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二年级外研版英语下册填空题专项精选练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选词填空。trouser blousedress shorttrousers shirt coat shorts(1) (2)(3) (4)2. 选出不同类的单词。( )A. spring B. apple C. banana( )A. nice B. rice C. good( )A. salad B. see C. meat3. 按要那要求写单词。1.these(单数) 2. it(复数)3.this(对应词) 4. potatoes(单数)4. 把下列句子抄写在四线格中。Can you make a snowman? Nice to meet you. This is my sister. Can you play football? 5. 看图读一读,连线。 a. - Is he your father? -Yes. Hes fat. b. Your eyes are big. My eyes are small. c. Can you swim? Yes.6. 写出下列动词的-ing形式。1. skip 2. clap3. listen 4. hide5. seek7. 看图读一读,选择相应的对话。A. Can you swim? Yes.B. Your mouth is big. My mouth is small.C. Goodbye, Mum. Goodbye, Sam.( ) ( )( )8. 按要那要求写单词。1.sandwich(复数) 2. too(同音词)3.a cupcake(中文) 4. you(宾格)9. 读一读,写出下列动词的-ing形式。1. listen 2. swim3. read 4. play5. smile 6. do10. 在括号内写上相应单词的编号。1. There_ten green frogs.2. Hello, I_swim in summer.3. Do you_dolls?4. My father_tall and fat.5. Good morning. I_Danny.11. 选出不同类的单词。A. bread B. chairC. bed ( )A. apple B. milk C. banana ( )A. hungryB. thirsty C. house ( )12. 看问句选择合适的答语。A. Its six thirty. B. At seven thirty.1When do you go home?(_)2What time is it?(_)13. 读一读,选择正确的答案,将字母代号写入前面的括号内。( ) How is your grandma? A. I can see two plates.( ) What can you see? B. She is fine.( ) What colour is your hair? C. Yes, it is.( ) Is it a fat dog? D. OK.( ) Touch your knees. E. Its black.14. 选出类别不同的一项。( )A. cap B. hat C. bag D. blue( )A. shirt B. blouse C. shorts D. long15. 选出不同类的单词。( )A. coat B. new C. blouse( )A. winterB. spring C. cold16. 将下列单词归类,把单词填在横线上。 fishstrawberryduckbiscuitpearjelly(1)sweet(2)apple(3)chicken17. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I will_(visit) Australia this month.2. They_(climb) a mountain last night.3. Mike sometimes_(go) to the park with his sister.4. There_(be) some water in the bottle.5. We will_(stay) with my parents.页码 / 总页数
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