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刷题课时练10MmommmfisofmaMfflmwmmw I 阅读理解AI was rece ntly asked what in spires me most. That was easy to an swer:I live and breathe track and field. It is the only sport that has allowed me to spread my wings and truly fly. I have struggled a lot in my life after being diagnosed诊断)with a learning disability at the age of three. I was also born four mon ths too early, weighi ng less tha n four poun ds. Eve n at 17, rm still work ing to catch up. Men tally rm on the level of a 12-year-old. I had to repeat the third and fifth grade, which caused me a lot of stress and embarrassme nt.I was joked so much that I would ofte n hide in the bathroom in stead of going to class. My pare nts always gave me lots of love and support, but I still felt worthless most of the time. Im also quite shy, so making and keep ing friends has always bee n a challe nge.Then one day whe n I was 12, my life cha nged forever, My pare nts decided my youn ger brother and I should try track. From that mome nt on my life was different. I was a natural mid-distance runner. When I was on the track, the other kids just saw me and my speed. No one saw my learning disability. For the first time in my life I felt normal.When I entered high school, I joined the track team and the coach quickly saw my tale nt. I was selected to run on the A team for cross-c ounty and the A team for in door and outdoor track. Im on the school team for the 4X 400-meter and 4X 800-meter relays, and colleges are eve n in terested in me!My cross-county team won the 2011 County and Regional Champi on ship. When I accepted my award, my mom cried because she was so proud of me, and for on ce, I was proud of myself.Even though Im a special-education student, I now know that my learning disability does not define(限定) me. I can hold my head up high because track has allowed me to spread my wings and truly fly!【语篇解读】作者是一个在学习上有障碍的学生,但是却在田径运动中找到了自己的价值1. The underlined sentence in Para. 1 may meanA . I can easily breathe on the trackB . track and field is where I liveC. track and field is my lifeD. I take track and field as a sport答案与解析:C句意理解题。根据第一段画线句子后面的“It isthe only sport. wings and truly fly. ”可知,作者认为田径运动让他展翅翱翔,所以他视田径为生命,因此选 C。2. What is the problem with the writer?A . He did nt want to make frien ds.B . He did nt get more love from his pare nts.C . He weighed a little less than others.D . He had a poor lear ning ability.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“diagnosed诊断)with a learning disability at the age of three” 可知,作者学习能力有问 题,因此选D。3 . The first time the writer was on the track, he.A . felt as n ormal as othersB . was proud of himselfC . was still a little shyD . treated himself as a hero答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句“For thefirst time in my life I felt normal. ” 可知选 A。4 . The best title for the passage may be“” .A . Fly in the Sky B . Spread My WingsC . Try Track Bravely D . Be an Honor Stude nt答案与解析:B标题归纳题。作者在学习上有障碍,但是从事田径运动却如鱼得水,是一个天生的田径运动员。田径让作者找到了 自己的价值,有了展翅飞翔的机会,故B符合主题。BThe doctor made it sound easy. Just walk. It was easy for him to say. I could nt walk to the end of the road to pick up my mail. I tried to sta nd up, but soon got breathless and just stopped. My mailbox seemed to be so far away. It was hard for me, though I am only 39 years old!A month ago, my wife Stephanieand I were in Colorado Springs with our friends whe n I woke up at 12 oclock at ni ght and did nt feel very well. Stephanie and I drove to the hospital, and my 10-day vacation turned into a 10-day hospital stay. I got a scar 伤疤)on my body. It was really tough to walk around the n and I n eeded practice.Stepha nie had to go to work so she en couraged me to try to take a few walks. Minutes later, she came back with a puppy. “Where did you get that?” I asked. “ In our mailbox,” she replied. What a won der! The puppy was dirty, with big pleading (恳求的)eyes. Stephanie was late for work. I was not very happy. I could nt take care of myself. How could I look after this puppy? “ Hes going to the pound (动物收容所),” I thought. However, wherever I went, the puppy would closely follow me. I tried walking. The puppy ran ahead,looked back and repeated it again and again. He seemed to say“come on” . I took a deep breath, and then tried stepp ing; the puppy was right at my side .I succeeded at last. I did nt take the puppy to the pound. In stead, we walked toward the mailbox.We n amed him Cheye nne. Before long, I was walk ing with Cheye nne every day. Pretty soon, I was strong eno ugh to work on the farm aga in. Now I won der who put a puppy in a mailbox. Nobody is so crazy after all, Cheye nne was maybe what the doctor ordered.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文,主题语境是生活。作者在手术后身体非常虚弱,不能走路,内心苦恼,抱怨医生。后来他收养了一只 小狗,在这只小狗的陪伴与感染下,他试着迈步,并很快恢复了健康。5. What can we learn about the author in the first paragraph?A . He did nt ofte n take exercise.B . He did nt thi nk life was easy.C. He gave up picking up his mail at last.D. He thought the docto
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