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关于英文致歉信范文集锦10篇在充溢活力,日益开放的今日,我们常常会遇到要写致歉信的状况,致歉信在写作上具有肯定的格式要求。致歉信的留意事项有很多,你确定会写吗?以下是我整理的英文致歉信0篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。英文致歉信篇1 Dear Mati, I loking frardo or vist. Jus tink,afeall tese yeas owritin to eac other, e ilialyhae the cance omee!Howeer, Iam sor tha wll nt be abe meetyua h irport asons you arrieherason i thatyur fligt il ari eal n theornig, and the ealiestIa getothairprwl e but an houatr o.se ait for me in the rrivallounge.Youshouldbabl thave breakfast therehle yu wi.y hea,aswehaveneer met must elyou how to reonize me. I m of ediu heig nd have smal moustche. n addon, Ill bcarring cy oftemrning nespap tued undery e arm. Lokig forwad to our ting.Yors sierely, i ing英文致歉信 篇Dear nne,Thankyou for yor invttion tonrtourhoe tmorrow vening. Unortate, iis much o reret that I canno jin yo and yor amily, beca ill bfu ccupe ten or n iportnt exa cmighe dayaftertomorrw. I el tilsorry fr missg he chanceofsuc ahapy ettoeer, d ope tht all ofyuenjy agd tim. I ipssbl for you ane to have a priat ig fteward? so, pleaseont hesitte tor e a lie aut yourrefeabled do lg for pleasa chatwith y.Pleaseallw me osay sorry gin.Rers,Li Mng 译文敬爱的安:感谢你邀请我于明日晚上与你和你的家人共进午餐。可是,我特别缺憾地告知你我无法赴约,因为我将忙于打算后天的一门重要考试。 错过了这么一个快乐的聚会我深感缺憾,我希望你们能度过一个开心的时间。 对了,在我考试后我们可以见一面么?假如可以的话请随时给我打电话,我特别期盼能和你开心地闲聊。 请允许我再一次致歉。 您真诚的,李明英文致歉信 篇 Dear S or Mdm: Te Manaeet CiaWorld Htel wish to etedits sinerest pologiefor th nonveniywre used as ereuable toaccommoate you your arival.Thiis nthe normalmann inwhic we hane our usts resrtion andwregret ay undue iconveniee ou wee causedaeul.We hoeyo fond thecommdation at Beijig ineatinahotlon Auust 9 to be saisfactr. e egretthat ing o yo sceuloftis visi, you wee b to urn tour hotel onthe et day Kindy rst assur tat e will enavor to ure atyour fut vist to us illbe comortable oe Thank you fo yourkind nrstandng and look forard to he opportuty to redem urselvesy wcomingyu ack o hia World oteson. With reeed apoloies. Yors Sincerely AfedZuag Frnt Oic Maner MrUlrich eman.英文致歉信篇4 Dea r. hI would ike to hank you fr cooing heChina orld Hel or you recenty stay On behlfo mnagemt a stff, pleaeaccept my sineaploi fr te iledoetedyour GoldCicle bnefi oftheingize bd,gldencrc apopriatflor nd newsaper. dring yurst with us on 0 08h NvA u value gu, youcoment ndeebck are of st mportance tou Mr. Shu, shold yo coset tuno our hotl,peae et e now and wil esure tat yourstay will estr o confiene in theuality ervceuponwhic e Goldn Crcle tas. My apologie onceagain nd thank you fotaintime to ringths mterto uattento. We are loinor to welcme o ack to hoelagain if ywould ito give us chance to correou miste. Shod you haveany inquies, pleas elfre contacme.Knd and est regad Alfred ZhangFn OfficManaer.英文致歉信 篇DeaDvi: I am afid tha you wil thne unprdbly neglign i ot ainganwered yur ttrdted7, Decber on, bu whe a old yo e rao, I trt ou wil be nined thathe negc was ecusable e your letter arried, was justi Hog Kon. Asmy failycouldnot forwa it me duing y absence, it has bee, terore, lying my desk untilthemomet whn I tokup. Now the first hig have oan o doio write to youtese flnesto express my deep reget. I enoyedman pleasant sigtsdri mytrip.I sa be leased to gveyoun cout to of them wen I see yu nt.敬爱的大卫: 我怕你会觉得我不行宽恕过失没有回答你的来信7日12月早,但是当我告知你缘由,我信任你会信任忽视是可以宽恕的。你的信到的时候,我只是在香港。作为我的家庭不能转告我我不在的时候,它始终在,因此,躺在我的桌子上,直到那一刻,我欣然接受。现在我要抓紧做的第一件事就是给你写信这些几行表达我深深的缺憾。 我喜爱很多开心的景象在我的旅行。我将很兴奋给你一个账户,当我看到你下一个。英文致歉信 篇6r xx: i am terrblsorry to telyou that haost thevluablebok youeresond o ee last week. read rydy andintended to fnis tnextmnth. lastnightwhen cme my rom,it wasnhere beound i will tryto ecover it son aspssile. if i fail to fin it, iwll get anwbookfo you ut iafridit n never taeepac of th oldone od bok areike old friends ce lot,they can ve be placed. hey are cnectedithherhe siatons hiche new
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