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课题Unit 4 We love animals A Lets talk A Lets play课型对话课课时目标1. 能够在图片和教师的协助下理解对话大意。2. 能够按照准确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能实行角色表演。3. 能够在情境中使用Whats this? Its a询问并回答进出动物的名称。4. 能够在语境中理解生词duck, dog, bear的意思,并能准确发音。5. 能够在“猜猜看”的游戏中,依照语言示范,使用所学句型Whats this? Its a 询问并猜测动物的名称。重难点重点:1. 能灵活使用句型:Whats this? Its a2. 能听懂、会说常见的动物单词:duck, dog, bear。难点:1. 句型Whats this? Its a的使用情景。2. 单词bear的发音。教学核心任务通过hand shadow 操练Whats this? Its a教学过程设计Step 1 Warm-up1.Lets share a picture book: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?2.Say colours from the picture book3.Say animals from the picture bookStep 2 Presentation1. A _ / A _ and a _ /A _ and a _ A brown bear, a purple cat, a yellow duck, and a white dog go by boat to have a trip. 通过 “Five on a boat” 输入量词加名词的排比读法,注重语音语调的输入。2. Its a .1) 重量太重导致翻船,所有动物掉水里,通过声音,部分身体部位的显示引出答句Its a .2) 操练: A: A yellow body B: Its a .3. Whats this?1) 通过purple cat 的求救引出Whats this?2) 出示各种动物的黑色眼睛来操练Whats this?3) 展示各种动物的声音巩固对话4) 通过make a chant 来让学生活用对话5) Shadow game:通过手影提升语篇A:Look!Hands!Whats this?B:Its a . Lets make a .Step3 Consolidation & ExtensionBP381. Listen and choose2. Listen and number3. Read and repeat / Read by emotion4. 强化理解课文Which one is not a hand shadow5. Lets share: Funny Animals around usStep 4 Summary总结本节课所学板书设计Unit 4 Whats this?Whats this? Its a 练习与作业课前课内作业课内作业: Kp27 T1 T2课后作业分层作业:套餐A : 课文P38听一听读一读,演一演 ; Kp27T3-4 套餐B : 找找生活中动物,用英语说一说。
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