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大气环境数值模拟在矿区规划评价及优化布局中的应用研究作者姓名 指导教师 学科专业 目 录中 文 摘 要IABSTRACTII第一章 引 言11.1研究背景11.2研究目的及意义11.3研究内容与方法2第二章 规划环评与大气数值模拟研究综述32.1战略环境影响评价研究综述32.1.1SEA在欧美发达国家的应用42.1.2 SEA在亚洲发达国家(地区)的应用52.1.3 SEA在中国的应用62.2大气污染扩散模型综述82.3规划环评中的大气数值模拟应用综述11第三章 研究区特点及模型筛选133.1研究区特点133.2模型筛选13第四章 CALPUFF模型在阳泉矿区规划中的验证与应用194.1研究区及规划概况194.2数据来源及参数设置204.2.1地形、土地利用数据204.2.2气象数据204.2.3污染源数据204.2.4参数设置224.3模型验证及结果分析224.4应用CALPUFF模型对阳泉矿区大气环境影响进行评价和预测234.4.1预测方案234.4.2评价及预测结果分析24第五章 矿区大气污染源布局优化研究295.1污染源贡献率分析295.2超标区域月均值及气象因子分析305.2.1超标区域月均值分析305.2.1气象因子分析315.3 污染源优化后大气环境影响预测34第六章 结论与讨论396.1结论396.2讨论与展望40参 考 文 献41ContentsChinese AbstractIAbstractIIChapter 1 Introduction11.1 Background of The Study11.2 Purposes and Significance of The Study11.3 Research Contents and Methods2Chapter 2 Review of SEA and Atmospheric Numerical Simulation Research32.1 Review of SEA Research32.1.1 Applications of SEA in the European Developed Country42.1.2 Applications of SEA in the Asian Developed Country52.1.3 Applications of SEA in China62.2 Overview of Air Quality Models92.3 Review of Applying Air Quality Model in SEA11Chapter 3 Characteristics of the Study Area and Model Screening133.1 Characteristics of the Study Area133.2 Model Screening13Chapter 4 Verification and Application of CALPUFF in Yangquan Areas194.1 Overview of the Study Area 194.2 Data Sources and Parametre Setting204.2.1 Terrain and Landuse Data204.2.2 Meteorological Data204.2.3 Pollution Sources Data204.2.4 Parametre Setting224.3 CALPUFF Model Verification and Result Analysis224.4 Evaluating and Forecasting the Air Quality in Yangquan Coal-mining Area234.4.1 Forecasting Methods234.4.2 Evaluation and Analysis of Forecasting Results24Chapter 5 Optimization of the Pollution Sources295.1 Analysis of Pollution Contribution 295.2 Analysis of Pollution Monthly Value and Meteorological factors305.2.1 Analysis of Pollution Monthly Value in Excessive Area305.2.2 Analysis of Meteorological factors315.3 Air Quality Predication after Pollution Sources Optimization34Chapter 6 Conclusion and Discussion396.1 Conclusion396.2 Discussion and Outlook40References41中 文 摘 要随着我国社会经济水平的突增,目前的大气污染特征已突出展现为区域性复合型大气污染,为此,我国正在构建三个控制相结合的区域型大气污染防控,即“排放控制、总量控制、质量控制”,主要是在满足之前区域总量控制的基础上实行大气环境质量浓度控制,而区域规划的大气环境影响评价是预防或解决区域大气污染问题的有效手段。2014年我国提出正式的规划环境影响评价技术导则总纲以来,虽然规划环境影响评价的理论、制度和技术研究都有较大突破,但应用技术方法研究仍见不足,针对不同类型的规划对象提出相应的技术方法的研究较少。同时,运用规划环评技术,在规划早期介入环境影响评价,为规划项目提供合理布局建议的实例也并不多见。本文旨在研究和探讨煤炭矿区规划环境影响评价适用的大气扩散模式,通过对比模型原理,结合研究区特征,选择研究煤炭矿区规划大气环境影响评价的最适模拟模式,实现将大气环境数值模拟技术在山西省阳泉矿区总体规划中的应用。从而依据大气模拟结果,结合规划理论相关知识,调整规划布局,达到环境目标要求,实现规划环境影响评价从源头上控制大气环境质量的作用。首先,总结和研究对比常用的大气环境数值模拟模型的扩散模式原理、模型结构和计算模块,结合煤炭矿区特点,筛选得出CALPUFF模型作为最合适的研究煤炭矿区规划大气质量状况的模拟模型。然后,通过调查和统计阳泉矿区主要污染源的排放情况,应用CALPUFF模型对研究区常规污染物浓度进行模拟和预测,利用研究区内9个监测站点的12个月的月均浓度实测数据对比模拟结果,进行样本值的统计分析计算,对模拟结果进行验证。并在此基础上分析污染物的时空分布。最后,根据CALPUFF模拟结果,通过筛选阳泉矿区内的首要污染源、分析气象地形条件得出布局不合理原因,并结合规划原理,对污染源布局进行再优化,使得煤炭矿区近期规划中期规划和远期规划的大气质量均可满足环境可承受范围,达到国家空气质量标准。本研究为大气环境模拟技术应用于地形复杂、污染源调查困难的煤炭矿区大气环境影响评价提供了一定的依据和技术参考。对于应用大气环境模拟技术为煤炭矿区规划的选址技术具有一定的指导意义。关键词:CALPUFF模型;煤炭区域规划;大气环境影响评价;优化布局ABSTRACTAs the development of Chinas economics, the features of the air pollution has presented as regional and synthesized pollution. Thus China has been building up a new mode of air pollution controlling which merges the emission, total emission and the quality controlling of air. Strategic environmental assessment is an effective method to solve the regional air pollution problems. As China built up the master of SEA technical guidance in 2014, the theoretical, technical and institutional study has developed a lot, but the technical approaches study is still lack.This study is aimed at studying and discussing the proper air quality model for the SEA of the coal-mining area. Then applies the air quality model to the study area of Yangquan Coal-mining Area and predict the effect of the conventional pollutions. At last, an optimized scheme is designed to optimize the site of pollution sources, which will reduce the pollution and make pollution concentration meet the National Standers.First of all, the study concludes and contracts the theory, the structure and the calculating blocks of conventional air quality models. By synthesized the characteristics of coal-mining areas, the study select CALPUFF as the most optimized model of simulating the air quality in coal-mining areas.Next, this study makes investigations and statistics of the main pollution sources in Yangquan Coal-mining Area. Then the air pollution concentration is stimulated and predicted by applying CALPUFF model. After that, this study calculates the statistics parameters of the simulated values and the measured values of monthly averaged concentration i
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