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2001-2010年英语写作佳句20011. Family planning can be seen as a response to the problem of the excessive population growth.计划生育可被视为对人口过度增长这个问题的应对之策。2. The trend was naturally most obvious in those areas of alternative resources, and can be illustrated in terms of the development of wind power.这一趋势在可替代能源这个领域里自然表现得最为突出,风能的发展可以说明这一趋势。3. In personal growth generally, however, college life must be reckoned as the crucial period for identifying ones life direction.然而,从个人成长这个整体来看,大学生活应该被视为决定个人生活方向的关键时期。4. A great deal of attention is being paid today to the research on alternative resources.5. Why dose the traffic problem get worse? The governors and experts are trying to answer this painful question.棘手的问题6. But the sources of immoral behaviors go way deeper.但不道德的行为有更深刻的根源。7. There exists a social and cultural disconnection between foreigners and natives.外国人和本地人之间存在着一种社会和文化方面的脱节。8. China is going through the biggest wave of economic structure adjustment.中国正经历一场有史以来最大的经济结构调整。9. This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of family education and over the healthy growth of children.这种现象使得人们深切关注家庭教育的作用,以及孩子的健康成长。10. In the world, the move away from using traditional resources to utilizing alternative resources is a well-established trend. 在世界范围内,从使用传统能源转向使用可替代能源已成明显趋势。11. While the trend of staying at home on holidays started as a reaction to pressures in daily life, we have different reasons for seeking to simplify our lives.这种房价宅在家的趋势一开始是对生活压力所作出的一种反应,而我们群球简化生活的缘由却不尽相同。200212. Look for the inspiration. It often comes from the unexpected.寻找灵感,灵感常常来自意料之外。13. As a result, the modern world is increasingly populated by plastic products whose presence we seldom notice but whose universal existence has facilitated much human lives.由此引起的结果是,现代世界充斥着越来越多的塑料制品,虽然我们很少注意他们,但他们的普遍存在却极大地方便人们的生活。14. One more reason not to lose sleep over tomorrows job interview is that the lack of sleep may result in poor performance.不为明天的工作面试而失眠的另一个原因是,缺乏睡眠会导致不好的表现。15. There are good reasons to expect that the culture integrated has become an irreversible trend.我们有充分的理由预期文化融合是一股不可逆转的趋势。200316. These days the Net, which has already re-made such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail, is reshaping the production process in every field as well.如今,互联网已经完全改变了买书和寄邮信这样的日常生活,现在也正在改变每个行业的生产过程。17. In the past three or four years, the World Wide Web has given birth to a variety of online shops.18. If we do nothing, there is a real possibility that an uniformed citizenry will extinguish the precious embers of the research on alternative resource.如果我们无所作为,不明真相的公众真的有可能扑灭可替代能源研究的宝贵的火种。19. Supporters of E-books argue that E-books will allow for convenient storage and environment protection.20. People justify placing advertisement in the newspapers on the grounds that it reduces the costs of readers.在报纸上附广告,人们给出的理由是,这样会减少读者读报的成本。21. Anyone can see success comes from persistence. Yet few seem willing to persist in the time of hardship.人人都明白成功来自坚持,但是很少有人愿意在困难时仍然坚持。200422. Already, experts say, the number of applicants is off 7 percent from last years pace.据专家称,申请者和去年相比已经减少了7%。23. Food prices are holding steady in most regions.大部分地区食品价格保持稳定。24. The people achieving ultimate success could see silver linings to the darkest clouds.最终取得成功的人透过黑压压的乌云看到希望。25. We might see an upside in his behavior.我们看到她现在的行为与以前截然不同,或:他与以前判若两人。26. It is generally accepted that smoking could leave people vulnerable to many diseases.人们普遍认为吸烟会使人易患很多疾病。27. We should place a very high value on creating a caring community in which everyone feels confident and valued.我们应该重视创造一个关爱的社区,在那里人人都有自信感和价值感。200528. Everybody loves travelling. Yet pleasure at your own can vanish if you learn that you have been overcharged.人人喜爱旅游,但是当你得知你承担了过高票价的时候,那么旅游带给你的喜悦感就消失的无影无踪了。29. However, whether traditional cultures can enjoy a revival, is, as yet, an unanswered question.但是传统文化是否能重新流行,这还是一个有待回答的问题。30. There are promising parallels today.现在出现了鼓舞人心的类似景象。31. The clear message is that in the Internet age, we should take more efforts to safeguard our private information.这明确的告诉我们在计算机时代,我们应该更努力地保护我们的个人价值。32. Voice now come from many quarters insisting that academic burden is the cause of suicide cases in campus, that measures should be taken to relieve that burden.来自不同的领域的声音坚持认为学业压力是大学自杀事件的原因,因此需要采取措施减轻学业压力。33. To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must press forward on environment protection plan. But plan alone is inadequate.为了成为地球上有责任心的管理员,我们必须推进环境保护计划的制定。但只有计划是不够的。34. Of all the components of success, fortune seems to be least within our control.在成功的所有因素中,运气似乎是最无法控制的一个。35. Evidence from the decline in species diversity supports this view.生物多样性下降的证据支持了以上观点。200636. The situation is that consumer price has rocketed and employees salaries have stayed low.现状是消费价格迅速上升,而雇员的薪水仍很低。37. Now something similar could be happening in China.现在类似的情况可能正在中国发生。38. Statistics show that the crime online has caused a con
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