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Unit 3 Teenage Problems Reading 班级 姓名 学号 等级 _ 【学习目标】(Learning aims)学习本课的语言点,进一步巩固书中重点词组句式用法【重点、难点】(key points and difficulty)课文中的重点语言点如choice, doubt, worth, suggestion, according to等。【学法指导】(methods and skills )1. 自学指导:1)5分钟默写Reading中的单词。2)10分钟参照语言点探究练习的内容自主学习p36-37课文中的重要语言点。2. 课堂上通过小组讨论来解决问题,教师点拨。【学习过程】A. 课前预习:翻译下列词组1处理那个棘手的问题2. 没有空闲时间来顾及爱好 3. 花费大部分时间在作业上4. 采纳某人的建议 5. 熬夜看电视6. 对感到很难受 7. 值得一读8. 盼望一个假期 9. 发现在课堂上保持清醒困难10. 成为问题的主要原因 11.允许某人干某事12. 是我们的生活更有意思 B. 小组内核对答案C. 课堂探究1.让学生仔细阅读课文,小组讨论以下问题1)Do you have enough time to take up your hobbies?2) Do you have lots of homework every day?3) Are your parents very strict with you?D. 小组展示组内讨论以上的重要语言点和课文中的其他词组,并在黑板前展示E、精讲点拨1. 教师精讲点拨 2. 整理笔记F、课堂巩固 一、用所给动词的适当形式填空1It _ (be) five years since I _ (meet) you last.2Can I do anything _ (help), mum?3- Where is Jim? He _(want) on the phone. - He _(write) a letter in the room.4He preferred _ (swim) to _ (skate).5Why _ (not play) basketball instead of _ (swim)?6. When I see the sun, I have the feeling of_ (warm).7. If you feel_ (stress), try to be_ (relax).8. Although he is thin, he is a man of great_ (strong).10.Smoking is not_(允许)in the office.11. The city_(遭受损失)serious damage from the earthquake.12. I am pleased that he gladly_(接受)our invitation.13. After talking to his parents, he became even_(难过)about the problem.14. You shouldnt leave a child_(单独)in the house.15. Hurry up! We have only five minutes_ (leave).G.课后拓展一、单项选择1234567891011121314151.You are not good at English ,but you cant .A. give it in B. give in it C. give it up D. give up it2.I cant decide .A. what to do it B. how shall I do it C. how to do it D. what shall I do it 3.You must focus your studies. A. in B. on C. at D. with 4. He did much work that he felt tired .A. so B. such C. some D. any5.Most Americans would prefer to keep their problems_ themselves and solve their problems_ themselves. A. to; by B. by; to C. for; to D. in; on6. _ good suggestion ! I havent heard of_ wonderful advice for a long time.A. What a; such a B. How; such C. What a; such D. How; such7. - Allen, so many books are on your bedroom floor. - Sorry, Mum. Ill_ my books at once. A. put on B. put away C. put out D. put up 8. He was made _ outside in the sun. A. stand B. to stand C. stood D. standing9. The you are , the mistakes you will make. A. careful; little B. more careful, less C. more careful; few . D. more careful, fewer 10. “Advice”means a .A. helping suggest B. helpful suggest C. helpful suggestion D. helpful suggesting 11. If you dont go to the cinema tonight, _ . A. so will I B. Neither do I C. Nor shall I D. So I will12. _ of the twins has been there before. A. Both B. Neither C. all D. None13. The colours of his trousers are different from _ of yours. A. one B. ones C. that D. those14. “What do you think of his surfing?” “Oh, no one does _ .” A. good B. well C. better D. best15. Can you please spend _ explaining it _ us? A. sometimes; to B. some time; to C. some times; for D. sometime; for二、 完形填空123456789101112131415 One famous artist Sheikh went back to his hometown. He hadnt seen of his friends for many years, who was a_1_man.When Sheikh asked about him, he was told by people that he was no longer poor. Sheikn _2_to pay a visit to his friend._3_talking with his friend, Sheikh asked him the _4_for the change. The man answered that he had been so poor that he had to sell some properties(财产)that _5_him.By selling these things, he had _6_some money enough to start a business with.As he was on his way home with the money, he saw a poor woman_7_by the road. The man asked the woman the reason, and she_8_that her husband died and her children were _9_.Hearing this, the man felt pity, and on seeing that she needed to money more than _10_,he gave all the money to her. He _11_home and spent the night sad and _12_for his family.The next morning,_13_he was summoned (召唤)to the house of a rich man. The rich man told him that he had _14_bags
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