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编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页CEPA Business Development Centre Opening CeremonyCEPA Trade & Industry Forum CEPA 業務發展中心開幕典禮 暨 CEPA工商論壇The Hong Kong Productivity Council sees a special responsibility to industries in capitalizing on the opportunities offered by CEPA. To facilitate Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) for Hong Kong industrialists and manufacturers, TechMart of Hong Kong Productivity Council has set up a CEPA Business Development Centre to enhance the competitiveness of manufacturing industries in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta. The CEPA Business Development Centre Opening Ceremony will be held on 26 February 2004. Follow the opening Ceremony, TechMart will kick off with a “CEPA Trade & Industry Forum” where facilities and services of CEPA Business Development Centre will be explained. Participants will also acquire up-to-date information and, an understanding of the pros and cons on their investment under CEPA.為幫助工業家及製造商抓緊更緊密經貿關係協議的機會,香港生產力促進局轄下科技產業聯交所特別成立 CEPA 業務發展中心去增強製造業在香港和珠江三角洲的競爭力,以及在更緊密經貿關係的協議下,從中為工業界創造貿易的機會。 香港生產力促進局-CEPA業務發展中心於2004年2月26日舉行開幕典禮。 接著開幕儀式後, 將舉行CEPA 工商論壇,主要幫助參加者了解CEPA 業務發展中心的設施和服務及掌握 CEPA最新的資訊;以加強企業了解在CEPA 落實後的投資策略。Organizer : CEPA Business Development Centre ofHong Kong Productivity Council 主辦機構 : 香港生產力促進局 - CEPA 業務發展中心Date日期 : 26/2/2004 Time 時間 : 2:00p.m. 5:00p.m.Fee 費用 : 全免 FreeVenue地點 : 香港生產力促進局大樓4 樓展示廳Programme Schedule 程序表2:00pmRegistration登記入座2:35pmOpening Ceremony of CEPA Business Development Centre (English/ 英語)CEPA業務發展中心開幕典禮2:40pmWelcome Address by Mr Andrew Leung, JP, Chairman of Hong Kong Productivity Council香港生產力促進局 主席 梁君彥致歡迎詞2:43pmAddress by Mr Clement Leung, Deputy Director-General of Trade and Industry Department, HKSAR香港特區政府 工業貿易署 副署長 梁卓文致詞2:47pmCEPA Business Development Centre Ribbon Cutting Ceremony / CEPA業務發展中心開幕儀式 CEPA Trade & Industry Forum / CEPA 工商論壇 (Cantonese / 廣東話) Co-organizer: Commercial Radio Hong Kong“Saturday Forum on Economic and Current Affair”合辦機構 :商業電台政經星期六Sponsor : Leeport (Holdings) Ltd 贊助機構:力豐(集團)有限公司Moderator : Mr Eric Choi (CRHK) 主持:蔡文堅(商業電台)2:50pmCEPA Trade & Industry Forum (Part I) Panelists- Mr Clement Leung, Deputy Director-General of Trade and Industry Department, HKSAR- Mr Andrew Leung, Chairman of Hong Kong Productivity Council- Dr Paul Cheung, Policy Advisor of Innovation and Technology Commission, HKSAR- Mr Clement Chan, Deputy Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries- Ms Winnie Yeung, Associate of Baker & McKenzieCEPA工商論壇(第一部份)講者- 香港特區政府工業貿易署副署長梁卓文- 香港生產力促進局主席梁君彥- 香港特區政府創新科技署政策顧問張英相博士- 香港工業總會副主席陳鎮仁- 麥堅時律師行楊長華律師Programme Schedule 程序表3:35pmCEPA Trade & Industry Forum (Part II)Panelists- Mr K K Yeung, Executive Director of Hong Kong Productivity Council- Mrs Lisa Lee, Executive Director of Leeport (Holdings) Ltd- Dr Chan Kei Biu, Chairman of Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association- Mr Luther Wong, Chairman of The Federation of Hong Kong Watch Trades & Industries Ltd. - Ms Tracy Wut, Associate of Baker & McKenzieCEPA工商論壇(第二部份)講者- 香港生產力促進局總裁楊國強- 力豐(集團)有限公司執行董事李陳麗而- 香港電子業商會主席陳其鑣博士- 香港鐘錶業總會主席王樂得- 麥堅時律師行屈愛青律師4:15pmCoffee Break 茶點招待4:40pmVisit CEPA Business Development Centre參觀 CEPA 業務發展中心 First come first served /座位有限 請預先登記 請以英文填寫及傳真至 2788 5413Reply Slip : CEPA Trade & Industry Forum 回條 : CEPA 工商論壇Name參加者姓名:Mr / Mrs / Miss 先生 / 女士 / 小姐 Position職位: Company Name公司名稱: Address地址: Phone電話: Fax 傳真: Mobile流動電話: Email 電郵: Nature of Business 業務類別: Industry 行業: For official use 由本局填寫:Data received 收件日期Registration Number 登記編號For other enquiries please contact Miss Tammy Tsui at 2788 5092 or Miss Gail Chan at 2788 5372. 如有其他查詢,歡迎致電2788 5092與徐小姐 或2788 5372與 陳小姐聯絡。 第 1 页 共 1 页
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