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教学内容:词义meanings、用法usage、词汇信息basic information、词汇记忆策略strategies.TopicTeaching Aims:1. Knowledge aim: The students will be able to know the meaning and usage of the following words:2. Ability aim: The students will be able to use these words correctly in writing and speaking.3. Emotional aim: The students will be more confident Teaching Key and Difficult Points:Master the words, especiallyTeaching Aid: CAITeaching Procedures:1. Step 1: lead-inShow some pictures to students and ask some questions: .2. Step 2: task-readingAsk students to read the text after the teacher and select the important words they think. Read the words twice.3. Step 3: presentation and comprehensionGo through those words. Introduce their meanings and usages. 4. Step 4: practiceAsk students to do the exercise on Page 51: Fill in the blanks.Let students make up a story using all the words we learn today.5. Step 5: consolidationRead the words again.6. Step 7: HomeworkWrite those words down four times and recite them.Blackboard Design:Unit 6 Lesson 1Words:Good adj. book n. look vt.T: hello, boys and girls, how are you today? Im fine too, thank you! Before the class, lets enjoy some pictures. What do you see in the first picture?T: a man. Right! What is he doing? Yes, he is .T: In our daily life, is very common, today, we will learn how to describe in English. Please open the book and turn to page 51. Read the text after me and select the words you think important.T: Everyone well done. Who could share words with us? Peter, please.T: (假装帮助读了一个单词,并且边读边板书)Great. (重复一遍单词). Anything to add? Ok, Lily please.T: (板书). Well down.T: Now, read after me. (没个词读两遍)T: 解释词语。(方法:make sentences; show picture; act it out 练习:读两遍;造句用语:Can you guess its meaning? Can you use this word to make a sentence for us? What this picture shows is the )T: Have you all understood the meaning and usage of these words? Great! Lets do some practice to consolidate the knowledge. Please open your book and turn to page 51. I will give you five minutes to do the exercise one, fill in the blank. Ok, go ahead.T: Who can tell us which words should be used in the first blank? OK, Susan please.T: , Great!(指黑板上相应的词)T: The second blank? Peter, please.T: Right! Pay attention to the number of the noun. It should be plural here. Aslan, you next.T: Well down. . The last one. Any volunteer? Good, Bob.T: , nice! But pay attention to the tense of the verb. In this sentence, the adverbial clause suggests that it happened in the past, so the should be in simple past tense.T: You all did a good job! Now, please work in pairs and make up a story using all the words on the blackboard. Ill give you ten minutes to prepare and then Ill ask some of you to share your story. Ok, lets start!T: Time is up! Who volunteer to share with us first? Great, Mike.T: What an interesting story! Well done. Is there anyone want to share the story with us too?Come on, Dont be shy! How about you, Lily?T: A great story too. Well, so much for today. Lets read these words again before the break (读一遍单词)T: good job! Please write these words down in your exercise book. Four times and then recite them. Well have a word dictation next class. Thats all, See you!
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