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2022年考博英语-云南大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The consequences of this ill-advised policy are already known to all of us here, ( )to say that we have suffered more losses in this month than in the three previous years.问题1选项A.it sufficeB.suffices itC.suffice itD.it is suffice【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。suffice (it) to say “说得够多了”。句意:这项不明智政策的后果已经人尽皆知,不必再多说什么,我们这个月所遭受的损失比前三年的还多。选项C符合题意。2. 单选题The importance of( )can never be neglected when it comes to fulfilling ones military missions.问题1选项A.popularityB.peculiarityC.punctualityD.potentiality【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项popularity“受欢迎的、名气”;B选项peculiarity“特质、特性”;C选项punctuality“准时、守时”;D选项potentiality“潜能、潜力”,句意为:在完成军事任务时,守时的重要性是不可忽视的。punctuality“准时、守时”符合题意,选项C正确。3. 单选题He knew that he was poor, and would admit it; he would have died sooner than confess any( )to the rich.问题1选项A.superiorityB.inferiorityC.priorityD.preference【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。superiority“优越”;inferiority“自卑”;priority“优先权”;preference“偏爱、优先权”。本句意为“他知道自己穷,也愿意承认;他宁愿死也不愿承认自己比富人低一等”,inferiority的意思让本句逻辑成立。选项符合题意。4. 单选题Unlike photographers on Earth, astronauts in the space have the opportunity to take photographs from ( )perspectives.问题1选项A.underminedB.undulatedC.unilateralD.unprecedented【答案】D【解析】形容词词义辨析。Undermined “潜行的”;undulated “波状的”;unilateral “单方面的”;unprecedented “空前的,无前例的”。句意:与地球上的摄影师不同,太空中的宇航员有机会从前所未有的角度拍摄照片。选项D符合题意。5. 单选题The importance of protecting rainforests from human invasion is increasingly realized by developing and developed countries( ).问题1选项A.bothB.eitherC.alikeD.apart【答案】C【解析】副词词义辨析。空格所填词语为副词,修饰空格前的realized,排除 选项B;其余三个选项做副词的意思分别为A选项both “两者皆,又”,但做副词时一般不在句末;B选项either做副词表示“也,而且”,C选项alike “同样地,两者都”;D选项apart “相距,分离”,本句句意应是发达国家和发展中国家同样都越来越意识到保护热带雨林不受人类行为影响的重要性。强调两种类型的国家都,C选项正确。6. 单选题Patent medicine used in America dates back to the early days of the Republic, when drugs imported from Europe were sold by postmasters, goldsmiths, grocers, and tailors. Their use expanded during the Jackson an era as Americans rebelled against traditional doctors and enthusiastically endorsed: quackery. Increasing urbanization and industrialization also fed the market for patent medicines, as new drugs were needed to combat epidemics. But these: sales, by mid-century, were due to two non- medical events.Patent legislation in 1793 made it possible for manufactures, to protect their product against counterfeiters. But most manufacturers did not seek patents on the formulas for their medicines, since these were often combinations of common products like alcohol and vegetable extracts which they preferred not to reveal. Instead, they sought patents on the shape of the bottle, promotional materials, and label information.The number of newspapers-published in the country grew from 200 during Jeffersons administration to over 4000 at the time of Lincolns presidency. The penny press, begun by Benjamin Day in 1833 was marketed at a mass audience and cost just one cent per issue. To recover revenue lost from subscription prices, Day and others sought profits through advertising. Patent medicine was perfect product to advertise in penny papers since its sensational claims buttressed the sensational bent of the news and stories in them.“Lydia Pinkhams Vegetable Compound” was the most, successful patent medicine of the century, and Mrs. Pinkhams face was known across the country. Like most Americans, she was convinced that Divine Providence had stocked the promised land with vegetables and herbs unknown elsewhere, which could cure disease. Mrs. Pinkham received the basic formula for her nostrum as payment for a debt owed by her husband. As a result of severe economic hardships for her family, she began heavy promotion of the medicine in Boston newspapers in 1876, and her son attached his mothers picture to the product. Thus was born modem advertising. Mrs. Pinkham was popular with her female followers for her feminist bent, and for the fact that she encouraged them to write her for advice. An analysis of the compound by the AMA in 1914 revealed that it was 20 percent alcohol, with the rest made of vegetable extracts.1.What aspect of patent medicine does the passage mainly discuss?2.The author implies that which of the following was the reason why most manufacturers preferred not to seek patents on their medicines?3.According to paragraph 3, the result of marketing the penny press at a mass audience was( ).4.Which of the following did patent medicine and the penny press have in common, according to the passage?5.Why does the author mention Mrs. Pinkharns photo?问题1选项A.The dangersB.Why is was so popularC.As an example of quackeryD.The most successful products问题2选项A.They made mare money from the bottle than the contentsB.They considered it wasnt necessary because of the high demand for these produc
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