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Unit5Do you want to watch a game show第二课时Section A (2d3c) A基础起航 . 根据句意及首字母提示完成句中单词。1Jill hopes_ to go to Shanghai Disneyland with her parents next month.2The famous actress acted as an old woman in the new comedy_3They are having a discussion_ about English study in the classroom.4The old man told us some funny jokes_ and made us laugh.5We can say for sure what will happen_ later. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Sally plans _to_go_ (go) shopping with her friends tomorrow.2Do you mind _opening_ (open) the door? Its very hot here.3Bob cant stand _staying_ (stay) at home for a whole day. 4What do you think of action movies? I really love _them_ (they). 5Bills parents _are_ (be) ready to do everything for him. 6What can you expect _to_learn_ (learn) from the news?7Our teacher often tells us to read some _educational_ (education) books.8Dont take my little joke too _seriously_ (serious). Im only joking. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。1你想看什么喜剧节目?What _comedy_ shows do you _want_ to watch?2你为什么喜欢看新闻?_Why_ do you like _watching_ news?3你想看电影吗?Do you _want_ _to_ _watch_ a movie?4你可以期望从他们身上学到许多的东西。You can expect _to_ _learn_ a lot _from_ them.5我想要紧随故事情节,看看接着会发生什么。I like to _follow_ the story and see _what_ _will_ _happen_ next.B语法扬帆 . 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。1We had_a_discussion in class today. (对画线部分提问)_What_ _did_ you _do_ in class today?2What do you think of the books? (改为同义句)_How_ _do_ you_like_ the books?3His mother doesnt_mind clothes shows. (对画线部分提问)_What_ _does_ his mother _think_ _of_ clothes shows?4I want to be an_engineer when I grow up.(对画线部分提问)_What_ _do_ you _want_ _to_ _be_ when you grow up?C提升冲浪 .阅读短文,用所给单词的适当形式填空或根据上下文填写出合适的单词,使短文通顺。I like Chinese movies. I like Zhou Xingchi. He is a film star. I like his 1._comedies_ (comedy) very much. I also like documentaries because they can 2._tell_(tell) me a lot about the history. Gina is my favorite 3._actress_ (act). I like her movie Men from Mars. Its funny. But my parents dont like her. We often go to the movies 4._on_ weekends. I like to see comedies 5._but_ they like romances. I think these films are all daydreams. But they love them very much.My friend John is a big Tom Hanks fan. He collects the posters, 6._photos_(photo), and VCDs about him. Now he 7._has_ (have) a great collection. He thinks Tom is the 8._best_ (good) actor in Hollywood. But I dont think so. I love Harrison Ford best. My friend, Ann, is 10 years old. She loves Harrison, 9._too_. Her favorite movie is Red Shoes. Its 10._an_ English movie.完形填空。There are different kinds of TV programs for you. When you_1_the TV programs, your brain cells (脑细胞) keep active. So it is_2_for you.Now more and more people are very_3_. They need a way to make_4_relaxed. Watching TV is an easy_5_to make it. You can _6_ your interest on TV and think less about your trouble.There are many educational programs on TV. You can get a lot of knowledge _7_watching TV. For example, you can _8_ about the history of other countries. When you watch TV with your family, you can_9_your ideas with them. You will have a great time by watching a funny _10_. When you watch TV, you can learn English, and you can also learn about the latest news.(C)1.A.readBtakeCwatch Dstudy(B)2.A.useless BhelpfulCterrible Dbad(B)3.A.free BbusyCimportantDsuccessful(D)4.A.himself BherselfCmyself Dthemselves(C)5.A.subject BdayCway Dlesson(B)6.A.start BfindCthink Dbuy(C)7.A.of BaboutCby Das(B)8.A.make BlearnChold Dwrite(A)9.A.share BloveCput Dpick(A)10.A.program BlistCphoto Dbook.阅读理解。A TV ShowWhat Do You Think of TV?Host: Judy,what do you think of TV?Judy: I think its a bad and dangerous idol.Host: How can you say such a thing, Judy? How can TV be dangerous? What do you mean by saying its an idol?Judy: I mean that it sits there in the center of our rooms. It is like a great idol and needs our attention. We usually spend time watching it.Theres no time to collect family news or talk together because we always want to see whats on the box!Host: OK.Lets see what David thinks of TV.David: I dont agree with Judy. We can learn English,Japanese and other subjects on TV. How helpful that could be! We can get all kinds of news on TV.I think it also keeps the family together. We stay at home and watch TV together. And that saves money, too.(D)1.What is the TV talk show about?AFamily. BIdols.CProgram. DTV. (B)2.How many people join the show EXCEPT the host?AThree. BTwo.CFour. DFive.(A)3.Which of the following are Judys ideas about TV?It always takes a long time for people to watch it.Theres no time for the family
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