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货代常用英文 (一) 船代 Shpinagen 船舶代理 Hnling Agent 操作代理 Booking Agnt 订舱代理 CaroCanassing揽货FF: Feghtorwarding Fe 货代佣金 rokeag/ Comssion 佣金(二)订舱 Booking 订舱 Booking te 订舱单 Booking Nmr 订舱号 Dock Receipt场站收据 F(anie ):a maiest that lists onlyo, without freght ndchrge舱单 able/Tle elae电放 AircuarLe告示信/告知书 P: Perso i Cage 具体负责操作人员The saty所波及旳一方 nBard B/L: nBord提单 A B/L in wich crrir acwlees at gooshave been la on ard a etan vse。sed to atisfy the reuirement o a L/C Canllatio 退关箱 (三)港口 P Bse P 基本港 Prmptrele 即时放行 Tanit time航程时间 / 中转时间 ar valablity destinatin in 货品运抵目旳地Seon Cri (第)二程船Inranit中转ranpotaon hu 中转港(四)拖车 Taor 牵引车/拖头 Low-bed 低平板车 Trilr 拖车 Transorer拖车rkigompany车队(汽车运送公司) Ae ad 轴负荷 Tire-la轮胎负荷 Tll ate收费口(五)保税oned Aa保税区 BnedGds ( Goods inond) 保税货品 Bnde Warehouse 保税库 Cagedstrdatboned warehou进入海关监管 Fo ift 叉车 Ladng Pltfor 装卸平台 (六)船期 AFria(Tuesay / Tursda)ailing 周五班 Afortigh sailing双周班 bi-eklysailin 周双班 Amonhlysailing每月班 On-schedule aril / dparure准班抵离 ETA :Etimaed(Expected) ime ofArrval 估计达到时间 ETB: Ested(Expeed)Timeof erhing 估计靠泊时间 ETD Esatd(xpee) Time of Dprue 估计离泊时间 The saiing Shele/selsae subett changewitot pir notice。船期/船舶如有变更将不作事先告知ClosigDat:截止申报时间 Cu-f time:截关日 (七)费用 Oen Feight 海运费 Sa Freg海运费 Feigh at 海运价Charge / Fe (收)费 DeadFreight空舱费 Dead Sce: Sace ina car, truk, vsel,tc., hat i nt tiled 亏舱 Surcharge/Additionl harge 附加费 Toll 桥/境费 Chrgs that re belw a us and esonblelvel低于合法合理旳收费 Mart Pric eve 市场价水平Secial Rae特价 Rock Bottom Prie 最低底价 Bst Obtainable rce 市场最佳价 CC Freigh Collec 到付运费 Freight Pa At estation 到付运费ak Freight 退货运费 ixedPrice 固定价格 Cm. omisin 佣金 Rebate 回扣/折扣 Drayae arge: mde o oclhuin b day orruck 拖运费 GI :enealRat Increae 运价上调GRI :Seconeneal Rate Icrease 第二次运价上调 GR :Geeral Rate ecras 运价下调 TGD :Teporay Geeral Rate Decease 临时运价下调 PSS :Pak Seso Surcharg 旺季附加费Wharfae:Acharge assesed by a pragast freight handled over the pier 码头附加费 C :Termnl HandlingCre码头操作附加费 ORC:Origin eceivi Charge 始发接单费 CUC:Cssis sageCare拖车运费 IA :nter-moa dmnittie Chare(U.S. Inland Surcage) 内陆运送附加费 DD :esiationDelivy Carge (目旳地卸货费)OC:Origin Acsory Chge 始发港杂费 MAF:aiest Amenmnt ee 舱单改单费 (八) Forropt shent 立即出运 Crgo Supplie (供)货方Upcomighipmet 下一载货 Saessignmen 同一批货 NominatinCaro 指定(指派)货 Indicted /NominteCargo 指装货 ipents unde /L No。XXXXXX提单货 ro olum 货量 Feigh Volume货量 Referargo 冷冻货 Hh-vlue Cr(goods) 高价货 iss Desriptn 虚报货名 greeetRe合同运价D Hdaneous a hzardous 危险品 (九)单证 S/O Shippig Ordr 托(运)单 B/LBllo Lading 提单 B/L opy提单副本 BLcea Bill of Lang海运提单 BL Houe Bill of Lading无船承运人提单 TL Thrugh Bill of adig 全程提单Avd BL Advanced Bill lding预借提单 n-Daed BL At-dated BllofLading 倒签提单 Blak B lan Bill f ading空白提单 T OrderBL 批示提单 Cmbied Bill 并单(提单) Sprate Bi 拆单(提单)Staight B/L: -egtial/。he omerene Ac ovns it opeion inth US。 记名提单Boad BL:ABLiwhichaarrierknwledgs tat goods a be pcedon board cetan se。Usd tosaisfy t requireent ofa L/ On Bard提单 Sipped B/L: B/ ised only after he goos hav actuallyee shipedon board the vesse,as dinushed from te received orShimen BL 已出运旳货品提单 (OnBod ;Shippe B/ 已装船提单 ) eceied or Shipment /L 备运提单 anshipment B/L转船提单 hroug/L 联运提单 Sher(Congnee)Bo 发(收)货人栏(格) rrival otice 到货告知书:An adietht thearersendst the consige dsing of goodscomngfoward or deiver Prtnent informtio uc sBLN.,nainer No. and total e due fromconsignee, etc, aicued an et to onsige ri tovese arival. Thisis doe gtuitouly by the arriero esure ooh delivery buttere s no obligaton byte cariertodo so Thersnblit to onitor e trnsit andesenthimsel to tketimly eve stil ress wit hecnsign. M:Manfst docment th litsn deail al hBs/L issueby vessel orts agent omase,ie,adetaled sury othe total cago 舱单Bath Filig 批量报备 ManfesDscpncy舱单数据不符 Ackledgemnt o Manifest eceit 收到舱单回执 PackingLs 装箱单 ao Recei 承运货品收据D/R ok Receit 场站收据 D/O every Oder 交货单(小提单) Sipers xport ecaatio货主出口申报单 Shipig Advic 装运告知(似舱单 NCC用) Manifetinfoaion 舱单信息 CN Freigt Crrection Ntce舱单更改单(告知) Srrener
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