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BOOK5 Unit4 using language Getting the “Scoop”教学设计一、导入(回答问题)We get a lot of information every day. How can you get the information?二、词汇学习edition n. 版本 department n. 部门 accurate adj. 精确的;正确的 employ vt. 雇用 polish vt. 润色,使完美 approve vt. 核对,赞成 process n. 过程 vt.对进行加工copy-editor 技术编辑chief editor 主编辑news desk editor 新闻文字编辑the main headline 主标题 smaller heading 副标题film negative 胶片三、阅读课文1、快速阅读课文,并填写课文主要内容。The passage tells us the process of and for a newspaper article. 2、回答问题How many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into film negative? Who are they?3、完成P30第一题Read the passage and finish the sentences for the writing and printing process for an article.1. You go to an interview to _for your story.2. You _to see if the story is true or not.3. You begin to write the story using _from the interview.4. You give the article to the copy-editor to_.5. The article is given to a native speaker to _6. The last stage the article is _by the chief editor. 7. All the stories and photos are set and _ for the printing are made ready.8.The first edition of a news paper is .四、写作1、请把下面的句子按顺序排列让其成为一篇完整的文章。A Film Star Caught UnexpectedlyDid he need the money?( )But a reporter, Li Ming, found this was untrue. (1)There has been a strange happening in a downtown shopping area. ( )He went into a shop and when the jeweler turned his back Wang Ping took the necklace and ran out of the shop. ( )The police went to Wang Pings home and questioned him. ( )It has been said that a famous film star, Wang Ping, was caught stealing a gold necklace yesterday. (6 )He denied he had stolen the necklace and told them he had enough money to buy the necklace anyway.( )The shopkeeper shouted and a crowd of people gathered.( )He said he had been at a restaurant with his wife.(9)So the police are treating this case seriously.2、进行写作指导。3、头脑风暴 根据提供的相片让学生们进行猜测:What happened to them? Or what you found about them.4. 学生们列出要写的新报道的标题,并进行材料整合,形成一片新闻文章。
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