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The Choice of Values and the Development of Chinese Culture Abstract: Values, in some sense, can be considered as cultural norms which are deeply rooted in ones heart and represented by ones behaviours. During the development of Chinese culture, the traditional values of Chinese people have witnessed certain changes which have exerted great influences on Chinese culture. The article will focus on how Chinese core values changes influence the culture development. Whats more, it will also attach some attention to the contrastive cultural differences between China and the west under the influence of different values.Key words: individualism, democracy, communitarianism, collectivismValues are deeply held beliefs- usually based on cultural traditions, long-held family and religious teachings and long-lasting memories of personal experiences. Cultures are created by humans as a whole, representing the choice of core values of the majority. Values, in some senses, can be regarded as to be the norms of a culture. Different values represents different social norms, thus different cultures. China, a country with five-thousand-odd history, has a splendid culture. From its traditional culture till now modern culture, the changes of core social values have played a great part in the development of Chinese culture.China is a great oriental country identified with deep collectivism.The traditional Chinese thinkers have always pursued a personality of saints, which brings their politics, mentality with idealism. Chinas tradition has always valued statecraft, which demands the scholars and other people as a whole put the social responsibility on their shoulders and give due concerns to society and politics. As a result, the values concentrating on the whole country and entire society, in other words, collectivism has given birth to a culture based on sacrifice of individual interests and more attention above overall development. As we all know, confucianism conforms to such choice of values. Thats why Confucius culture has governed ancient China dynasties after dynasties. The values has manifested its power over culture in many ways. The Two kinds of Chinese and Western culture in which certain words have a different color with appraise. Such as: ambition word itself has Judgments in two kinds of meaning. Chinese people with its derogatory sense, saying that ambitious, while others draw upon Anglo-American compliment, saying that ambitious. Aggressive term used by Chinese people to describe someone provocative aggressive, while Americans used to describe a person aggressive motivated and possess a pioneering spirit.Chinas mass culture attaches great importance to the relationship between family relatives and friends,and takes it as the composition of the cell of society. While in Western countries, advocating an independent self-reliance. Chinese people attach importance to the traditional ruler and subject, father, son, seniority and hierarchy. While in Britain, equal status between older and younger, non -Everyone regardless of boundaries, and many more friends along. The traditional concepts of Chinese people has always been advocating, Four Generations Living together Family Reunion , since ancient times when your parents do not travel to distant lands, a statement of good old maxim; in Anglo-AmericanHave to rely on their own hands, independent life. Similarly, the older the parents even if the loss of life since the countries, 18-year-old children are still living at home and rely on their parents life is unthinkable, they will surelyWhats more, the great attachment on values of mentality has also consolidate the spread of Confucius culture. In its design, the ideal society is one with saints as the governors and people all cooperate and work for the society. The west valued God above everything else, which direct its people toward religious beliefs. However, it is not a overwhelming culture phenomena in China. The traditional Chinese culture will never be called a religious culture. In other direction, Chinese people, under the values of mentality, choose to believe in some kind of saints. The pursuit of detachment is among the born desires of human. The different choice of values has separated certain starting point of culture of China and the west.Confucius culture is characterized by the philosophy of being saints inside and governors outside. 中国哲学简史,冯友兰著,涂又光译,北京大字出版社1985年版,第388页。 To resolve human and spiritualism, Chinese culture emphasizes on internal cultivation. In this way, we can reprove that the emphasis of Chinese traditional values rely on mentality. To cultivate oneself into a saint-like person has be set up as the supreme realm of personal growth. Some other minor cultures like Taoism shares common beliefs with Confucius culture such as regarding the people and heaven as one. The choice of value on m
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