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(单项选择题) 1: The boy( )to school already.A: has takenB: has been takingC: is takenD: has been taken对旳答案: (单项选择题) 2: Mr. Smith, together with his wife and children,( )going to the party this weekend.A: amB: isC: areD: will对旳答案: (单项选择题) 3: Edgar began( )as an office boy years ago.A: jobB: workC: positionD: occupation对旳答案: (单项选择题) 4: Did you have a neighbor who was always( )your business?A: doingB: making itC: getting aboveD: poking his nose into对旳答案: (单项选择题) 5: Im trying to call Marie, but theres no answer. ( ).A: Really? Maybe shes outB: Here is a message for herC: Im really sorry about itD: I didnt realize that对旳答案: (单项选择题) 6: What do you find difficult in learning English? ( ).A: Listening and speakingB: Dont be afraid of difficultiesC: Learning English is usefulD: Dont be disappointed对旳答案: (单项选择题) 7: He seldom does his homework at school on weekdays,( )he?A: doesntB: isntC: doesD: is对旳答案: (单项选择题) 8: Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver? ( ).A: Dont worry about meB: Just stay in bed and have a good restC: There must be something wrongD: Yes, thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy对旳答案: (单项选择题) 9: My parents are not interested in modern music. They are( )the times.A: beforeB: behindC: afterD: low对旳答案: (单项选择题) 10: His attitude toward us seems( ).A: nicelyB: warmlyC: kindlyD: friendly对旳答案: (单项选择题) 11: Could you please pay me( )advance?A: 不填B: onC: inD: for对旳答案: (单项选择题) 12: John Preston was tired( )living in east London, in which he had moved after his wifes death.A: toB: ofC: atD: for对旳答案: (单项选择题) 13: What subjects are you studying? ( ).A: Yes, Im studying historyB: Im studying nowC: Im studying philosophyD: Im doing my homework对旳答案: (单项选择题) 14: Joe will come to the party at Jane and Ians, wont he? ( ).A: Oh, yeah, 1 forgotB: Its at 8 oclockC: Yeah, hes bringing his cousin, SandyD: Yeah, its a nice party对旳答案: (单项选择题) 15: What( )of blood does Tom have?A: kindB: typeC: sortD: category对旳答案: (单项选择题) 16: He is the man( )dog bit me.A: thatB: whichC: whosD: whose对旳答案: (单项选择题) 17: Mr. Smith( )a most important part in the development of our city.A: tookB: hadC: playedD: made对旳答案: (单项选择题) 18: You should make( )your house or flat is secure.A: sureB: certainC: understandingD: knowledge对旳答案: (单项选择题) 19: I broke my leg when I( )skiing in America.A: 不填B: isC: wasD: has been对旳答案: (单项选择题) 20: Is the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor? ( ).A: No, there isntB: Yes, it isC: On the ground floorD: It is empty对旳答案: (单项选择题) 21: If I had more money, I( )travel around the world.A: willB: wantC: wouldD: like对旳答案: (单项选择题) 22: May I have a look at your photo album? ( ).A: Yes, you haveB: Its very interestingC: This is my girl friendD: Yes, of course对旳答案: (单项选择题) 23: We( )every day when we were children.A: used to swimB: used to swimmingC: use to swimD: use to swimming对旳答案: (单项选择题) 24: It( )that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday.A: took placeB: occurredC: broke outD: happened对旳答案: (单项选择题) 25: Excuse me, which is the express train to Tokyo? ( ).A: The express train is expensiveB: OK. Ill give you a handC: Sorry, the express bus has goneD: On your right. Itll leave in 5 minutes对旳答案: (单项选择题) 26: He carried on( )after his accident.A: to workB: workC: workingD: worked对旳答案: (单项选择题) 27: The restaurants( )are good but the( )here are much better.A: thereonesB: hereoneC: thereoneD: here one对旳答案: (单项选择题) 28: Well, Mary, how are you? ( ).A: Im goodB: Im pleasedC: Im fineD: Im nice对旳答案: (单项选择题) 29: Help yourself to the steak, Maggie. ( ).A: Sorry, Ive had enoughB: Thank you, HelenC: Yes. But it isnt cooked wellD: Help yourself to it, too对旳答案: (单项选择题) 30: It is assumed that students at an intermediate level will have a good( )of the basic structures and vocabulary of English.A: commandB: commandingC: to commandD: commanded对旳答案: (单项选择题) 31: When a fire( )at the National Exhibition, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.A: broke offB: broke outC: broke downD: broke up对旳答案: (单项选择题) 32: Mother was busy. Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she( )it on the radio.A: was listening toB: was hearingC: was listeningD: was seeing对旳答案: (单项选择题) 33: Bushs farm( )is said to be at bottom of the state of Texas in north America.A: streetB: roadC: laneD: avenue对旳答案: (单项选择题) 34: What( )all this morning?A: are you being doneB: have you been doingC: have you been doneD: are you doing对旳答案: (单项选择题) 35: How do I get to Cairo? ( ).A: Im sorry. I cant understandB: You could catch the 9:30 flight and change at ParisC: Im afraid
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