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The day of the bad haircut(那天,我的发型很难看)故事简介:Molly 有很多绰号。爸爸叫她 “ MyLittle Lady”,妈妈叫她 “ SweetGirl ,”哥哥叫她“ Sis。”一天,妈妈给她剪头发,可是剪得太短了。 Molly 很难过,她见人就躲,生怕被别人看见。后来 .1.Molly has a lot of nicknames. Dad calls her My Little Lady. Mum calls her Sweet Girl. Her brother, Ben, calls her Sis.2. One day, Mum says, Molly, your hair is too long. You need a haircut. After Mum cuts it, Molly says, Its too short! Now I look like a boy! Molly is very upset.3. Molly doesnt want anyone to see her. So shehides(躲藏)herself in a corner.4. Ben comes. He says, Sis, Ill help you hide. No one will see your hair. Its not eas y for Molly. She wishes she could go out and play.5. Then Ben calls out, Look! Theres a steamroller(压路机) ! Lets go watch! Molly loves the big machine. She forgets about her hair.6. One of the workers sees them. Hi! Do you boys live here? asks the man. No, sa ys Ben. We live next door. And Im not a boy! says Molly. Im a girl with a bad h aircut.7. The man laughs. Its not so bad, he says. Your hair will grow back. Its about tim e.8. Molly runs home. Mum says, Sweet Girl, Im sorry about your hair. But Molly kn ows it doesnt matter. She is still Dads Little Lady, Mums Sweet Girl and Bens Sis.Lendahelpinghand( 伸出援助之手 )1. (熊妈妈最近很苦恼,因为两个熊宝宝好像都有点自私。怎么才能让他们学会帮助别人呢?一天,熊妈妈带着孩子去超市,碰到了邻居史密斯夫人。)Mama:Hello,MrsSmith.Mrs Smith: Hi, how are you?Mama:Justfine.Kids,sayhellotoourneighbour.Brother & Sister: Hi, Mrs Smith.Mrs Smith: Hi, kids. I need a little help. Can you come t o help me clean up my attic(阁楼)?Mama:Well,thatsawonderfulidea.Kids,letsdoitnextSaturday.Brother & Sister: Next Saturday?2. (两只小熊对这个提议很反感。晚上,他们对熊爸爸抱怨起这件事。)Papa:Kids,Improud (自豪)of you! You are going to help poor old Mrs Smith.Brother: But, Papa, Im going to play football on Saturday!Papa:Well,Ithinkyoumayfinditinteresting.Heratticmustbeaninterestingplace!3. (周六一大早,兄妹俩来到史密斯夫人家。当他们爬上阁楼的那一刻,两只小熊惊呆了。)MrsSmith:Well,hereweare.Brother: Wow! Whats that?MrsSmith:Itsan oldshipmodel.Sister: Whats this?MrsSmith:A radio, of course!Sister: A radio? Does it still play?MrsSmith:Yes,letsplayitnow.4. (伴着美妙的音乐,两只小熊把史密斯夫人的阁楼打扫得干干净净。)MrsSmith:Thanks, kids. You are so helpful!Brother&Sister:Itsourpleasure, Mrs Smith. We had a wonderful time.MrsSmith:Thesearetwogifts(礼物) for you: the ship model and the old radio.Brother & Sister: Wow! Thank you very much. Were so happy!(原来帮助别人自己也很快乐。从此,两只小熊养成了助人为乐的好习惯。)
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