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牛津小学英语3B期末测试卷学校_ 班级_ 姓名_学号_成绩 听力部分40%一、 听录音,圈出你所听到的图片: 10% 1 A. B. 2 A.B. 3 A. B. 4 A.B. 5 A. B 6 A.B.7 A. B. 8 A.B. 9 A. B. 10 A. B. 二、听对话,判断图画是否与录音相符,相符的画笑脸,不相符的画哭脸: 5%14a3a244a5三、听录音,根据所听到的内容在相应的图片下面打“”: 10%1 A.B.C.( )( )( )2. A.B.C. ( )( )( )3. A.B. C.( )( )( )4. A. B.C.( ) ( )( ) 5. A.B.C.( ) ( ) ( )四、听录音,选出所听到的内容: 5%( ) 1.Theres _ on the desk. A. a hot dog B. a pie C. a bar of chocolate( )2.What would you like? Id like _.A. a green vest B. a white cap C. a blue tie( )3._? I play the piano.A.Do you play the piano? B.Do you play the guitar? C.What do you play?( )4.This is _,I think.A. my grandmother B. your sister C.her aunt( )5.Thats Mikes _.A.crayon B.camera C.copybook五、听录音,根据所听问题选择合适的回答,将序号写在题前括号内: 5% ( )1. A.Eight yuan. B.Eight hats. C.Eight oclock.( )2. A.Sorry.Youre wrong. B.Thats right. C.All right.( )3. A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I dont. C.I play the violin.( )4. A.Yes, she is. B.Yes ,he is. C.I dont know.( )5. A.Good idea. B.Oh I see. C.Thank you.六、听录音,按照所听的顺序给下面的句子标上序号: 5% ( )Its seven oclock.( )Its in the study( )Whats the time Mum?( )I cant find my school bag. Where is it?( )You should go to school now.笔试部分30%一、 看图写出下列单词: 8%aaaaaa二、根据情景选择合适的答案: 8%( )1. 你想知道几点,你说: A. Whos she? B. Whats the time? C. Come here.( )2. 同学邀请你一起去公园,你答应了,你说: A. Great! Lets go. B. Sure. Here you are. C. Oh , yes( )3. 当你的朋友饿了,你问他想要吃点什么,你说 A. How are you ? B. What would you like? C. Id like a pie.( )4. 对方问你的三明治在哪里,你不知道,你说: A. Wheres the sandwich? B. Sorry, I dont know . C. Its in the kitchen.( )5. 你想问别人平时玩什么,你说: A. What do you play? B. What do you like? C. What would you like?( )6. 你想约同学一起去打篮球,你说: A.I like basketball. B. Lets go and play basketball. C.I play basketball.( )7. 你想请人帮忙或者要打扰一下别人,你得先说: A. Excuse me. B. All right. C. Thank you.( )8. 当你介绍自己的朋友时,你说: A. This is my son. B. This is my aunt. C. This is my friend.三、从II栏中选出答语并将相应的序号填入I栏的括号内: 6%I II( ) 1. Whats the time? A. No, he isnt.( ) 2. Is this a camera? B. Yes, it is.( ) 3. Whats twelve minus two? C. All right.( ) 4. Is he your father? D. Its black.( ) 5. Lets go home now. E. Its ten.( ) 6. What colour is your school bag? F. Its eleven . 四、根据提示将下列句子排列成对话: 8%1. A. Is he in the sitting-room? B. Oh, hes in the study. C. Mum, I cant find Dad. Where is he? D. No, he isnt there. E. Thank you. C2. A. Id like a tie. B. Twenty-five yuan. C. Good morning. Can I help you? D. What colour do you like? E. OK. How much? F. What about this one? G. Yellow. CGB牛津小学英语3B期末口语测试卷学校_ 班级_ 姓名_学号_成绩 口语测试30%英语口试主要考查学生运用所学语言进行口头简单日常交流(包括唱)的能力。建议采用下列测试形式。一、Free talk (5%,师生共同完成,注意营造宽松的环境和气氛)所涉及语言交流功能:姓名,年龄,家庭,问候,日常生活等简单信息。此项测试主要考查学生的日常交际和情景反应能力。教师和学生的交流均要求灵活,尽量避免与课本知识雷同,同时应注意文明礼貌用语的使用。对话不少于3个来回。参考测试样(建议教师根据学生的反应,灵活调整话题):T:Good afternoon/morning.S:Response.T:Whats your name,please?S:Response.T:How are you? S:Response.T:Can I have a look at your English book?S:Response.二,Read the words(5%,可看图说单词,也可认读单词)所涉及内容:文具用品,家庭成员,1-20数字,房间名称,食品,服饰,乐器,运动项目名称。此项测试主要考查学生能否在提供图片的情景下说出单词,以及能够认字母读单词的能力。单词在5个左右。参考测试样:a storybook a camera a kitchen a basketball nineteen三、Ask and answer(10%,师生共同完成,可以使用图片、实物等辅助测试)所涉及话题:能用问候,介绍,告别,感谢,道歉,请求等交际功能的基本表达形式。此项测试主要考查学生的情景反应、辨认物体、词语记忆等方面的能力。教师应鼓励学生尽可能多说,只要能达到相互沟通,就应给予肯定。问答不少于5个来回。有条件的学校可以根据学生实际增加内容。参考测试样:T:Is this(闪动的图片或实物)?S:Response with yes or no.T:Do you like? S:Response.T:What colour? S:Response.T:How many(图片或实物)? S:Response.T:I cant find Where? S:Res
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