hem is, “A journy o thusand li bgns ih sigle step.”S lsaac Newton waan Egihhsicit, mathematician n atmr. He iscoered the a ogavity In1687, Neton pubisedo of motimprtandbooks i thehistory ience.In thbook, Nt eribed many lwsthat sho h the ivers wrs. lbert Eintein kept actureo eto on t wll o hi study.hich ofthe followingwas th d es urig Magelans vyge?A.ws kille in a bate.B. No ship competedth one.C. Heund “peceful sea”.D.He gavehe acific ts name.heDaodejing is stilwdelyedtody beause _.A. it warttenby LaoiB. an people hae ouninpition n iC. itis popular in t orldD many faus saying are aout joneTh reatest acieemnt made by Nwtni that _.A.he publishedmyporantbooks. hiscover
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