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表 H-101TAB.化学工业工程建设交工技术文件TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS FOR HANDOVER OFENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION IN CHEMICALINDUSTRY项 目:PROJECTS装 置:UNIT工 号:SECTION建设单位:OWNER施工单位:CONTRACTOR第/VOL.NO.卷第/册SECT NO年月日DATE表 H-#Tab.交工文件总目录Gen eral contents of project han dover docume nts项目:Project装置:Un it工号:Secti on卷号Vol No.册号Sect No.内容Con te nts交工文件目录Contents of project han dover doeume nts项目:Project装置:Un it工号:Seeti on序号Seque nee No.文件名称Name of doeume nt页次Page备注Remarks开工报告Report for start of con struct ion项目:Project装置:Unit工号:Secti on合同号Con tract No.工程地点Job site计划开工日期年 月曰Pla nned date for start of con structi on Date造价Cost合同工期月/天Time limit specified by con tractMon ths/Days工程内容:Contents of engin eeri ng project开工前已达到的条件:Con diti ons atta ined before start of con structi on备注:Remarks经双方认定,实际开工日期:年 月日Actual date of start of con structi on approved by both sidesDate建设单位签章:Owner sig nature代表:年月日Represe ntativeDate承包单位签章:Con tractor sig nature代表:年月日Represe ntativeDate中间交接证书Certificate for in termediate accepta nee项目:Project装置:Unit工号:Secti on单项(位)工程名称Name of unit work交接日期年月日Date of accepta neeDate工程内容:Con te nts of work交接情况(符合设计的程度、主要缺陷及处理意见):Description of acceptance(extent of conformity to design, main defects and suggestions for treatment)工程质量鉴定意见: Opti ons for appraisal of engin eeri ng quality建设单位签章:Owner sig nature代表:Represe ntative年月日Date承包单位签章:Con tractor sig nature代表:Represe ntative年月日Date联动试车合格证书Certificate for qualification of system simulatio n test-r un项目:Project装置:Unit工号:Sectio n装置、车间、工段或生产系统名称Name of installation, plant or production system试车日期自年月日 至年月日Date of test-ru nfromDatetoDate试车情况:Descriptio n of test-ru n附件:Attachme nt建设单位签章:Owner sig nature代表:Represe ntative年 月日Date设计单位签章:Desig n unit sig nature代表:Represe ntative年 月日Date承包单位签章:Con tractor sig nature代表:Represe ntative年 月日Date表 H-112Tab.工程备忘录Memora ndum for engin eeri ng project项目:Project装置:Unit工号:Secti on事由:Mai n content编号:Code No.提出人:SubmitterDate年 月 日会签Co-sig nature建设单位代表:Owner represe ntative承包单位代表:Con tractor represe ntative施工单位代表:Subc on tractor represe ntative年 月曰Date年 月曰Date年月 日Date技术联系单Tech ni cal liais on sheet项目:Project装置:Unit工号:Secti on提出人送达联系单号SubmitterSubmitted toSheet No,内容:Con te nts年 月曰Date答复:An swer签章Sig nature 年 月曰Date隐蔽工程记录Con cealed work records项目:Project装置:Unit工号:Secti on隐蔽部位Con cealed locati on施工图号Engin eeri ng Drawi ng No.隐蔽前的检查:In specti on before con cealed隐敝方法:Con cealed method简图说明:Illustration with sketch建设单位代表:Owner represe ntative年 月日Date承包单位代表:Con tractor represe ntative年 月日Date施工单位:Subc on tractor represe ntative 施工人:Operator检杳员:In spector年 月日Date基础沉降测量记录Foun dati on settleme nt survey ing records项目:Project装置:Unit工号:Secti on位号Locati on No.名称Name参考水准点Refere nee bench mark标咼Elevatio n测量点位置Locati on of survey ing安装前Before erect ion安装后After erecti on加负荷Load ing负荷后After loadi ng日期Date标咼Elevati on日期Date标咼Elevatio n负荷量Load日期Date标咼Elevati on日期Date标咼Elevati on测量草图:Survey ing sketch技术负责人Tech ni cal pers on in charge测量人Surveyor焊工登记表Welder registrati on table项目:Project装置:Unit工号:Secti on序号Seque nee No.姓名Name钢印号Welder s stamp 1合格证号 Certificate No.合格项目(代号)Qualified items (code No.)焊接检查员Weld in spector制表人Tabulator管理人员登记表项目:装置:工号:序号姓名发证机关合格证号有效期
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